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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Anti Aire Defense System are proven to be weak and useless against modern threats such as :
  • Stealth Cruise Missiles
  • UCAV
  • Drone
  • Long Rang Guided Bomb and Missiles
  • Fast Projectile ( such as Super fast Cruise missiles , Hypersonic missiles )
  • Modern Ballistics Missiles ...
We shouldn't spend our limited resource on Anti Air Defense System or purchase something like S400 ( Armenia S300 was destroyed by 10,000$ drone ... )

The best defense is offense , we should build up our offensive capabilities and in any war , just destroy our enemies assets as soon as possible ...

We should have dirty nukes and hypersonic missiles for ultimate defensive system ...

OldTwilight / Ghalam ...

US has EW/mini-emp air defense missile that destroy the missiles electronics in flight (instead of kinetic explosion) to make the target a dump missile. Develop this technology and the radiation-hardened microchips and electronics and faraday cages and ECM to defeat these EW weapons against your missiles.

Then there is laser air defenses, along bettering your CiWS and AA artillery and Gatling guns air defense.

Bavar 373 is not the top out there, Bavar 373 is better than anything you can buy from Russia though. You have to get to the point where it is futile for your enemy to use any missiles. That is your goal. Then is the war of railguns and lasers and droid robots.
i stand corrected , Iran has confirmed some of the systems used in the exercise are being seen for the first time and that all the systems used are Iranian made systems. soo all the systems you see here are Iranian built.

برخی سامانه های مورد استفاده در این رزمایش برای اولین بار استفاده خواهند شد.

"Bavar" was mentioned in the promo, so we can expect to see it operational.

I only wonder if IRGC feels ready to show the Alam ol Hoda after all these years to the public. Its such an important system to break enemy airpower kill chain.

^ Mersad-16 TEL for Shalamche-2 missiles

^ Mersad-16 TEL for Shalamche-2 missiles

^ Hadi HPIR

^ Kavosh or Soroush 2D PAR


^ 9K331E Tor-M1E TELAR

^ 9S737MK Ranzhir-M1 mobile command post


^ Tabas TELAR

^ Tabas TELAR

^ Tabas TELAR

Some videos from the first day of the exercise: https://www.iribnews.ir/00C3Fk
Iran hints that it has secret AD systems that will not show to surprises enemies in the time of war. and 15th of khordad and 3th of khordad had destroyed there targets.

تنها بخشی از این توان بوده و بخش مهم دیگری از تجهیزات و توانمندی‌های پدافند هوایی در فضای جنگ واقعی است که برای دشمنان غافلگیری رقم خواهد زد.

US has EW/mini-emp air defense missile that destroy the missiles electronics in flight (instead of kinetic explosion) to make the target a dump missile. Develop this technology and the radiation-hardened microchips and electronics and faraday cages and ECM to defeat these EW weapons against your missiles.
Why didnt US use this technology against the 17 missiles that his the Al-Ain base in Iraq after SOleimani's murder? Aso, if this technology really works why did US empty the Al-Udeid base in Qatar US uses to controll ALL its Middle East air operations?
instead US sent a CIWS system to the base...smh
Basically today we saw iran majority of Air Defence systems. Tabas, 3rd khordad, mersad-16, khordad-15, and Tor system. Bavar-373 radar presence indicates that the system will be tested which confirms it is operational. Two days left, let’s hope for surprises.
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