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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Just imagine how difficult Idlib was. It was walking distance to Turkey. We had nothing in common with the people of Idlib, not our sect, not our race, no common history. No friendly tribe like Baqara in Deirozur.
Iran had to militarily impose its force.

Azerbaijan is different. Same sect and same race.

Majority of Iranian Azerbaijanis are strong Shiite Muslims who remember Chaldiran and Turkmanchai. Minority are secular pan turks who will never bear any arm ever and they dislike Erdogan anyway because Erdogan is not prowest enough. They like Cavusoglu and Ecevit types. They want to have a chill good life and not fight. You will find a lot of them online though making comments and sipping coffee.

Have you ever seen an Iranian Azerbaijani bearing arm outside of Iran, not for Iran?

Look how many Kurds of Turkey bear arm against Turkey.

Does this ring a bell?
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Meh... i really do not care about these 2 former Iranian provinces. Let them fight it out. But slap them each time a stray bullet or drone falls on our territory. I wouldn't waste our nation's precious resources on these soviet stolen fake republics anyway.

You have picture of Dariush the great..... and you dont care about land stolen from Iran?!!!!!

Thats rather telling.....fake nationalism come to mind
Azarbaijan's name itself is a pure Persian name. Same with most countries that border Iran. They never escaped the Persian influence and adopted them.

If some fanboys want to bring in the gray wolves, be my guest. They will be thrown away by the local population loyal to Iran, anyway.

It shouldn't even be called Azerbaijan, that that territory is historically called Shirvan, they just went ahead and stole the name of our provinces because they want to lay claim to it.
You have picture of Dariush the great..... and you dont care about land stolen from Iran?!!!!!

Thats rather telling.....fake nationalism come to mind
There is something as sane nationalism my braindead friend. You can not go conquer lands in the 21th century without any consequences. The territories in question have nothing in common with anything Iran anymore. Goodluck convincing a Russian Aliyov that he is sitting on Iranian land and that he needs to return it.

There is something as sane nationalism my braindead friend. You can not go conquer lands in the 21th century without any consequences. The territories in question have nothing in common with anything Iran anymore. Goodluck convincing a Russian Aliyov that he is sitting on Iranian land and that he needs to return it.


Agreed, this isn't an issue about if they're Iranian lands/Iranian peoples (they are) but rather the practical problems Azerbaijan of today presents for Iran if it were to be absorbed back into its proper homeland.

Idk about you guys but Azerbaijanis come off as excessively stubborn and radical when it comes to their Pseudo-Turkish pride. It's almost as if they're on some sort of drug that makes them lash-out like rabid animals when it comes to their nationality. Trying to tame such a people and integrate them back into greater Iranian society would prove near futile as all Iran would be inviting onto itself is a domestic insurgency that would spur local instability. Doesn't really seem to be worth the time, money, resources and human capital.
There is something as sane nationalism my braindead friend. You can not go conquer lands in the 21th century without any consequences. The territories in question have nothing in common with anything Iran anymore. Goodluck convincing a Russian Aliyov that he is sitting on Iranian land and that he needs to return it.

Agreed, this isn't an issue about if they're Iranian lands/Iranian peoples (they are) but rather the practical problems Azerbaijan of today presents for Iran if it were to be absorbed back into its proper homeland.

Idk about you guys but Azerbaijanis come off as excessively stubborn and radical when it comes to their Pseudo-Turkish pride. It's almost as if they're on some sort of drug that makes them lash-out like rabid animals when it comes to their nationality. Trying to tame such a people and integrate them back into greater Iranian society would prove near futile as all Iran would be inviting onto itself is a domestic insurgency that would spur local instability. Doesn't really seem to be worth the time, money, resources and human capital.

100 years of Russian influence does this. They are not the same people as we are.
100 years of Russian influence does this. They are not the same people as we are.

Honestly, I don't want them nor do I really like them, most of my online experiences in talking with Azerbaijanis has been nothing short of horrible too downright hostile. I know it isn't fair to judge an entire group based on just online interactions but my cursory sentiment on them is this way thus far due to their actions.

Let them rot for all I care... If they one day decide to embrace their true heritage then I'm all game but for now they're just a delusion group of lost souls who have been brainwashed.
Honestly, I don't want them nor do I really like them, most of my online experiences in talking with Azerbaijanis has been nothing short of horrible too downright hostile. I know it isn't fair to judge an entire group based on just online interactions but my cursory sentiment on them is this way thus far due to their actions.

