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Iranian Air Defense Systems

you can write all the essays you want crying about it but Iran is not the "best" AD power in the world and claiming that makes you look stupid, not that you need any help with that
you can write all the essays you want crying about it but Iran is not the "best" AD power in the world and claiming that makes you look stupid, not that you need any help with that
One of these two guys is an Iranian with mostly non realistic views about Iranian hidden military assets which is a bit hard to take but understandable... but the other one with French false flags is a true moron and scycopth who writes about how best to strangle a person that makes him to suffer most and how to drop bombs on people using flocks of birds!. A specimens that is produced out of inbreeding ..neither of the two has ever been close to any real military hardware or military development environment..but we are in a forum so it should be expected.
One of these two guys is an Iranian with mostly non realistic views about Iranian hidden military assets which is a bit hard to take but understandable... but the other one with French false flags is a true moron and scycopth who writes about how best to strangle a person that makes him to suffer most and how to drop bombs on people using flocks of birds!. A specimens that is produced out of inbreeding ..neither of the two has ever been close to any real military hardware or military development environment..but we are in a forum so it should be expected.
lots of interesting groups here

the small group of hardline propagandists who try to spam and insult everyone into submission and would rather die than admit any flaws of the IR is my favourite

sadly very few people are capable of adopting nuanced positions and respectful exchanges of opinion without reverting to hardline propaganda stances
One of these two guys is an Iranian with mostly non realistic views about Iranian hidden military assets which is a bit hard to take but understandable... but the other one with French false flags is a true moron and scycopth who writes about how best to strangle a person that makes him to suffer most and how to drop bombs on people using flocks of birds!. A specimens that is produced out of inbreeding ..neither of the two has ever been close to any real military hardware or military development environment..but we are in a forum so it should be expected.
You said we are Bangladeshi and Pakistani trolls with "false flags", you insult other people of "brown" and "pakistani from west asia" you adulate whites, you advocate for civil war, how can you be a white supremacist when you aren't even white? Only in the Iran diaspora community!

We know this since a very long time, people are not idiots, every single of your post is either talking about the mullahs evil or "food for oil program" fantasy stories, NK obsession

lots of interesting groups here

the small group of hardline propagandists who try to spam and insult everyone into submission and would rather die than admit any flaws of the IR is my favourite

sadly very few people are capable of adopting nuanced positions and respectful exchanges of opinion without reverting to hardline propaganda stances
Show me where i said that Iran has the number one military in the world, i took his quote and said that Iran is in the top 5 in the world and is amongst the best, it seems you misunderstand what the brigadier says

IR flaws are known and i denounced them in the past, but seeing people relaying blatant propaganda and believing it and acting exactly like they want to is irritating

Nobody in the US is going to complain about their unveilings such as B-21 or anything, you will not see them calling it propaganda, wherever section of this forum, you will never see Turkish, Pakistan, Indians users saying their military is propaganda and their projects are terrible

Now the claims of the brigadier: https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/...ense-force-absolute-power-in-region-commander

The commander of the Iranian army’s air defense force said Sunday the Islamic Republic has made significant progress in production of drones and can now export its domestically-produced defense equipment to other countries.
“Today, we have reached such capabilities that we can export some of our defense products to other countries at will,” Brigadier General Alireza Sabahi-Fard told reporters here.
He said Iran is the dominant air defense power in the region, asserting that the country possesses the best and most advanced defense equipment in the world.
His speech has been literally translated from Persian directly to english

The claim is simply that Iran possesses the best defense equipment in the world, if anyone can understand the quote, which is traduced from Persian so it does not help, he means Iran possesses the best among others, or that Iran possesses one of the bests in the world, which is true
In the field of drone production, he said, “we have developed initiatives that the enemy does not know anything about.”
He said only a limited portion of Iran’s military capabilities have been publicized, which have already “astonished the enemy.”
In June, the air defense force announced plans for the unit to manufacture advanced long-range military equipment to deal with potential threats.
Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made substantial headway in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient.
Homegrown Iranian military products have also found many clients in the world.
Iranian officials have repeatedly warned that the country will not hesitate to strengthen its military capabilities, which are entirely meant for defense.
I said propaganda is propaganda, but we rarely hear from the concerned side "Our country is crap and they dont want to admit it using propaganda" beside from sold out people, you are spread hasbara and took it seriously like anyone would care here. There is no doubt Iran is in the top 5 air defense in the world, but not even on paper, with multiple shoot down at its active. Add a little to this and this is called propaganda.

