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Iranian Air Defense Systems

your posters are totally wrong
the range on the system is for Sayyad-2c not Taer

Taer don't have that ranges its Sayyad that give them the range mentioned

you see this is Tabas with Taer

and this is Tabas with Sayyad

the missiles may look similar but taer based on russian design and what originaly used in Buk systems and Sayyad is based on Standard missile
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your posters are totally wrong
the range on the system is for Sayyad-2c not Taer

Taer don't have that ranges its Sayyad that give them the range mentioned
The posters I posted can be found in the IRGC "Holy Defense" aerospace museum in Tehran unlike the one you just posted which is an unofficial infographic.


Sayyad-2 (AD-75) is known to have a maximum range of 75 km (see above). So it can't be Sayyad-2 missiles that bring Tabas' and 3rd Khordad's maximum engagement range to 90 and 105 km respectively. That leaves us with Taer-2 as the only possibility.
The posters I posted can be found in the IRGC "Holy Defense" aerospace museum in Tehran unlike the one you just posted which is an unofficial infographic.

View attachment 844986

Sayyad-2 (AD-75) is known to have a maximum range of 75 km (see above). So it can't be Sayyad-2 missiles that bring Tabas' and 3rd Khordad's maximum engagement range to 90 and 105 km respectively. That leaves us with Taer-2 as the only possibility.
well you guys can talk about Taer missiles as much as you like , the fact remain that it has far less range than Sayyad missiles and different sources claim different range for sayyad-2c
This one made me do a bit of a double take..

Not sure what its carrying tho`
taer still more expensive than missile used in 9th of dey and have the same range while is a lot larger and heavier, and wrong it can be put there as Sayyad 2 can be put on both 3rd of Khordad and 15th of khordad .
those missiles can be used both with canister and without canister

As far I remember 9th Dey probably has no seeker and it is RF directed by FCR of the system. Taer has SARH guidance and it has his own seeker. 9th Dey is better for anti-missile tasks, because it is lighter, cheaper and you can launch more to the incoming threat. Taer having is own active radar on on final approach is better against aircraft and better prepared agains ECM/ECCM techniques.
Existence of seeker is not of that advantage inshor range missile like Taer and 9th khordad
As far I remember 9th Dey probably has no seeker and it is RF directed by FCR of the system. Taer has SARH guidance and it has his own seeker. 9th Dey is better for anti-missile tasks, because it is lighter, cheaper and you can launch more to the incoming threat. Taer having is own active radar on on final approach is better against aircraft and better prepared agains ECM/ECCM techniques.
Gen Sabahifard, chief commander of army air defenses announced the upcoming test for the increased range of Bavar-373 in the near future. he also stated that during the recent wargame, Bavar-373 successfully engaged with a target from 152km away.

your posters are totally wrong
the range on the system is for Sayyad-2c not Taer

Taer don't have that ranges its Sayyad that give them the range mentioned

you see this is Tabas with Taer

and this is Tabas with Sayyad

the missiles may look similar but taer based on russian design and what originaly used in Buk systems and Sayyad is based on Standard missile
I know I'm late here but would like to clear this up
The 105km range missiles on 3rd Khordad are indeed Taer-2 variants. Please note differences below: No strakes in front of the front control surfaces, different rear control surface shape. (top: Sayyad-2C, below: late Taer-2 variant). Easy mistake to make as they are outwardly very similar and this Taer-2 model's white theme doesn't help.


See below, famous image of 3rd Khordad. You can see its missiles match the "White Taer-2" in all but colour

Just to clarify, 3rd Khordad CAN use Sayyad-2C but these "White Taer-2s" are not Sayyads

Gen Sabahifard, chief commander of army air defenses announced the upcoming test for the increased range of Bavar-373 in the near future. he also stated that during the recent wargame, Bavar-373 successfully engaged with a target from 152km away.

This is the second or third time they are saying it's operational. Hope it's for real this time.
I know I'm late here but would like to clear this up
The 105km range missiles on 3rd Khordad are indeed Taer-2 variants. Please note differences below: No strakes in front of the front control surfaces, different rear control surface shape. (top: Sayyad-2C, below: late Taer-2 variant). Easy mistake to make as they are outwardly very similar and this Taer-2 model's white theme doesn't help.

View attachment 846917

See below, famous image of 3rd Khordad. You can see its missiles match the "White Taer-2" in all but colour
View attachment 846918

Just to clarify, 3rd Khordad CAN use Sayyad-2C but these "White Taer-2s" are not Sayyads
I'm not debating on the shape or color of Taer or Sayyad. And my poster didn't state any range for those missile.

If you have any evidence that Taer have any range more tan 40-45km please show it to us
This is the second or third time they are saying it's operational. Hope it's for real this time.
Forget the title, some moron (usual among defense reporters) didn't know what to choose for title.
This is the second or third time they are saying it's operational. Hope it's for real this time.

What is the assumption based on that it wasn't operational before? Also the statement attributed to the military official in this latest news report is in composite tense ("peyvaste ast"), which could as well mean that Bavar-373 has been operational for quite some time. Indeed that is what the sum of all official declarations in this regard implies.
Now it's understandable why Russia was insisted on offering us s400
What is the assumption based on that it wasn't operational before? Also the statement attributed to the military official in this latest news report is in composite tense ("peyvaste ast"), which could as well mean that Bavar-373 has been operational for quite some time. Indeed that is what the sum of all official declarations in this regard implies.
about bavar , they previously said they are going to introduce a bavar-2 soon , maybe the first bavar was an unfinished work in progress after all we knew Sayyad 4 is part of Bavar Package but we saw a test of it. and also we never saw or see a report of it actually being deployed.

another matter is when iran announce a weapon usually we announce its deployment 1-2 year later and the weapon being deployed is having some modification with final product. we usually announce weapons when they are in working order but the final refined product is shown 1-2 year later

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