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Iranian Air Defense Systems

what is he mean by turning off radar from time to time??????? :what: that is a very suspicious move they are making ( shifting Middle East command center from Qatar to South Carolina ).o_O

“Our goal is deterrence,” Saltzman said, not conflict. But the lack of communication with Iran can make sending that message difficult. The United States has to use other measures, he said, including turning off radar from time to time or planning flight routes to make it clear it does not intend to attack.

Amid tension with Iran, U.S. Air Force shifts Middle East command center from Qatar to South Carolina


Bashier and Najm-802B AESA radars
WOOW! I strongly suspect US is requesting or doing secret negotiations with Iran now.
what is he mean by turning off radar from time to time??????? :what: that is a very suspicious move they are making ( shifting Middle East command center from Qatar to South Carolina ).o_O

“Our goal is deterrence,” Saltzman said, not conflict. But the lack of communication with Iran can make sending that message difficult. The United States has to use other measures, he said, including turning off radar from time to time or planning flight routes to make it clear it does not intend to attack.

Amid tension with Iran, U.S. Air Force shifts Middle East command center from Qatar to South Carolina


Bashier and Najm-802B AESA radars


I guess the same way that Israeli frigate had turned its radars off in war time when it was hit by Hezbollah missile??! Seem to becoming a normal practice in western armies. They want to save the planet and keep electricity bills down.
what is he mean by turning off radar from time to time??????? :what: that is a very suspicious move they are making ( shifting Middle East command center from Qatar to South Carolina ).o_O

“Our goal is deterrence,” Saltzman said, not conflict. But the lack of communication with Iran can make sending that message difficult. The United States has to use other measures, he said, including turning off radar from time to time or planning flight routes to make it clear it does not intend to attack.

Amid tension with Iran, U.S. Air Force shifts Middle East command center from Qatar to South Carolina


Bashier and Najm-802B AESA radars



Active radars give off a known frequency (radiation) that the enemy can detect. For example, Iran’s OTH.

That coupled with certain actions (warplanes) in the air might mislead the enemy to think you are actually doing a mission air strike on them. Thus certain measures are taken to prevent the other side from thinking an attack is taking place.

This was common in Cold War.

I guess the same way that Israeli frigate had turned its radars off in war time when it was hit by Hezbollah missile??! Seem to becoming a normal practice in western armies. They want to save the planet and keep electricity bills down.

Aside from that example.

No country has its land based radars ON at all times for many reasons as it allows enemy to see radar points via radiation as well as the cost.

Believe it or not high powered radars do cost high amounts of energy to operate and if it isn’t war time there is no reason for it to be on. They come online when secondary radars pick up something that is deemed threatening or if central command gives the order to maintain high alert for potential attack.

This is why western armies try to fly close to Iranian border (or enemy in general) as much as possible to force radars to turn on and allow assessment of coverage and weaknesses. Hence why it’s a chess game where Iran will deliberately not turn on radars knowing that the enemy is doing recon and instead rely on established radars that the enemy likely knows about.
Heres one that gave me a great laugh and I definitely would recommend reading it.
Its strategypage,so be warned its rabidly pro zionist/pro us,but its also inadvertently hilarious with its mixture of outright lies,half truths and various [deliberate?] mistakes.


Its basically commenting on irans new air defences in the aftermath of the shootdown of the global hawk.Interestingly tho theres been no new follow up in the wake of the unveiling of the Bavar 373[I wonder why?,LOL!]

Such a shitty article. Already a mistake in the first paragraph:

Three weeks later Iran announced it had shot down an American Triton maritime surveillance UAV (an aircraft based on the 14 ton RQ-4 Global Hawk). There was a manned navy four engine ELINT (Electronic intelligence aircraft) nearby with 35 people on board. Iran later admitted they deliberately did not fire on the manned aircraft. Just as well for Iran because the manned aircraft have some defense against attack while the UAV does not.

The UAV that Iran shot down did have some defense against attacks:

The RQ-4A isn't a clay pigeon. At $110 million each, the Global Hawk needs three people to remotely pilot it and its sensors. Wider in wingspan than a Boeing 737, it has a Rolls Royce engine moving it along at around 500 miles per hour as it hoovers up signals and images normally at 65,000 feet to keep out of the way of surface-to-air missiles. Even if they get too close, it has a radar-warning receiver, a jamming system and releases a decoy, towed behind it.

CEP of 5 meters and that Iran developing mobile radar and an air defense system that can detect, track and destroy its targets while moving

thanks @skyshadow , your translations are always very appreciated

"track and destroy its targets while moving"

here we have an tor-m2u firing during movement:

thanks @skyshadow , your translations are always very appreciated

"track and destroy its targets while moving"

here we have an tor-m2u firing during movement:

your welcome my work here is on its absolute minimum so do not even mention it, i first thought of TOR systems too well he said that system will be first in its kind sooo maybe he's talking about long range mobile system
a system that is designed to move and track and shoot especially with that mission in mind not mobile but fully fully mobile.

is it;that much sophisticated Sardar Hajizadeh mentioned!....cuz airborne and marine radars are working in this procedure...........

yes he said that planes and navies can do that but they can not usually do that on ground but we did it.
I guess the same way that Israeli frigate had turned its radars off in war time when it was hit by Hezbollah missile??! Seem to becoming a normal practice in western armies. They want to save the planet and keep electricity bills down.
Or maybe in battle field you have to keep your radars continuesly on;so when your sensors sniff the radar waves,persuade the commanders that there would be a treat(maybe a surprise attack) .but in common condition radars have off time(saving cost and repairing time and etc)......so with this supposition they wanna show to us there mustn't be any worries....and everything is undercontrol.........

watching a AWACS plane some 85 km away from Iran border with EW camera tracking it live



Ra'ad system?!.....
Or maybe in battle field you have to keep your radars continuesly on;so when your sensors sniff the radar waves,persuade the commanders that there would be a treat(maybe a surprise attack) .but in common condition radars have off time(saving cost and repairing time and etc)......so with this supposition they wanna show to us there mustn't be any worries....and everything is undercontrol.........

Ra'ad system?!.....
i think its Raad 2 system


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