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I don't know about Pakistan, but as far as Iran is concerned, every law passed by the parliament is obligatory for the government to execute. The government can ignore a law passed by the parliament or fail to execute it properly, but then the parliament can vote to impeach the president. This is pretty much the same in most countries in the word.

In parliamentary system, as in India and Pakistan, there is a difference between resolution and act. First is sort of intent or recommendation, while the second one is law and binding. But, as I said, I am not sure about Iraq.
Donald ...wake up and smell the coffee!..it may be already too late and here is why.

1- Iran spent $16 billion dollar over 20 years to be able to enrich Uranium.
2- Iran endured more than 10 years of nuclear related sanction to be able to enrich uranium
3- Iran identified two nuclear power states (US and Israel) as her primary enemies.
4- Iranian leaders have proven themselves to be calculating,rational and Intelligent.
5- Iran has been threatened in several occasions with nuclear annihilation.

Now put all these FACTS together and make your own conclusion. They do not spend that kind of money and that kind hardship in that kind of neighbourhood just to have few Kilos of shinny Uranium on a display window.

This is like asking if there are ETs in the universe...just because we have not seen them does not mean they do not exist!..
As I recall the trumpster made very similar claims regarding the dprk
I don't know about Pakistan, but as far as Iran is concerned, every law passed by the parliament is obligatory for the government to execute. The government can ignore a law passed by the parliament or fail to execute it properly, but then the parliament can vote to impeach the president. This is pretty much the same in most countries in the world.
In Iran if president fail to announce a law passed by parliament to government then the head of he parliament do it instead of him and for government branches its as binding as if the president himself announce it to them
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