You sound like an American debating about Iran military on Youtube comment section

Now tell us a single time after 2011 where a foreign aircraft crossed Iran airspace freely and got back or has failed to get shot down?

- Iran is the dominant air defense power in the region, want it or not just like your American counterparts having a hard time to accept it and even says by themselves they have lost air supremacy in the region

RQ-170, jammed, grounded and reversed

MQ-X, Iran has a collection of their remains

Israeli drones? Iran also has a massive collection of their remains

From Baku, PG, Iraqi border, not a single enemy asset crossed the borders without facing the ultimate consequence, even if Iran is threatened of war at a weekly basis

They got to the point of citing anonymous Kuwaiti sources that an F-35 stood two hours above Tehran doing acrobatics.

Now the others, United States and Israel, the masters of propaganda about their military capabilities, this is not even worth talking about, an embassy that can be targeted at any time, a controversial "top system" by the names of Patriot and THAAD with countless excuses, there is no need to talk about the other one, Poland, a nato country, lets an Ukrainian drone cross its border and crashes into Poland border

Now the facts are said, Iran is logically in the top 5 at least of the best AD in the world like it or not.

Same persons in 2019 that were saying Iran had Saddam scuds and plastic mock up photoshop drones and copies of BUK as air defense

Now we know to which side you belong, crying belong to losers.

And this is specially people like you that will continue getting called out once something real happens just like the others got shut their mouths in the past decade

Indeed, Iranian defences are the real beast in the earth ground, really, against american US forces and technology, battle proben...

What are the best air defence system? Russian? they cannot shut down anything, their S-400 has not a role in Ukraine, iranian drones has destroyed more ukranians jets than S-400,

Iran has a museum of US and israeli drones, thanks to its powerfull air defence systems, and we all have to see Bavar performing yet, a truly game changer.

US is frightened to enter iranian air space, they know well what will happen, RQ-170 and triton destroyed things are real witnissers.

I say Iran is top 1 in Air defence systems, iranian are battle proven surpassing US technologies, there is nothing stealth US has against iranians, this is the reason there is not gonna be a war.
Indeed, Iranian defences are the real beast in the earth ground, really, against american US forces and technology, battle proben...

What are the best air defence system? Russian? they cannot shut down anything, their S-400 has not a role in Ukraine, iranian drones has destroyed more ukranians jets than S-400,

Iran has a museum of US and israeli drones, thanks to its powerfull air defence systems, and we all have to see Bavar performing yet, a truly game changer.

US is frightened to enter iranian air space, they know well what will happen, RQ-170 and triton destroyed things are real witnissers.

I say Iran is top 1 in Air defence systems, iranian are battle proven surpassing US technologies, there is nothing stealth US has against iranians, this is the reason there is not gonna be a war.
It is one of the best in the world, at least in the top 5

We didn't saw performances against manned aircrafts as Iran is not in a state of war, so comparing Russia and Ukraine S400 which are in total war, there will forcibly be losses and failures, Russia also doesn't use the same doctrine as Iran and have an air force, they shot down a lot of fighters and helicopters with their Su-30 and Su-35, Pantsir is battle proven and tested

Words and acts removed the pulsion that Israel and US have to cross Iran airspace, this is also a psychological warfare, they tested our air defense by sending Scaneagles and other drones, including kamikaze drones from Baku which all got shot down

This is not a question of being number one, that doesn't make sense and not worth debating as everyone will see their country as the number one, but the commander simply said that Iran has one of the best AD in the world and in the region
The claim is simply that Iran possesses the best defense equipment in the world, if anyone can understand the quote, which is traduced from Persian so it does not help, he means Iran possesses the best among others, or that Iran possesses one of the bests in the world, which is true
The quote is "Iran is the dominant air defense power in the region, asserting that the country possesses the best and most advanced defense equipment in the world".

