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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

Why hasn't it been banned for them already? Considering the bullying attitude of the US towards Turkey of late?
It was our trump card, so we didn't want to use it until the most important moment.
But just like we did in The Gulf War we will ban americans to use our soil. Thats for sure.
Well... no need for ships if the war goes on like that... No even sure if you will ever fire a bullet...
You rain your BM and they rain theirs... and it's whoever got the most and bigger land depth...
Ours are only nuclear my friend
It seems at the first day of war at least 2000 yankees will be killed.
Can Iran air defences fare against USAF? What are the likelihood USAF planes or cruise missiles get shot down?
Nobody knows the correct answer to that. On paper, no.
And the likelihood of a successful shot depends on the density of our air defense systems in the area they attack and many other factors that cannot be calculated.
I am just worried about Pakistan. The war in the region always drags Pakistan somehow and we end up in difficult situation everytime. I hope Pakistan truly remains neutral and if it has learned anything from history then do not aid USA by giving airbases or routes
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