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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Bavar-373 air defense system


Is that a proximity sensor I see there?
watch from 3:39

what does he say?

We need to increase the range of bavar missiles as soon as possible. 200km is good, but we need to cover much more, i.e in the range of 300-400km.

I think short AD systems (Pantsir, Tor...) are now much more needed as we learned from todays warfare....
Is that a proximity sensor I see there?
it has that yes

We need to increase the range of bavar missiles as soon as possible. 200km is good, but we need to cover much more, i.e in the range of 300-400km.

a better one is going through its final level of production its better than S-400 but Iran did not say new system's name yet.
Great details. TVC fully confirmed. AESA TRMs visible and more...

Waiting for your in-depth analysis :D

a better one is going through its final level of production its better than S-400 but Iran did not say new system's name yet.

Have they confirmed they are in final stages of another system??!!
No in depth analysis yet but an interedting detail:
A very different system is shown similar to the S-300V layout where your TEL has a mast mounted engagment radar.
This is something you would do to bring down the costs and risks. Because it is a high risk to develop a AESA engagment radar like the final Bavar-373.
So either this system was the first attempt or it is a more cost effective Bavar variant which lost to the higher capability one.
Actually this unknown variant would be a real good alternative. 4 Tears with 4 last mounted Ofogh radar variants for 4 channels instead of Bavars 6, but at much cheaper price.

Looks like ABM and counter-hypersonic performance was too important for Iran than to go with the much cheaper lower capability alternative.
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