Let them rot for all I care... If they one day decide to embrace their true heritage then I'm all game but for now they're just a delusion group of lost souls who have been brainwashed.
It is just aliyov republic and a bunch of their supporters on our side. But the mass of Iranian Azaris reject their ridicilous claims.
It is just aliyov republic and a bunch of their supporters on our side. But the mass of Iranian Azaris reject their ridicilous claims.

Dadash, for me the equation is very simple, an Iranian who falls under the Iranian people(s) group is an individual who shares a deep, meaningful history amongst both the people of the region and the very land that gave them nourishment. The Iranian Plateau is an almost magical place and the people (our people) who traveled down there from the Northern Caucuses all those thousands upon thousands of years ago, made a home for themselves and paved the way for many pivotal human civilizations that set standards and edicts which still reverberate around the world till this day.

We are Human but we are also a specific type of human, WE ARE IRANIAN!!

So sad that millions of our OWN PEOPLE have decided (through Turkishification) to forgo such storied history for false Turkish sentiments.... I have nothing against Turks personally but this one issue does bother me from time-to-time.

I'm sorry lol, I seem to be rambling again.
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Honestly, I don't want them nor do I really like them, most of my online experiences in talking with Azerbaijanis has been nothing short of horrible too downright hostile. I know it isn't fair to judge an entire group based on just online interactions but my cursory sentiment on them is this way thus far due to their actions.

Let them rot for all I care... If they one day decide to embrace their true heritage then I'm all game but for now they're just a delusion group of lost souls who have been brainwashed.

Everyone in the online community thats from the region knows that turks, specifically pan-turks are the most toxic in social media. It's not a unique experience. I have also dealt with these types and they are not reasoned with. They are lost, if they knew how closely related to Iranians they are, they'd probably commit mass suicide.
Everyone in the online community thats from the region knows that turks, specifically pan-turks are the most toxic in social media. It's not a unique experience. I have also dealt with these types and they are not reasoned with. They are lost, if they knew how closely related to Iranians they are, they'd probably commit mass suicide.
I think Indians can match them in online warfare though. I found out that Indians are massive trolls... especially after their recent conflict with China.
Anti Aire Defense System are proven to be weak and useless against modern threats such as :
  • Stealth Cruise Missiles
  • UCAV
  • Drone
  • Long Rang Guided Bomb and Missiles
  • Fast Projectile ( such as Super fast Cruise missiles , Hypersonic missiles )
  • Modern Ballistics Missiles ...
We shouldn't spend our limited resource on Anti Air Defense System or purchase something like S400 ( Armenia S300 was destroyed by 10,000$ drone ... )

The best defense is offense , we should build up our offensive capabilities and in any war , just destroy our enemies assets as soon as possible ...

We should have dirty nukes and hypersonic missiles for ultimate defensive system ...

OldTwilight / Ghalam ...
Anti Aire Defense System are proven to be weak and useless against modern threats such as :
  • Stealth Cruise Missiles
  • UCAV
  • Drone
  • Long Rang Guided Bomb and Missiles
  • Fast Projectile ( such as Super fast Cruise missiles , Hypersonic missiles )
  • Modern Ballistics Missiles ...
We shouldn't spend our limited resource on Anti Air Defense System or purchase something like S400 ( Armenia S300 was destroyed by 10,000$ drone ... )

The best defense is offense , we should build up our offensive capabilities and in any war , just destroy our enemies assets as soon as possible ...

We should have dirty nukes and hypersonic missiles for ultimate defensive system ...

OldTwilight / Ghalam ...
I tend to agree with you about the survivability of any AD when faced with powerful enemy such as the US. Countering hundreds of assets in the air any AD will be degraded fast .Faced with an enemy like the US the job of AD will be to buy enough time to allow Iran to lunch offensive assets. So yes as you said "Offence" is the best "Defence"... everyone else around Iran if they are foolish enough to try can be dealt with using what is currently available .
Anti Aire Defense System are proven to be weak and useless against modern threats such as :
  • Stealth Cruise Missiles
  • UCAV
  • Drone
  • Long Rang Guided Bomb and Missiles
  • Fast Projectile ( such as Super fast Cruise missiles , Hypersonic missiles )
  • Modern Ballistics Missiles ...
We shouldn't spend our limited resource on Anti Air Defense System or purchase something like S400 ( Armenia S300 was destroyed by 10,000$ drone ... )

The best defense is offense , we should build up our offensive capabilities and in any war , just destroy our enemies assets as soon as possible ...

We should have dirty nukes and hypersonic missiles for ultimate defensive system ...

OldTwilight / Ghalam ...

I don't think that development of anti air defence systems are a hurdle in the development of hypersonic missiles or ballistic missiles for Iran.
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