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Iran Warns Saudi Arabia of Harassing Shia Pilgrims

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Yes, Irfan, perusing the site, will be back to this one.
just compare irani sunny area with Saudi shia area, then speak out PLEASE

this case can not have revenge. the revenge is Iran should does same to people from Hejaz which is abusing people right for their government stupidity action
Mecca and Madineh is not belong to Saudi, and should be managed by all muslims community. Saudis only accept Wahhabi school of Islam.
Mecca and Madineh will be freed from Saudi family's dirty hand in near future Insha Allah.
Yes, they belong to us. If you have a problem with that, come and take them.
they are our enemy

not surprised ! arabs hate us mooooooooooooooooore than israel (actually they love israel)

ignore them

Not true, We hate your regime not Iranian people.
And what do you think of Britain???

The British are complicit in all American crimes. But the British regime does not listen to it's own people who polls showed were against the Iraqi war etc

You mean the way Pakistan ditched its beloved AFghan Taliban when Mushy got a call in the middle of the night??
India can at best reduce oil imports from Iran. Pakistan however is capable of giving its territory to attack Iran.
so please.........cut the crap.

Pakistan govt has already stated it will never allow its territory to be used to harm Iran

I am not the Government Spokesperson but it seems that think tanks are inclined to American-Israeli axis.


Thank you for being Indian and honest enough to admit India is leaning towards west against Iran

How did they know you were Iranians?
Were you holding Iranian flag while walking?
We have tens of thousand Iranians visit every year, but do you know why almost no Saudi visits Iran?
I'll let you guess..

No Iranian would visit if the holy sites were not there I think
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