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Iranian Air Defense Systems


Heres an interesting one,we can see that theres been a new section added to the bottom of the onboard generator mounted behind the cab,it could be for increased storage space I suppose.
However,the most obvious difference from the previous 15th of khordad sams is the shortened length of the missile canisters,as these should extend all the way to the generator.It doesnt make any sense to shorten the missile,so one possibility is that these are the [empty] cut down canisters that we saw during the testing of the system,that have been reused for the parade.

Heres an interesting one,we can see that theres been a new section added to the bottom of the onboard generator mounted behind the cab,it could be for increased storage space I suppose.
However,the most obvious difference from the previous 15th of khordad sams is the shortened length of the missile canisters,as these should extend all the way to the generator.It doesnt make any sense to shorten the missile,so one possibility is that these are the [empty] cut down canisters that we saw during the testing of the system,that have been reused for the parade.
this is new version of 15 of khordad its medium range version less then 120km long range version its the big brother for Mersad-16 short range system which stands at 40-50 km this 15 of khordad version probably has a range of 50 - 95 kms probably way faster then Sayyad-2C at 75 km max range too
this is new version of 15 of khordad its medium range version less then 120km long range version its the big brother for Mersad-16 short range system which stands at 40-50 km this 15 of khordad version probably has a range of 50 - 95 kms probably way faster then Sayyad-2C at 75 km max range too
Is that what it says on the placard?
Is that what it says on the placard?
no the placard only say 15th of khordad middle range air-defense system.
I wonder if they secretly miniaturized Sayyad or Taer missiles?
yes it say 15th of khordas "medium range" indicating that its a new version.
15 of khordad always was middle range
yes it say 15th of khordas "medium range" indicating that its a new version.
So we did get to see a surprise unveiling of some new sam system(s) after all. :sarcastic: :enjoy:
Judging by its cutdown canister length,this new missiles probably pretty close in size to the original rim66.Hopefully we`ll get a look at it at some point.
15th of khordad long range no gap and its a lot bigger



15th of khordad "medium range" just look at the size of containers


its the same size as Talash system


no the placard only say 15th of khordad middle range air-defense system.
I wonder if they secretly miniaturized Sayyad or Taer missiles?

15 of khordad always was middle range
just look at the size, Iran never said its medium range they always said "15th of khordad long range air defense system"
So we did get to see a surprise unveiling of some new sam system(s) after all. :sarcastic: :enjoy:
Judging by its cutdown canister length,this new missiles probably pretty close in size to the original rim66.Hopefully we`ll get a look at it at some point.
great eyes :-) :tup:
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I think it is more likely that they are simply reusing the testing canisters where the sayyad 3 stuck out substantially. There was discussion last year where it seems all testing SAM systems stick out of the canisters a bit whereas the field version are totally sealed. This was also the case with the Mersad & Talash systems. So this is the either testing canister or there might be two different canister sizes to accommodate Sayyads 2 & 3 respectively, though it would be more efficient to just have full size canisters that can house either.
On a related note, Talash does use Sayyads 2 to 4 and probably what ever very high altitude missile for Bavar ABM. Talash is both its own sam system but also the testing platform for most everything that ended up in Khordad 3, Khordad 15, Kamin 2, & Bavar 373. I think Talash also operates the mobile S-200s as well, though not totally sure about that.
S-400/S-500 can engage iskander.
S400 is very advanced and only India, Turkey and China( apart from Russia) have it, most countries have S300, so for a country like Iran to be expected to have or perform at S400 level currently is unrealistic IMO. Those countries except Russia also dont have too many of those S400 systems (No country has surpluses of S400s).
So my point still stands that S400 system , which is the xample you provided, isnt a COMMON AD system as i argued earlier.

And Iskander is not an outlier by any means. Currently advanced missiles are taking two different approaches

1) High terminal re entry speed (ex Sejill) Mach 9+

2) Quasi ballistic trajectory (Iskander and Fateh)
But here again, you mention 3 rare, and highly advanced systems, from 2 countries only - Iskander, Sejjil and Fateh are from Russia and IRan ONLY, and since Russia wont use them on Iran, there is no other threat to Iran then of this type thats close and realistic. smh.
S400 is very advanced and only India, Turkey and China( apart from Russia) have it

Advancement has nothing to do with why S-400 is in the hands of few. The reason is most of the world is aligned with the USA and thus purchase PAC-3 and THAAD for their air defense needs especially NATO and Persian gulf Arabs that relies on unified western architecture. Hence why it was a geopolitical commotion when Turkey (a NATO member) wanted to purchase an eastern system instead of US system.

But here again, you mention 3 rare, and highly advanced systems, from 2 countries only - Iskander, Sejjil and Fateh are from Russia and IRan ONLY, and since Russia wont use them on Iran, there is no other threat to Iran then of this type thats close and realistic. smh.

Yes and Israeli Jericho and Saudi Arabia DF-21 represent threats to Iran ABM shield at its current state. Other countries in the region are working on solid fuel missiles (Turkey).

What is considered advanced today may be common place tomorrow. After all MALE drones like predator were considered advanced in 90’s and 00’s, but now even Houthis have drones and Turkey makes MALE drones.

So if you wait till your enemy fields a weapon that can by pass your current defenses than you are going to be exposing yourself and your country to weakness. Air defense technology isn’t something that you can throw into r&d and have it ready next year, Bavar took a decade to bring to fruition.
could there be a " medium range Bavar-373 ? " 🤔 🧐 a mini Bavar if you will. :enjoy:
15th of Khordad would probably be it, both in range and in terms of compactness. Sayyads 2, 3, & 4 were all supposed to be Bavar and the unveiling of the 15th Khordad a few months before Bavar was a surprise. Considering that Bavar is also going to fill an ABM role more than anything, 15th of Khordad actually is the next tier of domestic system and S-300, Bavar, & 15th Khordad having a great deal of overlap in terms of coverage. Also, General Hajizadeh did call 3rd of Khordad a mini S-300 though this was long before the 15th was around.
15th of khordad long range no gap and its a lot bigger

View attachment 735631

View attachment 735632

15th of khordad "medium range" just look at the size of containers

View attachment 735633

its the same size as Talash system

View attachment 735635

just look at the size, Iran never said its medium range they always said "15th of khordad long range air defense system"

great eyes :-) :tup:

Hold on...... the 15th of Khordad and Talash are not the same system?
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