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Iranian Arabs

You don't know what you're talking about as a Turk. We are the same.

Mother side. Yes, Kurdish language and Balochi language are the closest to each other from all Iranian language, although I can't understand Balochi to be honest. :D
Dont talk out of your behind. Bakhtiaris and lurs speak a Persian dialect, kurds cant even understand what theyre saying when they talk. Zazzas are also not kurd. Jesus, you kurds claim everyone as yours, lol.

Ok some iranian please explain me this.

When i searched in google about the demography of Iran.They mention that persians are 60-70% of iran population while the rest are kurds and azerbaijani people.

I thought everyone in iran are persian.and persian is a word for the complete iranian people.

So than what is the main difference between persian and iranian people

NOTE:When i search for iranian people it mentions Kurds,pashtuns.tajiks, and all of them are iranian people but not persian.

Please explain me this anyone
Iranian is just a nationality, doesnt really mean anything. Persian is an ethnicity that includes 70% of Iran, Tajiks, tats, Farsiwans and other groups are also ethnic Persians. Some say hazaras are also ethnic Persian due to their language being Persian. Also most iranian minorities are Persified culturally and linguistically, so many also consider themselves Persian aswell.
The man who created the hashashins wasnt arab. His father was a Persian yemeni, as in ethnic Persian.

Anyways, I think if you go back in terms of lineage there are alot more ethnic Persians in arab countries, mainly bahrain, uae, kuwait, qatar and Iraq.

Sayeed also doesnt mean arab. It was just a religous title, if you were actually decendant of mohamed and his family that would still make you like 1% arab due to the mixing over the generations, lol.

My grandmother was supposedly sayeed, nothing arab about her though.

Btw, lurs and bakhtiaris are basicaly the bedouins of the Persian family, the nomads of the group. They speak a Persian dialect closely related to middle Persian pahlavi and old Persian, theyre not a seperate ethnic group. Same with Mazandaranis and gilakis.

Shah of Iran was half mazandarani Persian on his fathers side and central asian turkic on his mothers side.

This reminds me of a story of how many ethnic Persians were kicked out of Iraq by saddam, even half arab and Persians were kicked out who had Persian fathers.

Statistics mention 1 million ethnic Persians in Iraq with millions of others who have been arabized.
I Agree, except for the Mazandarani, and Gilak part, rest of it is true.

Dont talk out of your behind. Bakhtiaris and lurs speak a Persian dialect, kurds cant even understand what theyre saying when they talk. Zazzas are also not kurd. Jesus, you kurds claim everyone as yours, lol.
Dont talk out of your behind. Bakhtiaris and lurs speak a Persian dialect, kurds cant even understand what theyre saying when they talk. Zazzas are also not kurd. Jesus, you kurds claim everyone as yours, lol.

I don't care what they speak. They are culturally more closer to Kurds than Persians.
The man who created the hashashins wasnt arab. His father was a Persian yemeni, as in ethnic Persian.

Anyways, I think if you go back in terms of lineage there are alot more ethnic Persians in arab countries, mainly bahrain, uae, kuwait, qatar and Iraq.

Sayeed also doesnt mean arab. It was just a religous title, if you were actually decendant of mohamed and his family that would still make you like 1% arab due to the mixing over the generations, lol.

My grandmother was supposedly sayeed, nothing arab about her though.

Btw, lurs and bakhtiaris are basicaly the bedouins of the Persian family, the nomads of the group. They speak a Persian dialect closely related to middle Persian pahlavi and old Persian, theyre not a seperate ethnic group. Same with Mazandaranis and gilakis.

Shah of Iran was half mazandarani Persian on his fathers side and central asian turkic on his mothers side.

This reminds me of a story of how many ethnic Persians were kicked out of Iraq by saddam, even half arab and Persians were kicked out who had Persian fathers.

Statistics mention 1 million ethnic Persians in Iraq with millions of others who have been arabized.

Wrong, virtually every source states that he was an Yemeni Arab. There were close to no Persians in Yemen ever. Especially not 500 years after the appearance of Islam! The word itself is also of Arabic origin.

