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Iran warns: will hit militant 'safe havens' inside Pakistan

If they are "stateless" terrorists operating from Pakistani territory and Pakistan is not taking action against them then under post-9/11 U.N. Security Council Resolution 1373 (Chapter 7, binding) Pakistan has no sovereignty claim to make if other nations act against them.

For the same reason Pakistan's "sovereignty" cries about drone strikes against terrorists in Pakistan, Abbottabad raid killing OBL, etc. were and are met with deaf ears by all, including China (despite Pakistani news reports saying the opposite.)

Who is going to define the "terrorists". For your info the resolution 1373 failed to define terrorists. Where does it say that nations soverinity can be challenged by any Tom dick and Harry using the pretext of terrorism?


For us, the men sitting on PM chairs in new Delhi and tel Aviv are jet black terrorist, we should start bombing those countries! Or the Indian monkey we caught who was terrorising our citizens from Iranian soil should be enough pretext for us to start bombing Iran.

BUT, in your over excitement, you suffered from pre mature ejaculation, not knowing that this issue in Iran is fully home grown related to their treatment of Sunnis in Sistan province. Pakistan ex ambassador to Iran has confirmed that Iran always try to externalised it's internal problem. So take a chill pill and relax.

Rest assured, our guns, our tanks, our jets, our missiles, even our nukes will be ready for those who under any illusion of twisting facts and misinterpreting the UN resolutions. Afghans just found out hard way few days ago.
Iran still seething with humiliation during president roohani state visit when Gen RS's Tweeter tiger Gen Bajwa so undiplomaticaly tweeted about kulbhushan incident. That tweet effectively sabotaged the visit.
Can't understand how and when ISPR started having tweet fun. Military and diplomatic matters should never be on social media for world to see and laugh at.
What iranians doing and saying is pathetic but Army use of social media during Rouhani state visit was silly.
Gen Bajwa has to visit Iran to bring some cooling down of temper.
No its not! Our politicians fear Iran. Especially PML-N.
Politicians do not decide where the tip of pakistani spear turns...
@Awan68 Waht is your idea about this quote?

A world of facts in his quote.

@darksider Your honesty is wonderful. At least you had the guts of confessing your true zionist roots. Thanks alot
Lol, ignore whoever he is, pakistan doesnt even recognize israel, there is a big disclaimer writtern on our passports" this passport is valid for every other country except israel" my objection to iran was only when they threateend arabs and sometimes allied with india, if any zionist or western power threatens iran, pakistan will stand beside iran in defending it, iran is a muslim country after all, as i said we pakistani's are not sectarian, and rest assured all of pakistan, the 200 million of it is one in its extreme hatred for the illegal and satanic entity of israel... having said that such statements by iran will create a divide and animosity between pakistan n iran, they are soeaking the same language india does, if iran wants its future secured they must abandon india as an ally and come to the pakistani and chinese camp, irans cooperation with india is a dangerous thing for iran as it puts iran at odds with a nuclear pakistan and indiams will abandon iran when they have used them...
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Again Indian posters are jumping up and down even when this issue is not remotely related to them.
These posters keep reminding us that all the our neighboring countries have issues with us, like Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal don't have any issue with Supa pawa India.
Regrettable is the language used by your Commander. Further regrettable is the language you used by threaten Pakistan of your war apitite. Don't you think that you are grossly mistaken that Pakistanis will bow their head and will quietly listen to all this bullshit???

Oh bhai main khud Pakistani hun, post toh parh lo.
Pakistan has sent it's border guards to secure the boundaries, coordinated action is expected against the terrorists. Hopefully
And iran should stop fuding people like usair bloch and shia groups. And offering them nationalities.. we shoul understand eachother problems.. baki iranni army chif ka bidi aur ka pidi ka shorwa
Again Indian posters are jumping up and down even when this issue is not remotely related to them.
These posters keep reminding us that all the our neighboring countries have issues with us, like Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal don't have any issue with Supa pawa India.

Yes, they do have issues, but non have any concern regarding terrorists from India attacking them. That's the big difference. :-)
this one?

These projects depend on Iran being pariah or not. Pakistan can't go ahead while rest of the world have sanctioned you for being state sponser of terrorism.

Wth they just snuck into that irani camp and captured 5 soldiers?? The iranis didn't have anyone to patrol the area while the rest of the team slept? Maybe it was past their bedtime or something...
You might want to read up on the Iran-Iraq War. The Iranians have quite an appetite for war and have proven themselves capable of fighting a long, drawn out war of attrition.

That being said however, the use of this language is regrettable, especially after Pakistan hosted the Iranian FM and assured him of full cooperation in this regard. With relations already hanging by a thread, any such untoward incident will only drive Pakistan and Iran further apart which would also harm Iran's own interest since Pakistan is the few remaining neutral countries in the Iran-KSA split.

Such threats are to be expected though when we let an incident like Chaman go unpunished. Pakistan's response should have been very strong and very visible. Simply accepting the Afghan's ceasefire and sharing a table with them a few hours after they mercilessly gunned down 12 unarmed civilians and 2 FC men was disgraceful.
The Iran Iraq war was a different beast altogether. Iraq was trying to take territory, Pakistan would have no such ambitions, other than to halt Iranian aggression; simply put, the nature of a Pakistan-Iran war would be completely different. Pakistan would also have clear air superiority, as it's air inventory is larger, and more advanced than Iran's.

On topic:

This is more propaganda, than it is a serious threat. Iran can't and won't do any such thing. The most they'll do is launch artillery strikes, but Pakistan will simply strike back.
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