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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

Who told you Iran isnt ready for a "harsh" American reaction to this response attack? I apparently read somewhere that some Iranian commanders think Iran could absorb a US "strike" and be ok...so its a good assumption to make now that IRGC is not afraid to engage with US military as of today. This doesnt mean total war or something extreme. Iran hasnt had a reason this good in probably 20-30 years to go rash militaristic. SOme of you need to realize that Trump's billions of $$ cant save him from everything..

Iran is ready for Americas strike . I they have calculated more steps than Americans .

At the end of this iran wil b a nuclear power
Any one near dharafa UAE or in UAE what is the air status
Retardistan is long overdue for a bloody nose. Iran is the only country in the entire region with the balls to land a blow on these inbreds.

What we don’t know right now is how far Iran is going to take this. The scale of the direct retaliation is already much greater than I expected. If the yanks send their expendables for bombing missions then Iran may be forced to enter a full scale war.

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