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Iranian Air Defense Systems



Iran announces the achievement
get the checklist

1. Ayat Ullah Picture in the Back ground [ CHECK]
2. Murg Ber Amrika slogan [ Missing ]
3. Creativity scale [ 10% ]
4. Repainted 1970s Western Tech [CHECK]
5. Clueless Mullah's on Site [CHECK]
6. Design Inconsistency scale [ 98.99%]
7. Poster Score [70 ]
8. Serious looking fellas [ CHECK]
9. Chance of this Thing working [MAKE A GUESS}
10. SAUDI Brothers commenting [CHECK]
11. Comparison with Israel [CHECK]

You can't go so long!

I have good responses for you...

Sectarian mind :coffee:
It sure as hell won't be a bunch or rusty metal welded together, tell me though can this advanced radar of yours detect your other mockup i mean advanced super stealth fighter the Qaher-313 ?!

Still I'm waiting to be amazed by sophisticated advanced Saudi-made radars which we could call them "achievement".
We are sanctioned but we are making progress in our own domestic military industry.

Don't they are not wroth it, let them keep living in their vanity it changes nothing in the ground. In fact it is to our advantage that they believe they are so advanced. So let them continue to overestimate themselves and underestimate their enemies, the very same Persian mentality that took them down Empire after Empire is displaying itself once more, so let's just let nature take its course.

Are you blind? who started underestimating the other side? it was your fellow Juba who started trolling ....

Welding a bunch of rusty metal pipes together won't make you a radar. You're becoming the laughing stock for the whole world with these "achievements" :omghaha:
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You can't go so long!

I have good responses for you...

Sectarian mind :coffee:
I despise sectarian mindset. do note that I condemn the people of my own country many times more than I do Iran or Saudi Arabia for fighting the sectarian war.

but please. coming to the subject matter. I cringe every time and feel embarrassed whenever these claims are made. just look up some of the models and you will find that they belong to the technology transferred to Iran during Shah's time. these missile for example are 60s Hawk missile lookalike.

Iran is run by an Islamic and theocratic setup but follows the model of the Communists with very tall claims lacking substance. I hate it specially when all those who religiously and politically hate Iran come around and poke holes on such claims.
your regime is repressive, shah was no saint he was a pillock but thats the past. move with the time, keep your values and your customs dear dont compromise on principles but please try making friends around.

your country has the history, the knowledge and people are skilled and have potential but need to get rid of the rhetoric and be honest.

the videos and pictures make good propaganda but for anyone with some basic knowledge about military technology can tell a difference between BS and truth
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I despise sectarian mindset. do note that I condemn the people of my own country many times more than I do Iran or Saudi Arabia for fighting the sectarian war.

but please. coming to the subject matter. I cringe every time and feel embarrass whenever these claims are made. just look up some of the models and they belong to the technology transferred to Iran during Shah's time. these missile for example are 60s Hawk missile lookalike.

Iran is run by an Islamic and theocratic setup but follows the model of the Communists will very tall claims lacking substance. I hate it specially when all those who religiously and politically hate Iran come around and poke holes on such claims.
your regime is repressive, shah was no saint he was a pillock but thats the past. move with the time, keep your values and your customs dear dont compromise on principles but please try making friends around.

your country has the history, the knowledge and people are skilled and have potential but need to get rid of the rhetoric and be honest.

the videos and pictures make good propaganda but for anyone with some basic knowledge about military technology can tell a difference between BS and truth

I can't accept your point!

Because I have enough knowledge about Iran's capabilities ...

How can you tell that to me !?

Yes this things are only upgraded systems ...

But does it mean we don't have better and far more advanced systems!?

Do you remember what you said about Iranian version of RQ-170?

a plastic model !!!

For your information this so called plastic model had it's first flight successfully!

You can have the video soon!

So should I believe my own eyes & wisdom or your false judgment instead!?

I have patience !

People don't ...
It is a bit saddening to see an empty and childish talk between fellow Muslims. Both countries have made more progress in the last decade than ever before. And I have to concede that SA just awakened to the west's game that played too much with its money and resources for others benefits , while Iran has awakened much before, since both were in the same situation in the hands of foreign powers.
Iran's achievements are real and innovative just like the Chinese ones that no one contests anymore, while the Saudi ones are in a beginning phase and high tech due to market's availability. Iran has more achievements by force of things , since I think if there were no sanctions Iran would have purchased some of the most sophisticated weapon systems on the international market, but even with these sanction and following its philosophy of self reliance it is almost in par with the most recent technologies, and that is sufficient to defend its land, since it does not have any hegemonic aims. Neither do KSA, who can efficiently defend its land, but it is still Dependant on western suppliers, although with some ToT now a days, a positive sign of aiming towards self sufficiency too.
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This is your Agent who will be sentenced to death for treason in a few days, he was spewing a bunch of bullsh!t as propaganda for your regime. By the way, we have the largest plastic spoon industry in the region.
Good, one less saudi/arab. You actually thought any of us care if he gets his head chopped?

silly, silly Mosa.
I can't accept your point!

Because I have enough knowledge about Iran's capabilities ...

How can you tell that to me !?
You can have the video soon!

So should I believe my own eyes & wisdom or your false judgment instead!?

I have patience !

People don't ...
good luck and power to you
You don't, building mockups is not considered an indigenous industry.

We do

this MRAP my dear is my favorite
is a beast Al Masmak right?
it can chew on insurgents like there is no tomorrow.

Well I wont hold my breath, waiting for that fiction to happen.
you got a fixated smirk
why is that?
I must say I copied your smile when i saw some pictures of the exotic radars in the beginning of the thread.

specially this one is the best
if any aeroplane flies between these two radars .. they will never miss it

if any aeroplane flies between these two radars .. they will never miss it

this what will happen when fool try to talk . this is what it get me .when some one who comes from failed state says this about others . but we have to let fools have there foolish freedom .
he doesnt even no difference between troposcatter and radars . what can i say

Iranian made Troposcatter TTS-480


Russian S400

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this what will happen when fool try to talk . this is what it get me .when some one who comes from failed state says this about others . but we have to let fools have there foolish freedom .
he doesnt even no difference between troposcatter and radars . what can i say

Iranian made Troposcatter TTS-480
I will never dare to call an Ayatullah between two radars a fool.. if his picture can detect planes then thats fine.
For real !? :woot:
ya the picture of the respected Ayatullah is for real.
I missed that before
and I have been educated about the difference between a Radar and a troposcatter COMS device. the comment was meant in light gest nothing much
I just scratch my head whenver I see the over used pictures of Ayatullahs everywhere.. you just cant escape them, they are in shopping mall over Mac Donnald and of course on military exhibitions
ya the picture of the respected Ayatullah is for real.
I missed that before
and I have been educated about the difference between a Radar and a troposcatter COMS device. the comment was meant in light gest nothing much
I just scratch my head whenver I see the over used pictures of Ayatullahs everywhere.. you just cant escape them, they are in shopping mall over Mac Donnald and of course on military exhibitions

This is your problem!

If you get bothered in McDonalds , bring some strap on bombs next time!

Rest in peace !


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