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Response of Trump
“We will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever. It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame,” Trump continued. “If there’s any hostility, that they do anything we think is inappropriate, we are going to put sanctions on Iraq, very big sanctions on Iraq.”
Now nobody is scared of those sanctions
In American people are raising voices that where are we heading?
Have we asked him for permission? he wants to be taken serious he feels insecure and scared otherwise no reason for these numerous impulsive tweets ... beside trump and alikes are no more than a noise in entire Iran history/future which come and gone .. we make decision on our principles not these clowns tweets in cap ...
We all know its the declaration of war. More shit coming to this region.

Yes. Now, I get it.
Response of Trump
“We will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever. It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame,” Trump continued. “If there’s any hostility, that they do anything we think is inappropriate, we are going to put sanctions on Iraq, very big sanctions on Iraq.”
Parliament's decision is a recommendation. There's no binding in terms of Executive structure of Iraq. I wish that the Iraqi state can take concrete steps, but under these conditions, it seems unlikely.
Parliament's decision is a recommendation. There's no binding in terms of Executive structure of Iraq. I wish that the Iraqi state can take concrete steps, but under these conditions, it seems unlikely.
Please explain how the Iraqi parliament resolution is a recommendation.
Empty threats. The only way to stop Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, if it chooses to acquire them, is a full invasion and occupation. They're unlikely to succeed in such a war and the cost to them would be enormous - by far the greatest since the second world war. I strongly believe that the best action Iran can take at this moment in time is to race towards the nuclear bomb. The US has run out of cards to play on the sanctions front. His maximum pressure campaign has already failed, but he is far too stupid to realise it. Iran won't get a better opportunity to take the final strategic step.
Please explain how the Iraqi parliament resolution is a recommendation.

I am not sure about Iraq; but generally, in parliamentary system, a resolution by the parliament is not binding on the executive. So it may be termed as recommendation. Act of parliament is law and binding.
Please explain how the Iraqi parliament resolution is a recommendation.
Did you really not read the documents of the relevant session? In a statement made by the Assembly, it was stated that the government has the obligation to implement the decision.

Because according to the principle of separation of powers; legislature is the responsibility of the Assembly while The executive authority is the government.
I am not sure about Iraq; but generally, in parliamentary system, a resolution by the parliament is not binding on the executive. So it may be termed as recommendation. Act of parliament is law and binding.
I don't know about Pakistan, but as far as Iran is concerned, every law passed by the parliament is obligatory for the government to execute. The government can ignore a law passed by the parliament or fail to execute it properly, but then the parliament can vote to impeach the president. This is pretty much the same in most countries in the world.

And the resolution passed yesterday reads
“The Iraqi government must work to end the presence of any foreign troops on Iraqi soil and prohibit them from using its land, airspace or water for any reason.”

The word must doesn't make it sound like a recommendation or a suggestion to me.

Did you really not read the documents of the relevant session? In a statement made by the Assembly, it was stated that the government has the obligation to implement the decision.

Because according to the principle of separation of powers; legislature is the responsibility of the Assembly while The executive authority is the government.
And how does that make it a "recommendation"? Specially when the word "must" has been used?
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