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Iranian Air Defense Systems

they didn't went of course over Iran it happen in northern Iraq and around Baghdad.
why they had to bring Iran into this

Your reading comprehension is off in this case.

It did not happen around Baghdad, they contacted the ATC in Baghdad to get a bearing on their position. They were following the Iraq-Iran corridor

One example:

Make sense now?
Your reading comprehension is off in this case.

It did not happen around Baghdad, they contacted the ATC in Baghdad to get a bearing on their position. They were following the Iraq-Iran corridor

One example:

Make sense now?

So it didnt happen in Iran, but in Irak?
they didn't went of course over Iran it happen in northern Iraq and around Baghdad.
why they had to bring Iran into this
To misdirect the minds from the main culprit, US.

As Iran has threatened to attack U.S backed terrorists in northern Iraq, U.S has activated it's jammers to downgrade the accuracy of our missiles.

This news could have been relevant, if posted in Iranian missiles thread!
To misdirect the minds from the main culprit, US.

As Iran has threatened to attack U.S backed terrorists in northern Iraq, U.S has activated it's jammers to downgrade the accuracy of our missiles.
Very likely the case.
As Iran has threatened to attack U.S backed terrorists in northern Iraq, U.S has activated its jammers to downgrade the accuracy of our missiles.

Mohsen, use logic.

A BM utilizes GPS/GLNSS prior to re entry as course correction. There is no GPS jammer on earth that can spoof a Mach 6+ warhead at the altitude. Not to mention the guidance unit of any Iranian BM has back up measures so if the interial guidance unit vs GPS/GLNSS is off by a certain %, the computer will disregard the GPS/GLNSS coordinates as invalid.

The area this happens is actually closer to sensitive Iranian military bases and overall the border area is where US likes to send U2 and survillenance drones. So it’s likely there to cause CMs to crash in case of attack or disrupt SIGINT/INT aircraft.
The area this happens is actually closer to sensitive Iranian military bases and overall the border area is where US likes to send U2 and survillenance drones. So it’s likely there to cause CMs to crash in case of attack or disrupt SIGINT/INT aircraft.
they are only spoofing civilian GPS not encrypted military grade GPS
they are only spoofing civilian GPS not encrypted military grade GPS

Most US drones are not encrypted.

Here is Iran in 2016 hacking a Predator drone in Syria.

Again the myth of 4 kowsar, will this madness end here on this forum? Every average mind knows that there are many more than 4 kowsars built

I am happy you are unbanned, you are a good poster with depth knowledge about Iran military.

Yes deluded people are insisting and kidding all of us with their stupidity of just 4 Kowsars!!!! i have seen at least more than 12, and they say this because they only can count 4 serial different numbers, these deluding OSINT believers are laughable.

Show them they are confused.
Mohsen, use logic.

A BM utilizes GPS/GLNSS prior to re entry as course correction. There is no GPS jammer on earth that can spoof a Mach 6+ warhead at the altitude. Not to mention the guidance unit of any Iranian BM has back up measures so if the interial guidance unit vs GPS/GLNSS is off by a certain %, the computer will disregard the GPS/GLNSS coordinates as invalid.

The area this happens is actually closer to sensitive Iranian military bases and overall the border area is where US likes to send U2 and survillenance drones. So it’s likely there to cause CMs to crash in case of attack or disrupt SIGINT/INT aircraft.
Actually BMs use GPS till last moment to achieve pin-point accuracy and so are vulnerable to EW. One of specifications of Khorramshahr-4 was zero guidance during reentry to neutralize possible GPS spoofing. inertial guidance means you no longer have pin point accuracy. Russian air defenses successfully used this technique against Americans HIMARS as well.

Source of jamming has been in northern Iraq, and the only way to put an Iran name inside that article was to say aircraft was way off toward Iran!
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Very likely the case.
That leaves Iran with the more painful option of a ground forces operation into northern Iraq to handle the Kurdish groups threatening Iran, but i dont think Iran will send ground forces into Northern Iraq and fully withdraw them after doing so, at least not immediately (at the minimum). I hope Kurds arent acting like "Ukrainians" in Northern Iraq- Iran - Turkey region, that's dangerous.
I am happy you are unbanned, you are a good poster with depth knowledge about Iran military.

Yes deluded people are insisting and kidding all of us with their stupidity of just 4 Kowsars!!!! i have seen at least more than 12, and they say this because they only can count 4 serial different numbers, these deluding OSINT believers are laughable.

Show them they are confused.
For 3, 4, 5 years, Iran has liked to make cocktail announcements of several copies such as missiles, drones, missiles and more. I firmly believe that this will be the case with kowsar. It's more muscular and more impressive ad effects
Actually BMs use GPS till last moment to achieve pin-point accuracy and so are vulnerable to EW.

No they do not. They need just one (maybe two) datalink instances to feed to the guidance unit to recalculate and rectify any deviations. This is not laser guidance you need to lace the target the whole time and onboard ballistics computer is very accurate. Not to mention the intense plasma around the warhead heat shield blocks the ability to communicate once you reach terminal velocity.