You can add your own inferences for what he really meant to say but I do not pretend to know his mind so I will refrain from doing so. Such grandiose claims are typical for Iranian officials and are frankly embarrassing. The reality is that Iran has made great strides but remains decades behind the top tier AD powers. The gap is closing but to put Iran on a par with the USA and Russia is delusional.
It is one of the best in the world, at least in the top 5

We didn't saw performances against manned aircrafts as Iran is not in a state of war, so comparing Russia and Ukraine S400 which are in total war, there will forcibly be losses and failures, Russia also doesn't use the same doctrine as Iran and have an air force, they shot down a lot of fighters and helicopters with their Su-30 and Su-35, Pantsir is battle proven and tested

Words and acts removed the pulsion that Israel and US have to cross Iran airspace, this is also a psychological warfare, they tested our air defense by sending Scaneagles and other drones, including kamikaze drones from Baku which all got shot down

This is not a question of being number one, that doesn't make sense and not worth debating as everyone will see their country as the number one, but the commander simply said that Iran has one of the best AD in the world and in the region

We cannot report fail attempts on the side of iranians. Others cannot say the same. Iran spot all the threats in the nod.

We don t know anything about real iranian AD, i don t think they cover only 200km, i think Iran probably can shut down any US warplanes even in Irak or east Syria, if needed.

Iran is sphisticated, we' ll see. US warplanes are useless against Iran, because AD and iranian long range missiles. They are nothing now.
We cannot report fail attempts on the side of iranians. Others cannot say the same. Iran spot all the threats in the nod.

We don t know anything about real iranian AD, i don t think they cover only 200km, i think Iran probably can shut down any US warplanes even in Irak or east Syria, if needed.

Iran is sphisticated, we' ll see. US warplanes are useless against Iran, because AD and iranian long range missiles. They are nothing now.
Unfortunately more delusional ramblings.

Iran thought a cruise missile made it all the way to Tehran yet you think Iran can shoot down US fighter jets 500km away in Syria. :crazy:
Unfortunately more delusional ramblings.

Iran thought a cruise missile made it all the way to Tehran yet you think Iran can shoot down US fighter jets 500km away in Syria. :crazy:

You fail to connect the dots,..., Iran is an hypersonic country, can target anything in minutes. Syria and Irak are negihbourns, you ll probe wrong if a war happens (when US dares).

I think in the same way as Mr Iran Eye, he is right there is a lack of intuition here, you are very conventional, and OSINT believers. Iran is a pragmatic country with smart solutions, they are masters of asymetrical capabilities, and they are developing different solutions all the time. This is real engineering, you only have western mindset, all reduced to spend more and more...

Remember always, Iran won Russia Ukraine war, with their shaheds.
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Making the best use of resources:

That is, if it resembles the Russian SX00 TEL below with 4 AD missiles 9M96/9M96E2 in one launch tube in lieu of the main type carried.


Cuts down on the number of accompanying vehicles, personnel, POL, and other logistics.

Smart move I would say by the Iranians.

grandiose propaganda claims that iran has the best AD in the world are not helpful and will continue to be called out, and you can cry about it, as you do on a daily basis
Being 100% critical is pseudo intellectual. Brighten up and propose solutions instead of nagging all the time.

Stop The Nag.
Really awesome,
But four packed missiles of which missile exactly?. 9 Dey missile?. Until now it is the only quad packed missile we have seen until now.

Anyway that vehicle equipped with radar and missiles is really impressive. It might be illuminator radar. Which would be the search radar of the system?. It is really impressive, that antenna must have a high peak power and a great range.

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