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Iranian Air Defense Systems

It seems that this 35 mm anti aircraft gun employs AHEAD munitions



Heres one that gave me a great laugh and I definitely would recommend reading it.
Its strategypage,so be warned its rabidly pro zionist/pro us,but its also inadvertently hilarious with its mixture of outright lies,half truths and various [deliberate?] mistakes.


Its basically commenting on irans new air defences in the aftermath of the shootdown of the global hawk.Interestingly tho theres been no new follow up in the wake of the unveiling of the Bavar 373[I wonder why?,LOL!]
It seems that this 35 mm anti aircraft gun employs AHEAD munitions

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Main problem I see with that system is the requirement of human operators for the gun and on a vehicle that size the AAA should be remotely operated from inside a protected control room on the vehicle with advanced software, ability to network into other near by systems and various sensors that would reduce human error to an absolute minimum.
Heres one that gave me a great laugh and I definitely would recommend reading it.
Its strategypage,so be warned its rabidly pro zionist/pro us,but its also inadvertently hilarious with its mixture of outright lies,half truths and various [deliberate?] mistakes.


Its basically commenting on irans new air defences in the aftermath of the shootdown of the global hawk.Interestingly tho theres been no new follow up in the wake of the unveiling of the Bavar 373[I wonder why?,LOL!]
For those ones who haven't red it....i must say the whole essay isn't worth reading....an biased essay is written with someone who doesn't know nothing about Military issues...but absolutely someone who is being paid by some enemy countries to paint a black picture of Iran's situation(All Iranian scientist immigrate,Iran doesn't have capability...........)
Main problem I see with that system is the requirement of human operators for the gun and on a vehicle that size the AAA should be remotely operated from inside a protected control room on the vehicle with advanced software, ability to network into other near by systems and various sensors that would reduce human error to an absolute minimum.
it's an automatic radar guided AAA and doesn't require human operators except for reloading and the gunner in the local mode and this process can be made automatic like GDF-005 which reduce the crew number to one
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what is he mean by turning off radar from time to time??????? :what: that is a very suspicious move they are making ( shifting Middle East command center from Qatar to South Carolina ).o_O

“Our goal is deterrence,” Saltzman said, not conflict. But the lack of communication with Iran can make sending that message difficult. The United States has to use other measures, he said, including turning off radar from time to time or planning flight routes to make it clear it does not intend to attack.

Amid tension with Iran, U.S. Air Force shifts Middle East command center from Qatar to South Carolina


Bashier and Najm-802B AESA radars


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