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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

I hope Iranians dont play into the hands of Americans who actually are wishing and hoping a rash action by Iran or its proxies.
there is even a chance of a false flag operation to blame Iran.
the Iranians I know and understand are ones who are very pragmatic and careful. I am sure they will serve the dish of revenge cold and effective. Iranians have already defeated the American designs in this region. this murder by Americans was a frustration act specially when the visit of General was announced and official and was regarding a peace initiative by Iraqi PM.
Who told you Iran isnt ready for a "harsh" American reaction to this response attack? I apparently read somewhere that some Iranian commanders think Iran could absorb a US "strike" and be ok...so its a good assumption to make now that IRGC is not afraid to engage with US military as of today. This doesnt mean total war or something extreme. Iran hasnt had a reason this good in probably 20-30 years to go rash militaristic. SOme of you need to realize that Trump's billions of $$ cant save him from everything..
I feel sorry for Iran if it goes to full scale war. Last thing about is more war, but it's seems you'll lose most of your assets soon enough.
Sure, but we will hit you so hard that you will become irrelevant in global politics. Just like what the United Kingdom, once the world's most powerful country, is now.
USA casualties will determine Americans response ? Killed and injured in these attacks response will come omg
Second wave is in progress boys .. being reported by CNN and Al Jazeera
USA casualties will determine Americans response ? Killed and injured in these attacks response will come omg

Apparently they were aware of the threat well before and were told to take cover, so the casualties may be limited

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