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Iran warns: will hit militant 'safe havens' inside Pakistan

You are speaking about the people blowing up in cities of Pakistan/// Ask Pakistani people to tell you their ethnicity.
Yes we are anti US with all our weaknesses, we have kept the anti US attitudes in our hearts. USA is a the shithole of our world, supporting extremists like ISIS
Your alliance with Israel proves that you are a zionist. And believe me if Israel defeats Iran, however in their wet dreams , they will kill everyone of you moron wahabis.
After that, you have to fight USA first LOL
Americans will **** you my dear. They are not gonna abandon Israel at any cost
Again blinded by extremist mullah.wh o told i am wahabi?
I am not a wahabi i dislike saudi monarch like i dislike irani extremist mullah. They are both two sides of one coin.but these day iranian are more dangerous to Muslim world.
And for your information in Pakistan sunnis and wahabi are two different things.buw hos you will understand extremist mullah mKe you dumb.
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Absolutely right we do see a issue arising.

But here it should be your duty to satisfy iran. So that you have that side of border peaceful.doesnt seem too easy but of course not extremely difficult. War is no option on that side of border.

Pakistan should satisfy Iran? Iranians need to answer us about Kulbhushan Jadhav...then we'll see...

Iranians are the least talked country in Pakistan. I m glad their hypocrisy is being revealed by themselves...
Cross-border attacks, while hiding on Pakistani soil. They have no footprint in Iranian cities and have previously been decimated (Jundullah) by the IRGC.

Unlike failed state Pakistan whose military bases are occasionally being infiltrated by militants.
Which military bases?

Again, it seems like Baluch of Iran take your soldiers hostage like it's a party weekend. Don't make me post the video.
At the time of border clash with Afghans, its just pressure tactics, however...need to man Baluchistan border...Can't trust Iranians one bit...
Maybe a prefect time to implement national service. For far too long Pakistan has ignored its southwestern an western border. Get more trained personal at the borders.
Indian and UAE proxies again at work.

Naaah, Irani Mullahs at work. This statement is clear threat. We all know how insecure they are feeling now with the inclusion of Pakistan in GCC militarily alliance.

Iran should play smart. Yes Pakistan does not enjoy good relations with most of her neighbors but so as Iran infact Iran also faces direct threat from US and Israel unlike Pakistan. Its foolish for Iran to piss off Pakistan as well who does know a bit or two when it comes to the utilization of proxies. Pakistan felt betrayed when Indian raw agent was caught red handed who used Iran as safe haven to start with but none of any Pakistani general or government leadership made any such threat to Iran since we knew it is not in our advantage as well to have bad relations with Iran.
I can see Iran has no trust it respect for Pakistan.

UAE is also an Indian ally

Afghanistan firmly in grip if Indian raw.

Diplomatically it's a poor performance

Your being accused of terror left right and centre .

This I'd the handy work of Modi and India
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