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Iran wins Freestyle Wrestling World Cup 2013 title

I know that all Iranians serve fried tomato with the chelo kebab, but some also serve an onion cut in half, sometimes fried.

Is that a regional thing?

well the traditional way is to crush the onion with your fist not cutting it in two , and I don't think they serve fried onion with chelo Kebab , it must be eaten raw
and funny part is that Olympic was Originally Track & Field, Pentathlon and and wrestling . now I wonder when Olympic committee reach the brilliant Idea of removing track & field and Pentathlon from the competition
yep , just kidding .

I hope soheil doesn't say WTF after watching the post .

WTF man !!! :coffee:
Chelo kabab + onion + Sumac + Barbari + wrestling are something that I don't like to miss ... they smell Iranian ....
I see CIA agents- Grab them all-:whistle:-

Yet the Arabs defeated the Rome- :taz:-

ah, even in this thread the wahabis manage to stink up the place

buddy, Iran has been the only country in history to capture a Roman emperor alive. We killed 2 Roman emperors in battle and captured Valerian along with many of his soldiers alive. He died years later in Iran. Shapur used Valerian as a footstool for many years.


The Humiliation of Emperor Valerian by Shapur I, pen and ink, Hans Holbein the Younger, ca. 1521

Edit: btw, have the arabs ever accomplished anything in sports? Iran probably bagged more medals in the last Olympic than all arab countries combined in the last few editions.
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