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Iranian Air Defense Systems

The question is, would you rather have 8 missiles per 1 truck or spread them out and have 4 missiles per 2 trucks, and so on. What do you think is a more survivable system layout? As long as you're providing the same "kill zone" radius, then I'd rather have my missiles spread out.
Two separate TELs costs a lot..besides missile system which has mid range and needs rapid response like aginst a squadron of arial threats needs more missiles....

It will take few minutes to empty the whole rounds...

Besides @Sineva said if 3rd khordad manages to carry 3 more missiles in another row it may solve rapid reloading problem as well as higher rounds available to fire. Every trucks costs a lot...
Two separate TELs costs a lot..

When you're considering factors such as survivability, the cost of the TEL becomes less significant.

besides missile system which has mid range and needs rapid response like aginst a squadron of arial threats needs more missiles....

We are not reducing the number of missiles here, we're simply spreading them out to increase the survivability.

Besides said if 3rd khordad manages to carry 3 more missiles in another row it may solve rapid reloading problem as well as higher rounds available to fire. Every costs a lot...

The 3rd of Khordad TEL is quite a special one given how compact and mobile it is. My focus is not on it particularly, but generally speaking. But still, you have to ask yourself, why has Iran gone for 3 missiles per 3rd Khordad TEL when it could have gone for more?
well Moragheb is less powerful it has even lesser range then Meraj-4 and it can not identify as same amount of target as Meraj-4 can so it is cheaper to buy in exchange it uses less electricity and its more movable

Skyshadow, I appreciate you and Peed, Yavyar's knowledge about Iran's air defenses but the guy you're answering most likely lives in Tel Aviv.....so just don't give away anything that's not public.

Also a note to the Iranian defense industry officials and reporters:
stop showing every freaking thing on tv! Stop posting videos and pictures of secret locations and bunkers!
Skyshadow, I appreciate you and Peed, Yavyar's knowledge about Iran's air defenses but the guy you're answering most likely lives in Tel Aviv.....so just don't give away anything that's not public.

Also a note to the Iranian defense industry officials and reporters:
stop showing every freaking thing on tv! Stop posting videos and pictures of secret locations and bunkers!

Where did you get that idea from that he probably lives in Tel Aviv
Skyshadow, I appreciate you and Peed, Yavyar's knowledge about Iran's air defenses but the guy you're answering most likely lives in Tel Aviv.....so just don't give away anything that's not public.

You're accusing me of living in Tel Aviv?

Impressive setup

Look forward to seeing this system get deployed

The question is, would you rather have 8 missiles per 1 truck or spread them out and have 4 missiles per 2 trucks, and so on. What do you think is a more survivable system layout? As long as you're providing the same "kill zone" radius, then I'd rather have my missiles spread out.

I'd go for 4 missiles 2 trucks
Where did you get that idea from that he probably lives in Tel Aviv

Harfe moft mizane. He just popped out of a hole and out of nowhere is making such an accusation. Of course the irony is, he himself apparently lives in the US. In reality anyone here could be not what they claim, but I've been here only for a few months and have dealt with so many Zionists etc that on a daily basis are constantly trying to spread propaganda against Iran. This is whilst people like him are hiding in a hole somewhere.
Harfe moft mizane. He just popped out of a hole and out of nowhere is making such an accusation. Of course the irony is, he himself apparently lives in the US. In reality anyone here could be not what they claim, but I've been here only for a few months and have dealt with so many Zionists etc that on a daily basis are constantly trying to spread propaganda against Iran. This is whilst people like him are hiding in a hole somewhere.
I just read an article about Iran's radar, the analyst was in Tel-Aviv, I was making a point not to answer sensitive questions about the Radar systems, range, ops band, comparability etc...if you're offended, I apologize but if you really are Iranian than you will appreciate it.
I just read an article about Iran's radar, the analyst was in Tel-Aviv, I was making a point not to answer sensitive questions about the Radar systems, range, ops band, comparability etc...if you're offended, I apologize but if you really are Iranian than you will appreciate it.

You should not make accusation against specific members, instead talk generally. Specially when you accuse without any real reason. Man khodam chan bar inja ghoftan chiji sensitive post nakonim. Iranians here should already know to use only OSINT informations and not use anything else (assuming they even have access to such a thing). At the end of day, remember you're in a defence forum and people will ask questions. Sometimes I know the answers and I post them, other times I may ask myself.
oh brave us marine like that insect who cry like wh ore when irig arrest them in PERSIAN GULF lol go wash yourself and then come back dont forget al asad who came vertically cam back horizontally and have soft brain damage

Don't forget what happened to your navy. Don't need to see the Iranians crying.

I don't and won't have to be questioning anything, America is the one who will have to be dealing with a nation that is willing to take it as far as it needs to go. So far America has been quite reluctant in striking Iranian soil whilst over the years the Iranians have killed 1,000s of American GI's and American mercenaries the region over all the while ruining American plans for regional domination for well over two decades now. Just because the U.S armed forces decides to bring in some measly Patriots into Iraq doesn't mean U.S. now has total Carte Blanche to do what it wants in Iraq completely unabated. Those Patriots really won't help if Iran decides to destroy them and the bases they protect btw, just an FYI.

