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IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

Didn't see any video of 1st missile missing the first time. Care to enlighten me on that? Link the video.
the video Israelis published only shows the moment of hit.
here you can find some info:
The Aviationist » Hezbollah behind mysterious spy drone over Israel. The first one the IAF missed to hit (at the first attempt).
Fighter jet reportedly missed its first shot at spy drone | The Times of Israel

How do you know it was undetected?
cause if they detected it (by radars) then they would hit it, and would announce it.
but they didn't, also our military reported that drone returned to base successfully.
Tada. The same bucket on one of Iran's speedboats. Above the rocket launcher:


that bucket keeps the pizza hot.
LOL you are like 5 years old kid prefer trolling the more important avchievment of Iran.

bro,when are you going to stop commenting on sth that you have no knowledge about it at all?i have replied on every point you noticed about F-313.F-313's aerodynamic capabilities are proven as you can see its 1/10 model flying in vids.

it is possible to make box fly, what does it prove?
cause if they detected it (by radars) then they would hit it, and would announce it.
but they didn't, also our military reported that drone returned to base successfully.

why would they hit it if it was over international waters and not in a war time?
why would they hit it if it was over international waters and not in a war time?

No different than not shooting at Iranian speed boats that are in close proximity of U.S. warships. Are we at war? That depends on the Iranians. They say don't send another American carrier in the Persian Gulf or they attack it. It was a bluff when we sent another one.
the one that yours and Israelis radars couldn't detect, the one that was detected by optical sensors, and the one that was shot down by 2nd missile from F16, yes that one.

Amazing that you know more than Israeli media, how is that?

Man!!!, do you read the news at all, the first one missed the target, and for the second one, F16 had to get very close to the drone so that the missile could lock on it. again it's videos are available on youtube.

why couldn’t missile lock on at target at greater distance? Python-V seeker is advanced and can lock on target kilometers away, so advanced missile couldn’t lock on but some kind of optical system as you say could have detect it in a huge area kilometers away
No different than not shooting at Iranian speed boats that are in close proximity of U.S. warships. Are we at war? That depends on the Iranians. They say don't send another American carrier in the Persian Gulf or they attack it. It was a bluff when we sent another one.

Exactly, despite the tension it was in international waters not in a war time, just teasing.
why would they hit it if it was over international waters and not in a war time?
war time or not, U.S warships would shoot down any spy bird flying over them, the same thing is true for our warships, if you don't know this simple rule, then you are humiliating your knowledge of military rules.

No different than not shooting at Iranian speed boats that are in close proximity of U.S. warships. Are we at war? That depends on the Iranians. They say don't send another American carrier in the Persian Gulf or they attack it. It was a bluff when we sent another one.
I'm sorry to ruin your imaginary innocent view, this is reality: (killing fishermen at the UAE coast)
Indian fisherman killed in U.S. firing - The Hindu
the only reason your warships don't fire at our boats is because these are Iranian patrol boats, it's their job to get info from any closing ship or warship, and your commanders know what would happen to them if they fire at us,
we are not like the Pakistanis letting you to kill civilian and just send some objections.
war time or not, U.S warships would shoot down any spy bird flying over them, the same thing is true for our warships, if you don't know this simple rule, then you are humiliating your knowledge of military rules.

What the fuсk is military rules? the only thing i can think about is ROE Rules of Engagement and they are subjective, it is not set of rules agreed between rivals but set of responses to opponent moves, they are vary and strongly depend on numerous variables. How the fuсk you know what USN ROE were at that time?
Amazing that you know more than Israeli media, how is that?

why couldn’t missile lock on at target at greater distance? Python-V seeker is advanced and can lock on target kilometers away, so advanced missile couldn’t lock on but some kind of optical system as you say could have detect it in a huge area kilometers away

that drone was detected by your observation balloons, 'highly sophisticated observation balloons' or 'efficient at long-range, real-time reconnaissance' is part of your praise about these balloons, there is a huge difference between those long range cameras operated by humans and a tiny sensor on a missile.
also your claims about tracking this drone above Qasa was part of your propaganda, that balloon was near dimona nuclear plant and that's how you tracked the drone. either you can believe this story which is from our side or you can believe your funny story about tracking it above the coast and letting it send all the info and getting close to dimona and then deciding to shooting it down, choice is yours.
What the fuсk is military rules? the only thing i can think about is ROE Rules of Engagement and they are subjective, it is not set of rules agreed between rivals but set of responses to opponent moves, they are vary and strongly depend on numerous variables. How the fuсk you know what USN ROE were at that time?

Sir, I have a question since you're a "****" specialist, how come you can use "****" so many times without being censored but I can't? I'm also interested to use "****"! :yahoo:

that drone was detected by your observation balloons, 'highly sophisticated observation balloons' or 'efficient at long-range, real-time reconnaissance' is part of your praise about these balloons, there is a huge difference between those long range cameras operated by humans and a tiny sensor on a missile.
also your claims about tracking this drone above Qasa was part of your propaganda, that balloon was near dimona nuclear plant and that's how you tracked the drone. either you can believe this story which is from our side or you can believe your funny story about tracking it above the coast and letting it send all the info and getting close to dimona and then deciding to shooting it down, choice is yours.

You are one deluded man, these kind of systems are for ground surveillance, anything above ground level be out of focus and practically undetectable. these systems are not for scanning was airspace.

that balloon was near dimona nuclear plant and that's how you tracked the drone.

First of all Dimona is not nuclear plant, it is nuclear research center as far as public knows, secondly there is no such system nearby Dimona, these kind of systems operate near borders, suc as Gaza border, Egypt, Lebanon because it is for LAND SURVEILLANCE!

either you can believe this story which is from our side

:omghaha: FUСKING HILARIOUS! :omghaha:

letting it send all the info and getting close to dimona

Getting information with what? and where is the information? since the incident not a bit of image was presented, and you love propaganda, if you had any image you would have showed, but instead hezbollah showed animation with Reaper presented as the actual UAV, classic amateurism.

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