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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Interesting, seems Like missile for short to medium range for Sayyad
View attachment 872645View attachment 872646

There was a post that said that air defence system is a upgraded Mersad. Basically what Joshan AD is to Khordad 15 or what Khordad 3 is to Tabas.

Yes but that Sayyad missile seems to be New version for VLS, it make sense since it is excpected New VLS AD to be developed for New ships

Interesting looking small missile on display,looks more like an a2a missile than a sam.
View attachment 872666
The Sayyad missile on display also looks like it might be slightly different as well,the center body strakes look a lot shorter than the ones on the Sayyad 2.

We can see the video here

ُthats tactical sayyad , in short a far more mobile version of 15th of khordad for army

it uses sayyad 2 and 3 so you can exept a range about 100-120km
sayyad family of missiles were always capable of vertical launch . only we didn't have the system to launch them in that manner until recently.
the small missile looks a lot like missiles of umkhonto from south africa
so i say it must be missiles of Zoobin air defense missiles

Was Iran not going to buy S-400?
never ever was the plan . we have our bavar 373 and they promised its next version will be far better than s-400 (it already have more advanced radar)

Looks like a modified HQ-7/Crotale missile. Of which Iran was a owner of such a system.

View attachment 872688

View attachment 872689

Make 100’s of vauge claims then claim you always predicted this from the start. It’s called the Nostradamus effect
i believe that missile belong to zoobin air defense
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The Sky Saber air defense system, fielded by the UK actually uses air to air fighter jet missiles to engage incoming targets. I believe it primarily uses the ASRAAM or AIM-132 missile. The whole point of doing something like this is to be more cost effective and simplify logistics. It makes sense.


Interesting looking small missile on display,looks more like an a2a missile than a sam.
View attachment 872666
The Sayyad missile on display also looks like it might be slightly different as well,the center body strakes look a lot shorter than the ones on the Sayyad 2.

We can see the video here
I feel they are gonna use Azarakhsh missile in many domains

A2A for F-14AM, Kowsar-I/II, Karrar
A2G for UCAVs, Helis
SAM/SHORAD for naval and ambush ground systems

It has an Imaging CCD thermal IR seeker which gives it high resolution and impunity against Jamming. Pitch Yaw Roll function is controlled by 4 separate motors on Canards. Very similar to AIM-9X. Only if they can somehow extend its fuel section to enhance range and we will have our own AIM-9X Block III or DERBY IR equivalent light BVR missile pulling 30 G's in 60 KM.


Fattar program in the 90s to convert AIM-9J into local AIM-9P is one of the most successful projects of Iranian missile industry IMO. It gave birth to this family of Azarakhsh.

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