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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Apparently Iran's president has asked not to make the Bavar 373 tests public until it is capable of intercepting Ballistic Missiles. So they want the 1st public demonstration to be of a Ballistic Missile interception.
Seems a bit strange,after all the main threat that the west and its gulfie vassals pose to iran is via their airpower not their negligible ballistic missile forces,altho tactical missiles like the atacms could pose some limited threat,but then again it seems that these days all the new sams have to have some measure of abm capability whether its actually needed or not
Apparently Iran's president has asked not to make the Bavar 373 tests public until it is capable of intercepting Ballistic Missiles. So they want the 1st public demonstration to be of a Ballistic Missile interception.

so the conclusion is, Iran is yet not able to intercept ballistic missiles?
so the conclusion is, Iran is yet not able to intercept ballistic missiles?
Their probably still working on it,after all the b373 was designed first and foremost to be an anti aircraft sam system not an abm system,it would also depend on how serious they want to get with b373s abm capabilities,are they going to have a dedicated abm missile like the patriots pac3 or will they go for dedicated missiles and specialised abm radars like the s300vm/sa23 or will they just keep it simple and use the standard b373 sam,the simple fact is we still dont know,hell we havent even seen the b373 sam being test fired yet.
Their probably still working on it,after all the b373 was designed first and foremost to be an anti aircraft sam system not an abm system,it would also depend on how serious they want to get with b373s abm capabilities,are they going to have a dedicated abm missile like the patriots pac3 or will they go for dedicated missiles and specialised abm radars like the s300vm/sa23 or will they just keep it simple and use the standard b373 sam,the simple fact is we still dont know,hell we havent even seen the b373 sam being test fired yet.

Regardless that's what the head of Iran's Air Defense force announced publicly! They been asked that the 1st public presentation of the Bavar-373 be against a Ballistic Missile.... I'll post the link if I can find it....
They been asked that the 1st public presentation of the Bavar-373 be against a Ballistic Missile.... I'll post the link if I can find it....
@ me when you do. I remember Rouhani saying the Bavar-373 will be tested on BMs, but I don't remember him saying that will be the first public test.
Actually Esmaili said we don't care about Rohani's orders. So that's it.
very disappointed they didnt show the RAAD Air Defence systems....not massproduced yet?
Iran Test-Fires High-Altitude Missile with Homegrown Air Defense System

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Iranian Air Defense on Wednesday carried out the first operational test of ‘Sayyad-3’ missiles paired with ‘Talash’ homegrown missile system, during a large-scale war game underway in southern parts of the country.

It was the first time that Sayyad-3 missiles were launched by Talash system to hit high-altitude targets.

Capable of intercepting targets within a range of 150 kilometers and in high altitudes, Sayyad-3 has been paired with Talash missile system, which also employs Sayyad-2 missiles against targets at medium altitudes.

The air defense system is also equipped with a locally-manufactured fire control radar, dubbed Ofoq.

Iran’s Air Defense began the large-scale military exercise, codenamed Defenders of Velayat Skies 7, in the country’s southern regions on Monday.

Involving more than 17,000 military forces, the war game covers an area of 496,000 square kilometers mainly the provinces of Hormozgan, Bushehr and Khuzestan.

The Air Defense has employed a broad range of equipment, including tactical radars, mobile watch posts, and ground-based and air-based eavesdropping systems in the maneuver.


Days before the arrival of 2017, Iran’s air force was busy testing its homemade Talash air defense system as part of an exercise dubbed ‘Defenders of Velayat Skies 7,’ which some see as a military demonstration to warn potential adversaries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and even the US, to stay away.

The tests began with the launch of Iranian-made Sayyad-2 surface-to-air missiles in the southern region of Iran near Bushehr. Tasnim News Agency, run by the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization, reported that the tests included the first launch of a Sayyad-3, which boasts a longer range than the Sayyad-2. The Sayyad-2 is a medium-range, high-altitude missile that Iranian defense officials originally planned to bolster the firepower of Iran’s frigates. The dry-run of the Iranian-made Ofoq fire control radar, which calculates the path for missiles to hit targets, added to a swelling of local pride in wake of the successful launch.

Weapons testing near the Hormozgan province could prove more worrying for China, the US, and Europe, which rely on oil transported through the Strait of Hormuz. Indeed, some 20 percent of the world’s oil flows through the ever-important waterway per day. In December 2011, an Iranian naval commander said closing the strait would be "easier than drinking a glass of water." Approximately 75 percent of oil aboard the cargo ships passing through the strait is headed for Asia, according to expert estimates.
Hello guys
anybody can share info about sevom khordad air defense system ?????
Not really , they talk about unity but they act otherwise ....

IRGC Air Defense systems are mainly mobile systems mainly for the purposes of defending armored divisions and missile battalions. They have everything from AAA, MANPAD's, Tor1M1, RAAD,....
And they do work together! Shooting down of the Israeli UAV was real life joint cooperation between the two!
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