Lastly You don’t maneuver past a certain terminal velocity point since you can cause incredible amounts of G force stress on the warhead. Certain warhead shapes (HGV blended body) can handle greater G forces vs tri-cone warheads.

Lastly Iran uses carbon fiber gyroscopes that are quite accurate. Gyroscopes lose accuracy as time passes in flight. But there are things the warhead can do like Star alignment to reposition alongside fast one time redundancy check using GLNSS.

One of specifications of Khorramshahr-4 was zero guidance during reentry to neutralize possible GPS spoofing.
K-4 uses Russian military GLNSS (not GPS) at exo level for one time redundancy course correction check.

Don’t believe me?

Notice one time deviation check using GLNSS. Notice exo-MarV. All of its maneuvering is done exoatmospheric not endo. So you don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to K-4.

Also you cannot GPS spoof a missile that is rapidly moving space. Do you know how crazy you sound? GPS spoofing is done in an AREA up to a certain altitude. It’s not some laser you point at something and magically the target thinks it’s somewhere else.

Lastly warhead can signal hop using various GPS/GLNSS/Beidou satellites to keep the system honest, Shahed 136 has 4 GPS/GLNSS receivers for this very purpose and that is a 20K disposable drone. Now What do you think a $250-500K K-4/Fattah have? So the the chance you will successfully spoof or jam a hypersonic warhead is close to 0%.

inertial guidance means you no longer have pin point accuracy.

Wrong. Iran makes some of the best IGU units in the world. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Russian air defenses successfully used this technique against Americans HIMARS as well.

Are you comparing an artillery rocket to a exoatmospheric BM? HIMaRS is comparable to Fath 360, not a K-4 or Ghadr or Emad.

If you’re lucky an artillery rocket will reach 120,000 feet altitude. Jamming happens during the way down 30-40K feet and requires enrmy to understand what you’re trying to target. Jamming radius doesn’t cover an entire country. In case of Russia they can locate HIMARS general area and deduce what HVT they would target and set up jamming in that area.

Source of jamming has been in northern Iraq, and the only way to put an Iran name inside that article was to say aircraft was way off toward Iran!


Learn to read a map. If you can’t, ask your mom or dad to show you.

data feed not gps

RQ-170 was GPS spoofed. Stop arguing for sake of arguing. Data feed is more valuable to encrypt than GPS.
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No they do not. They need just one (maybe two) datalink instances to feed to the guidance unit to recalculate and rectify any deviations. This is not laser guidance you need to lace the target the whole time and onboard ballistics computer is very accurate. Not to mention the intense plasma around the warhead heat shield blocks the ability to communicate once you reach terminal velocity.

Lastly You don’t maneuver past a certain terminal velocity point since you can cause incredible amounts of G force stress on the warhead. Certain warhead shapes (HGV blended body) can handle greater G forces vs tri-cone warheads.

Lastly Iran uses carbon fiber gyroscopes that are quite accurate. Gyroscopes lose accuracy as time passes in flight. But there are things the warhead can do like Star alignment to reposition alongside fast one time redundancy check using GLNSS.

K-4 uses Russian military GLNSS (not GPS) at exo level for one time redundancy course correction check.

Don’t believe me?

Notice one time deviation check using GLNSS. Notice exo-MarV. All of its maneuvering is done exoatmospheric not endo. So you don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to K-4.

Also you cannot GPS spoof a missile that is rapidly moving space. Do you know how crazy you sound? GPS spoofing is done in an AREA up to a certain altitude. It’s not some laser you point at something and magically the target thinks it’s somewhere else.

Lastly warhead can signal hop using various GPS/GLNSS/Beidou satellites to keep the system honest, Shahed 136 has 4 GPS/GLNSS receivers for this very purpose and that is a 20K disposable drone. Now What do you think a $250-500K K-4/Fattah have? So the the chance you will successfully spoof or jam a hypersonic warhead is close to 0%.

Wrong. Iran makes some of the best IGU units in the world. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Are you comparing an artillery rocket to a exoatmospheric BM? HIMaRS is comparable to Fath 360, not a K-4 or Ghadr or Emad.

If you’re lucky an artillery rocket will reach 120,000 feet altitude. Jamming happens during the way down 30-40K feet and requires enrmy to understand what you’re trying to target. Jamming radius doesn’t cover an entire country. In case of Russia they can locate HIMARS general area and deduce what HVT they would target and set up jamming in that area.

View attachment 957723

Learn to read a map. If you can’t, ask your mom or dad to show you.

RQ-170 was GPS spoofed. Stop arguing for sake of arguing. Data feed is more valuable to encrypt than GPS.
there are many stories on how it fell in iran hand
and the fact is there, military grade gps is not open to all and is encrypted. you can jam it , you want to spoof it you must have the keys .
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