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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News


Avoid the fools...

Pray for Khafee....

Pray for everyone.... this is NOT good... times like these I feel outrage that PNS is so tiny....anyhow...Gawadar must be protected at all costs..even if it means Oman goes... at all costs!

Taftan is what I am worried about as well...
There must have been a joint force of PN, KSN, UAEN to monitor the hormouz strait and arabian sea.

Some people don’t understand things coz they don’t want to and these small mistakes prove to be fatal for region and countries
Probably shield was not deployed there and short range missile are difficult to intercept.
Iran you stupid!
So for these d1ckhead 1 dead general = to millions of innocent civilians death! fckin idiots!
That base is like 10-20 % US soldiers, 80+% Iraqi army.

Do the math and guess who will get hit harder.
But PMU already warned iraqi soldiers to stay at least 1Km away from US soldiers so why didnt they listen??

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