Well, there are 1.5 million Arabs in Iran. Many millions more that are partially Arab. So I highly doubt that. Overall it's about the same number but most of the Persians in those countries are not nationals in particular in the UAE where there are a lot of Persians/Lurs. While the Iranian Arabs in Iran have lived in what is now Iran before the appearance of Islam and are obviously citizens and not new arrivals.

Sayyid/Ashraf means that you are an descendent of Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) on your paternal lineage (father to son etc.) thus your lineage is Arab. Does not matter if that lineage has intermarried with non-Arabs for generations like most have anyway. Doest not change your overall paternal lineage. That's the point of surnames, lineages etc.

I know about the closeness of Bakhtiaris and Lurs with Persians and I agree with your categorization/comparison. I stated the same earlier if you have noticed.

Gilakis and Mazandarins from what I have gathered seem closer to the Caucasian peoples and seem like a hybrid between them and Persians. But I am sure that @rmi5 knows more about this than most here.

Most of the Iraqis of Persian/Persian mixed ancestry where indeed kicked out by Saddam Hussein but there are still some left. Not a big group though. But obviously there will be mixture going on in the region between neighboring peoples, regions etc. which genetics confirm.

But as I said historically speaking the peoples of Iran that the Arabs have had most ties with where the Persians/Lurs/Bakthiaris and then Kurds. In my opinion at least. Baluch's also but that is mainly confined to Oman and is fairly recent.
Iranian is just a nationality, doesnt really mean anything. Persian is an ethnicity that includes 70% of Iran, Tajiks, tats, Farsiwans and other groups are also ethnic Persians. Some say hazaras are also ethnic Persian due to their language being Persian. Also most iranian minorities are Persified culturally and linguistically, so many also consider themselves Persian aswell.

Hazara are heavily mongol.
You mean Iranianized Arabs? :p
Sure, but mainly of the coastline of the Arabian Peninsula, coastal and Island countries. Like Kuwait, UAE and Bahrain.
Oman is also heavily Baloochi influenced, and Balooch is an Iranian people and linguistic group
There are no Iranianized Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula.
Yes, but they feel themselves connected to Persians for some well known reasons. I have a few Hazara friends, that's what they told me.

Yes I know. I have a Hazara friend who says she and her family feel strong affinity towards Iran and Persians. So culturally they very close.
But ethnically and appearance-wise, they are mongols.
I don't care what they speak. They are culturally more closer to Kurds than Persians.
Kurds have no culture of their own really. And bakhtiaris live like Persian nomads of the achaemenid era, even their clothing resembles achaemenid style of clothing.

Yes I know. I have a Hazara friend who says she and her family feel strong affinity towards Iran and Persians. So culturally they very close.
But ethnically and appearance-wise, they are mongols.
Ethnicity has nothing to do with race. If you speak Persian as your first language youre an ethnic Persian.

Wrong, virtually every source states that he was an Yemeni Arab. There were close to no Persians in Yemen ever. Especially not 500 years after the appearance of Islam! The word itself is also of Arabic origin.

Well, there are 1.5 million Arabs in Iran. Many millions more that are partially Arab. So I highly doubt that. Overall it's about the same number but most of the Persians in those countries are not nationals in particular in the UAE where there are a lot of Persians/Lurs. While the Iranian Arabs in Iran have lived in what is now Iran before the appearance of Islam and are obviously citizens and not new arrivals.

Sayyid/Ashraf means that you are an descendent of Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) on your paternal lineage (father to son etc.) thus your lineage is Arab. Does not matter if that lineage has intermarried with non-Arabs for generations like most have anyway. Doest not change your overall paternal lineage. That's the point of surnames, lineages etc.

I know about the closeness of Bakhtiaris and Lurs with Persians and I agree with your categorization/comparison. I stated the same earlier if you have noticed.

Gilakis and Mazandarins from what I have gathered seem closer to the Caucasian peoples and seem like a hybrid between them and Persians. But I am sure that @rmi5 knows more about this than most here.

Most of the Iraqis of Persian/Persian mixed ancestry where indeed kicked out by Saddam Hussein but there are still some left. Not a big group though. But obviously there will be mixture going on in the region between neighboring peoples, regions etc. which genetics confirm.