And Iran is quite reluctant to strike American soil after killing thousands of Iranians in Syria and Iraq Not even striking back at Israel for the missile attacks against Iranians personnel. Iranian defense system won't help protect them either. It was after the death of your heroic general that you had to strike back, but only to cause no deaths cause you don't want to push it farther than losing your general and the head commander of the PMU.

There does indeed seem to be a certain limit to what the PMUs which are an official part of the Iraqi military and Iranian forces are willing to take before more severe responses, possibility leading to full-blown open warfare, are decided upon. For Iran that red line is quite open and crystal clear; if Iranian soil is attacked by America then it's gloves off. During the attack on Ayn Al-Assad, several more waves of missiles (ranging in the hundreds of BMs) were already prepared and ready to go if the U.S. military were to retaliate against Iranian assets on Iranian soil (guess what didn't happen?). To me and many others this is a sign that Iran has overtly accepted, like I elucidated before, its willingness to take whatever losses in order to protect the Iranian homeland. To make myself even more clear, and further delineate upon what it is I'm trying to get across to you. Iran most likely can't win an open conflict with American forces if the war lasts for too long, Iran knows that, we know that but they've prepared to engage the U.S. in ways that they can sustain a conflict in. Iran can really hurt American standing in the Middle East if a high-intensity short-duration conflict is initiated but if that drags out Iran will really be feeling the hurt. The United States simply has the bigger economy and pool of resources to use in long form factor engagement, coupled with the larger military, this will lead to a "victory" of some sort. Although that aim is seriously in question since Iran really isn't alone here, it has allies/proxies that have been well equipped and armed can/will create a big problem for the U.S. the region over if they decide to get involved (high likely-hood). That's neither here nor there though....You seem to be insinuating that Iran is afraid of the U.S. and the attack on Ayn Al-Assad was just some hollow face-saving attempt to get back at the U.S. for killing a well respected General. Fair enough, that is your stance, I don't think that is what went down but I respectively have a different perspective on it

You know the gloves be off when you decided to start a war with the U.S. and not to mention its allies in the Middle East. Considering how much the Arab states hate Iran, you can bet they will help out. So you have more enemies to deal with.


P.S.S.: Oldman1.....Operation praying Mantis happened quite some time ago, what Iran has now in terms of offensive weaponry completely dwarfs what it had back then (I won't list them off since I don't think you care tbh). If the U.S. sinks 40 Iranian boats (or some other Arbitrary number) then America will be getting the same or more amount of retaliation back. Can't wait to see how Trump or some other sorry U.S. president will explain to the American nation that the Iranians have split in-half dozens of our warships and wiped out dozens of our bases overnight killing and wounded literally thousands in the span of a single night.

Yes Operation Praying Mantis happened long time ago, but you know that the U.S. also increased its offensive weaponry thats different than what you saw in the 80s and 90s. I can tell you that.
Don't forget what happened to your navy.

You mean managing to sink a frigate that did not even have a CIWS? I am always amazed with you Americans bringing up something that happened in the 80's, a time when Iran was in middle of a war and it's defence capabilities were not even a fraction of what they are today. As for blasts from the past, how's this for one?

Millennium Challenge 2002 | U.S. Lost a naval War With Iran 18 years ago

Don't need to see the Iranians crying.

If we look at history, it would appear it is the soldiers of your army that have a tendency of being reduced to tears, I have never seen any Iranian soldier cry out of fear.



@Oldman1 why ask for Iran to try and sink a US warship when YOU KNOW that in the next conflict US will lose the most ships to Iran that it ever has. EVen US planners know US ships will sink if they are either in the Persian GUlf or near it....dont spew lies and propaganda because of your pride.

The U.S. won't get the ships close to Iran's anti ship missiles you should know that if you were in U.S. Navy's shoes. What would you do if you were commanding the U.S. Fifth Fleet? And Iran losing ships is more significant because they have a smaller navy.

You mean managing to sink a frigate that did not even have a CIWS? I always amazed with you Americans bring up something that happened in the 80's, a time when Iran was in middle of a war and it's defence capabilities were all imports and not even a fraction of what they are today. As for blasts from the past, how's this for one?

Millennium Challenge 2002 | U.S. Lost a naval War With Iran 18 years ago

If we look at history, it would appear it is the soldiers of your army that have a tendency of being reduced to tears, I have never seen any Iranian soldier cry out of fear.

Exactly, in Operation Praying Mantis you never saw any Iranian cry out of fear. Because they couldn't.
Exactly, in Operation Praying Mantis you never saw any Iranian cry out of fear. Because they couldn't.

The point is not where they could or not, it's whether they would. Hence my original statement that crying seems to be the forte of your combatants.
Don't forget what happened to your navy. Don't need to see the Iranians crying.

~ 40mln people on food stamps
~ 30mln without health insurance
> 1mln infected with the covid-19 virus

mind your own business, you have enough problems at home
The point is not where they could or not, it's whether they would. Hence my original statement that crying seems to be the forte of your combatants.

So your Iranians soldiers never cried or died or taken prison?

~ 40mln people on food stamps
~ 30mln without health insurance
> 1mln infected with the covid-19 virus

mind your own business, you have enough problems at home

Indeed, Iran does have enough problems at home.

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