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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

People talking why no causulties, because it was by design....also read between the lines no presidental address tonight. If he he had a standing order to strike Iran in case of retaliation why aren't they launching planes and tomahawks then? Because he will take the off ramp. Face saving for both. The American public have had enough of him, impeachment and Mideast wars. He would sign his own defeat in Nov 2020 if he starts another war.

You don't understand the American public... They actually want war!... They prefer watching war on tv win Americans winning and killing.
LOL. I'm sorry, but your comment makes no sense at all. Trump said that he would respond to any attack disproportionately and immediately.

Quote "targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!"

What part of VERY FAST and VERY HARD do you have trouble understanding? Are you saying that firing missiles at a country's military base is not considered a threat?! LOL

In any case, this attack has achieved its mission because it humiliated Trump. If it humiliates Trump without a US response, then it's not only a successful attack, but it's purely genius. Trump is the loser of this scenario.

And your analysis does not make sense either. Iran lost one man in an attack that was widely criticized even by Americans. He was replaced in few hours by another general and our proxies are still there in the region. The US will lose its credibility if it doesn't respond to this attack. The US boasts about her super power status. Not to mention that damage to US bases won't be fixed in few hours.
We can agree to disagree. But if there is no casulties, it is profit without losing anything for Trump. He will say ''we didnt loose anything, if there was any dead americans we would destroy Iran, but it is not the case And this general is dead anyway so lets move on... ''
You can disagree, but again, for me it is 1-0.
Remember guys, the attack took place at 1:20 AM Iraqi time.

Most soldiers were asleep and if they had intelligence or early warning from Iran through Russia or Oman then likely troops were sleeping in bunkers.

Either that or Iran’s missiles are so “super accurate” that they can avoid troop housing.

Until IRGC releases footage or US releases footage of missiles striking it’s all speculation.

CNN claim that the Americans knew it was coming. They saw the TEL movements and chose not to preempt the attack. The fact that Trump has sent home his cronies and decided not to issue a statement likely points towards de-escalation. I think the most likely scenario at this point is a repeat of the RQ-4 downing, but Trump is so reckless that anything could happen.
People talking why no causulties, because it was by design....also read between the lines no presidental address tonight. If he he had a standing order to strike Iran in case of retaliation why aren't they launching planes and tomahawks then? Because he will take the off ramp. Face saving for both. The American public have had enough of him, impeachment and Mideast wars. He would sign his own defeat in Nov 2020 if he starts another war.

is it something out of Modi play book, election year rhetoric and blustering and then retract.. lol
If indeed no one died this was a masterstroke by Iran. It was designed purely to humiliate Trump!
no US casulaties only iraqi soldier in al asad base, LOL. now iran and iraq should be at war XDDDD
i have a feeling that US will pull out. it has been his mantra, to bring troops back.. he will deescalate and will leave iraq.. probability is low, but quite a strong possibility

Your analysis has merit. But America will not want to leave the country until a Kurdish state is created which suits Israel's interests. Furthermore, leaving Iraq would mean the Russians and the Chinese will fill that position through Iran. Chaos is happening across the Middle East because Israel doesn't want to see a united front. It uses America to achieve its aim. I could be wrong. Nonetheless, war isn't good for America. We have an election in 2020 and most hedge fund managers in Wall Street are calling out a market crash in the next 6 months. Some are predicting it to be worse than in 2008.
Are you trolling? OBVIOUSLY Iran did not want to kill Americans if there truly was zero casualties.
Actually, there were casualties, just not American. Seems a number of Iraqi personnel died in the attacks.
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