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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

Trump won’t hold back, he will come again and this time harder or even HARDEST which I don’t want to see happening
Why didnt he come his "HARDEST" after : 1) Iran downed the most expensive US drone and 2) Iran attacked Saudi arabia's oil infrastructure?? he might do something like you're saying, but if history is the best guide, then he wont.
Reports of USA fighters are taking off from different locations in the region don’t know what’s going on

It's nuts

Then factor in that Iran and USA are both run by apocalyptic fundamentalist religious sects right now
sadam Hussain also fired scuds at u.s bases but was eliminated by u.s in response,iran may face similar consequences
The IRGC claims that a second wave of missile attacks has started... Waiting for more info.

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