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Iran Vs Israel Science

I myself have felt that maybe the Iranians are working harder as they are under sanctions etc. This is relevant to us Pakistanis as we are often sanctioned by America or threatened with sanctions. In any event I am happy for my Iranian brothers.

to make progress in science, a good and well funded r & d is needed which requires a lot of money. iran has this because of it's oil. which pakistan doesn't have.
for the last 10000yrs Iran has produced world's greatest scholars and mastered in field of science when the civilized west was still in prehistoric era. They r d pure aryans. They dont need to prove anything to the west. Indian vedic scholars respect iran a lot as they have a connection to ancient sanskrit too.

Iran-India should cooperate together in science and technology.
they have been trading and having relation for 5000 years, it be such a shame for that to stop because some zionists say so.
sejill 2, , so I love you proving it is copy
From outside it looks exactly like North Korean Nodong.


They claim from insiude its different but no one knows. No one knows if it is operational ether.

But if it is exactly as Iranians claim then its nothing but 30 years old Pershing II like system. Anything else?
First Indias say they are Aryans, now they are saying they are semetic
Stop being a low and downgrading your country, your Indian not a Bedouin.
A human who pretends to be a camel is not really deserving to be a human.
What a loser
Aren't you the one who claimed I am "Greek Christian" lol. Your an 18 year old greek who we killed your friend in 9/11 when you were 6 year old! and who happens to speak Persian and happen to only have Persian friends!:rofl:
Put this story in writing, maybe it could be the next oscar wining Iranian drama;)
I can't blame you though. I also would be ashamed of the Iranian flag if I was cursed with the misfortune of being one:wave:
Both sides have a point.

On a total output basis, Iranian scientific productivity is increasing at a faster rate than Israel and it is catching up quickly.

However, on a per-capita basis, Israel is still way ahead and others have a lot of catching up to do.

Good for Iran and Israel (and Saudi Arabia); I wish Pakistan would put more focus on science and put on the running shoes.
Both sides have a point.

On a total output basis, Iranian scientific productivity is increasing at a faster rate than Israel and it is catching up quickly.

However, on a per-capita basis, Israel is still way ahead and others have a lot of catching up to do.

Good for Iran and Israel (and Saudi Arabia); I wish Pakistan would put more focus on science and put on the running shoes.

Just so that you know, people who are lagging behind can catch up as compared to people at the top.
And not Photoshoped!!

There is no comparison between Israel and Iran, science wise.
Israel, builds/develops its own weapons/technology. while I-Ran mass imports NK's dysfunctional weapons, build a duplicate, paint an Iranian flag on the side and call it a national achievement!
What an embarrassment:disagree:
We are proud of our Semite cousins!!

An Arab praising his Zionist brother,oh you two just fit together.A perfect unholy marriage.
Iran should be proud that some of worst people on earth are opposing it,this is a good sign.
Nobel laureates:


Daniel Kahneman, Economics, 2002
Avram Hershko, Chemistry, 2004
Aaron Ciechanover, Chemistry, 2004
Robert Aumann, Economics, 2005
Ada E. Yonath, Chemistry, 2009
Dan Shechtman, Chemistry, 2011


Shirin Ebadi, Peace, 2003
Nobel laureates:


Daniel Kahneman, Economics, 2002
Avram Hershko, Chemistry, 2004
Aaron Ciechanover, Chemistry, 2004
Robert Aumann, Economics, 2005
Ada E. Yonath, Chemistry, 2009
Dan Shechtman, Chemistry, 2011


Shirin Ebadi, Peace, 2003

Ever since Barak Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize, it has become a joke.
7.7 million, nearing 7.8 million. Why don't you do something about it, instead of whining constantly, Iran_B?

I wonder when it is confirmed that Iran and others in the ME get nukes how many Israelis will remain. After all most if not all have second passports. And I think I heard that more and more Israelis were renewing their second passport. That is why you Israelis are scared because Iran does not need to use nukes just have them and your lot will go back running to other countries.
From outside it looks exactly like North Korean Nodong.

They claim from insiude its different but no one knows. No one knows if it is operational ether.

But if it is exactly as Iranians claim then its nothing but 30 years old Pershing II like system. Anything else?

You are so dim witted. Your own illegitimate country's missile defense director is saying that Iran has mastered the rocket science. Here, read his article: Showcase of Missile Proliferation: Iran
Gödel Prize-Theoretical computer science:


Shlomo Moran
Yoram Moses
Moshe Y. Vardi
Shmuel Safra
Uriel Feige
Nir Shavit
Yossi Matias
Noga Alon
Avi Wigderson
Omer Reingold
Noam Nisan
Amir Ronen


Couldn't find.

Turing Award:


Michael O. Rabin
Amir Pnueli
Judea Pearl
Adi Shamir


couldn't find
Nobel laureates:


Daniel Kahneman, Economics, 2002
Avram Hershko, Chemistry, 2004
Aaron Ciechanover, Chemistry, 2004
Robert Aumann, Economics, 2005
Ada E. Yonath, Chemistry, 2009
Dan Shechtman, Chemistry, 2011


Shirin Ebadi, Peace, 2003

Nobel Prize started by Jews for Jews.

An Arab praising his Zionist brother,oh you two just fit together.A perfect unholy marriage.
Iran should be proud that some of worst people on earth are opposing it,this is a good sign.

If he is Arab he has clearly got Stockholm Syndrome. After getting kicked they know speak the virtues of their captors.

Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
bastard 500, do you even know what is the diffrence between missiles? about nodong and sejjil 2 ,
No Dong 2
Country: North Korea
Alternate Name: Ro-dong 2; No Dong B
Class: MRBM
Basing: Road mobile
Length: 16.20 m
Diameter: 1.8 m
Launch Weight: 16500 kg
Payload: Single warhead
Warhead: Nuclear, HE, chemical, or submunitions
Propulsion: Single-stage liquid
Range: 1500-3000 km

now sejjil :
Type Strategic MRBM
Service history
Used by Iran
Production history
Manufacturer Iran
Weight 26000 Kilogram
Length 19 Meter
Diameter 1.5 Meter
Warhead One
Engine Solid (two-stage)
range 2000-2500 km

and if you open your eyes you will see that it's air controllers are completely different
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