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Iranian Air Defense Systems

You can only prove it is BS by proving that the CIA commander is still alive. I repeat the CIA commander was kill together with 6 top officials but the US cannot even announce their death. If this is not true, it is easy to disprove. Let him come and say here I am and I will agree that I have believed BS.

You guys used an actor from Zero Dark Thirty as proof that the Iranians assassinated him.

Being taken prisoner and dying does not relate to your specific comment on crying. No, I have not seen an Iranian soldier crying when they were taken prisoners.

So no Iranian soldier would ever cry in war or conflict? I'm impressed.
So no Iranian soldier would ever cry in war or conflict? I'm impressed.

Different cultures. In Iran, martyrdom is something to be proud of, in your army, well, even being captured is enough for garments to be ruined. I suppose I should not be surprised that you cannot comprehend this difference, after all, you're from the same land as those troops.

Anyway, this thread is about Iranian air defence. Shall we not take it off topic further? If you want to compare tear production, feel free to continue in the appropriate thread.
Different cultures. In Iran, martyrdom is something to be proud of, in your army, well, even being captured is enough for garments to be ruined. I suppose I should not be surprised that you cannot comprehend this difference, after all, you're from the same land as those troops.

Anyway, this thread about is Iranian air defence. Shall we not take it off topic? If you want to compare tear production, feel free to continue in the appropriate thread.

But I'm curious why the Iranians who embraced martyrdom be captured as prisoners of war then? Thats a contradiction. Shouldn't they be proud to die?
But I'm curious why the Iranians who embraced martyrdom be captured as prisoners of war then? Thats a contradiction. Shouldn't they be proud to die?

Anyway, this thread is about Iranian air defence. Shall we not take it off topic further? If you want to compare tear production, feel free to continue in the appropriate thread.
You mean managing to sink a frigate that did not even have a CIWS? I am always amazed with you Americans bringing up something that happened in the 80's, a time when Iran was in middle of a war and it's defence capabilities were not even a fraction of what they are today. As for blasts from the past, how's this for one?

Millennium Challenge 2002 | U.S. Lost a naval War With Iran 18 years ago

If we look at history, it would appear it is the soldiers of your army that have a tendency of being reduced to tears, I have never seen any Iranian soldier cry out of fear.



No CIWS will help you.
You literally cited a military simulation, no battle has occured.

Iranians don't cry because they're dead.
The man probably has a family and was afraid, if he was killed you were all dead there in Iran.
Skyshadow, I appreciate you and Peed, Yavyar's knowledge about Iran's air defenses but the guy you're answering most likely lives in Tel Aviv.....so just don't give away anything that's not public.

Also a note to the Iranian defense industry officials and reporters:
stop showing every freaking thing on tv! Stop posting videos and pictures of secret locations and bunkers!

Iranians are masters of knowing what to reveal and what not to reveal.

people shouldn't think that as soon as something gets made, it immidiatly goes on tv for everyone to see.... Iran just put out a military satellite with zero notice... a project that takes a decade~

its a balance.. you need to show enough so that your enemies know you can defend yourself. and doesn't miscalculate itself into a war that both sides will lose.

but you don't want to show everything. you definitely want to keep some of your high end equipment a secret/surprise..

throwing in a couple of bluffs like qaher here and there actually serves a purpose as well.. to throw the enemy off guard... I firmly believe that a lot of calculation goes behind exactly what Iran reveals.. don't underestimate Iranian planners and think someone on an internet forum can give away state secrets.
No CIWS will help you.
You literally cited a military simulation, no battle has occured.

Iranians don't cry because they're dead.
The man probably has a family and was afraid, if he was killed you were all dead there in Iran.

Yeah the most expensive and complex simulation in history. That ended up being rigged against the OpFor to make US military planners feel better.
You literally cited a military simulation, no battle has occured.

You vastly underestimate the importance of simulations. Sophisticated companies and nations use simulations all time as means for determining an imitation of an event. Most high-level decisions are made due to the results of simulations whether it is in manufacturing or warfare.

But I don't expect you to understand what simulations are given your biases.
The US has also simulated destroying the whole Iranian navy and airforce and bombing the hell out of Iran. Would you believe that simulation?

Yes of course. As long as all the appropriate parameters are there and not manipulated for political reasons. And every U.S simulation has political oriented inaccuracies. No known proper simulation like the Van ripper one exists.
The US has also simulated destroying the whole Iranian navy and airforce and bombing the hell out of Iran. Would you believe that simulation? Simulations are only important when Iran wins, when the US wins, only then you agree that it's just a simulation.

Ok cuck
seems like some one is up early for his job. you guys are committed to your job don't you??

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