But as I said historically speaking the peoples of Iran that the Arabs have had most ties with where the Persians/Lurs/Bakthiaris and then Kurds. In my opinion at least. Baluch's also but that is mainly confined to Oman and is fairly recent.

Oh shut up you arab supremacist. The achaemenids, Sassanids and Parthians carved their way into arab territory and have had a presence in every single modern day "arab" country for a thousand years prior to islam, and afterwards with the rise of the samanids, safavids and even abbasids who came to power due to Persian muslims. Yemen used to have loads of ethnic Persians and hassan I sabbahs father was an ethnic Persian yemeni.

Arabs did not live in Iran til the arrival of islam, there were the ghassanids nd lakhmids who lived in modern day iraq but never the Iranian platue.

Keep on making stupid ethnic laws. Sure, israelis are arabs, jesus was an arab, bush was an arab, huuur duuur, now you happy?

Youre like the stereotypical saudi arab. Conniving as they come.
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Oh shut up you arab supremacist. The achaemenids, Sassanids and Parthians carved their way into arab territory and have had a presence in every single modern day "arab" country for a thousand years prior to islam, and afterwards with the rise of the samanids, safavids and even abbasids who came to power due to Persian muslims. Yemen used to have loads of ethnic Persians and hassan I sabbahs father was an ethnic Persian yemeni.

Arabs did not live in Iran til the arrival of islam, there were the ghassanids nd lakhmids who lived in modern day iraq but never the Iranian platue.

Keep on making stupid ethnic laws. Sure, israelis are arabs, jesus was an arab, bush was an arab, huuur duuur, now you happy?

Youre like the stereotypical saudi arab. Conniving as they come.
Please keep it clean parthianshot.
Kurds have no culture of their own really. And bakhtiaris live like Persian nomads of the achaemenid era, even their clothing resembles achaemenid style of clothing.

You ignorant fool. Yes, they have a culture of their own. They have their own music, clothing, customs, habits, etc. And their clothing doesn't resemble Achaemenid style of clothing.
Gilakis and Mazandarins from what I have gathered seem closer to the Caucasian peoples and seem like a hybrid between them and Persians.

Not true, Gilakis and Mazandaranis are pure Iranics. Probably even more so then Persians as they have intermingled less with foreigners historically. They are just lighter in skin tone then southern Iranians because they are further away from the equator, same as anywhere else. Has nothing to do with relations with Caucasian people. If you look at Persians from northern parts of Iran they look identical to Gilakis and Mazandaranis.
Hazara are heavily mongol.
Yes, but, they are still considered as Iranians. Anyway, remember that Iranians have central asian ancestry as well and they are not purely caucasoid, and many have Asian(Yellow-Skinned as they say in Iran) lineage as well, including many Tajiks and also persians ;)
Not true, Gilakis and Mazandaranis are pure Iranics. Probably even more so then Persians as they have intermingled less with foreigners historically. They are just lighter in skin tone then southern Iranians because they are further away from the equator, same as anywhere else. Has nothing to do with relations with Caucasian people. If you look at Persians from northern parts of Iran they look identical to Gilakis and Mazandaranis.
You are absolutely wrong. That's the typical persians view about northerners which is wrong.
I have posted a paper about their genetic lineage, which clearly shows their affinity with south caucasians. Even in Shahnameh, Mazandaran is recorded as a foreign place, and their hero are symbolically called Div(Satan).
You are absolutely wrong. That's the typical persians view about northerners which is wrong.
I have posted a paper about their genetic lineage, which clearly shows their affinity with south caucasians. Even in Shahnameh, Mazandaran is recorded as a foreign place, and their hero are symbolically called Div(Satan).

I asked you kindly before not to quote me. You don't like me, I don't like you, so it's best to stay out of each others way.

Anyway the guy you quoted (Kaveh Farrokh) also claims Azerbaijanis are Turkified Iranians. So you either accept all of his claims or none. Also it is pretty obvious why you are bringing up such things, but you can forget about it. Gilakis and Mazandaranis are patriot Iranians, they will not join you in your agenda.

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