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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

Iran like the Arabs agrees that white lives are worth more than “brown” ones.

Imperialist Slave mentality.

#2 Man in Iran gets killed along with 4 other Iranian Quds force operatives (another General includ) and there lives are worth NOT ONE AMERICAN SOLDIER.

Just remember the precedent Iran set today. Looks like the Solemani strike deterred Iran.
CNN claim that the Americans knew it was coming. They saw the TEL movements and chose not to preempt the attack. The fact that Trump has sent home his cronies and decided not to issue a statement likely points towards de-escalation. I think the most likely scenario at this point is a repeat of the RQ-4 downing, but Trump is so reckless that anything could happen.
How on earth Iran hits a base still fails to kill American Soldiers. Because USA isn't admitting any loss as of now.
If you believe assad media then yeah there was no syrian casualties
Same thing with americans actually they are scared about their baby israel IRQC has said they will wipe out dubai(uae) and haifa(israel)
Personally i would like us retaliation so that uae and israel are destroyed that would be very good news for turkey in the libyan theater clown haftar would lose his main financial backer
Actually, according to the US there were zero syrian casualties.
It doesn't make sense if no one is killed. But if indeed this is the case, US will respond by pounding near Iranian sites with to inflict zero casualties.
We can agree to disagree. But if there is no casulties, it is profit without losing anything for Trump. He will say ''we didnt loose anything, if there was any dead americans we would destroy Iran, but it is not the case And this general is dead anyway so lets move on... ''
You can disagree, but again, for me it is 1-0.
Yes, and your opinion is very important for me. So, yes. It is 1-0, if you say so.
Honestly if i would have been trump then i would have responded back even if their are zero American casualties

What is the point of having all this military power when you can't respond back?

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