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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Majid and zolfaghar anti cruise missile systems as can be seen below. Furthermore, antI BM system Damavand has been unveiled as well. Awaiting pictures.

Damavand is Iranian designation for S300!
I'm disappointed now, I was really expecting to see the new changes to Bavar and was expecting Damavand to be Bavar's ABM additions discussed some months ago here.
I may be wrong but I think that was Bavar Test not S-300
It was a year or two before Bavar was unveiled and Farzad Esmaili was still in charge of the Air Defense Forces. It was a series of tests of various systems with a final test being s-300 taking out a ballistic missile launched from another location in the country. It was the first appearance of the system in Iranian livery if I'm not mistaken.

Another thing to add to that, I was always a bit cynical about the true extent of S-300 ABM capabilities and suspect that the test used the least capable of Iran's ballistic missiles and during conditions optimized for S-300 detection. It does go without saying that this how a lot of tests are conducted but I think that this might have been especially the case for S-300 abm test. I always wondered if the newest missiles IRGCASF produces can defeat S-300 or even Bavar future ABM.
In typing this, it makes me wonder if IRGCASF has ever done a serious wargame against the Air Defense Forces in seeing if the various systems and tactics of either branch can defeat one another.
S-300 can shoot down SCUD like missiles. Against Iskander like missiles it will likely fail due to lacking the energy to keep up with a missile that can change paths during terminal phase. It is not a dedicated ABM system like S-300VM aka Antey-2500 (which Russia tried to sell to Iran)

S-400/S-500 would be better choices against more modern missiles and the latter is being tested against hypersonic missiles.
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