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Iran Vs Israel Science

Funded by Americans if you look a the curve they are on an exponential curve and leaving you light years behind. So pleasing. Longbrain you are good at putting pictures up can you put the actual graph here so people can see where Iran is heading. Maybe that's why Israelis are so worried??

First your lot were questioning the source and not wanting to believe the miracle that is the Islamic Republic. Now you say you are so far behind them because you are a smaller country. Its not Iran's fault you are smaller is it?

First your lot were questioning the source and not wanting to believe the miracle that is the Islamic Republic. Now you say you are so far behind them because you are a smaller country. Its not Iran's fault you are smaller is it?

Here you go:

7.7 million, nearing 7.8 million. Why don't you do something about it, instead of whining constantly, Iran_B?

:rofl: It would appear Iran is and you Israelis are burning cos Iran is leading the way. They say pictures speak a million words just look at those graphs that longbrained has put up and burn man burn

7.7 million, nearing 7.8 million. Why don't you do something about it, instead of whining constantly, Iran_B?

You getting personal are you by calling me Iran_B. lol We Pakistanis and Iranians take it as a complement.
so what? that has nothing to do with their science ranking does it?
these Indian slaves....
It has everything to do with a country's Science Ranking, you are just blinded by hatred.
You are only poisoning yourself.

:rofl: It would appear Iran is and you Israelis are burning cos Iran is leading the way. They say pictures speak a million words just look at those graphs that longbrained has put up and burn man burn

You getting personal are you by calling me Iran_B. lol We Pakistanis and Iranians take it as a complement.
It's my pet nickname for you, you should be proud to wear it.
It has everything to do with a country's Science Ranking, you are just blinded by hatred.
You are only poisoning yourself.

It's my pet nickname for you, you should be proud to wear it.

Thanks I am proud that you dislike my posts so much that you class me along with what you regard as your greatest enemy and the one you fear that is Iran
when an Israeli scientist wants to research about something everything is prepared for them by Uncle Sam at once although I do know it's a little bit hard to swallow let me tell you something about Iranian ones unlike Israeli scientists 'cause of a lot of sanctions against Iran it is not possible for them to buy experimental device and the other stuff from the other countries therefore before researching they need to make those devices to use them in their researches by themselves .
Excuses, excuses and more excuses. Iranians say that they are much smarter, better, etc from Arabs but really, they are the same.
All their misfortune is because of Israel, they are suffering because of Israel, everything is a propaganda by Israel.

Brothers at heart, the Arabs and the Iranians.
Excuses, excuses and more excuses. Iranians say that they are much smarter, better, etc from Arabs but really, they are the same.
All their misfortune is because of Israel, they are suffering because of Israel, everything is a propaganda by Israel.

Brothers at heart, the Arabs and the Iranians.

No not at all you are trying to divide and rule. the Arabs Kings are stupid and have become your allies. you are trying to derail the thread and take away from Iran the credit it deserves for doing very well and certainly better than Israel in science
Doesn't matter how many papers Iran produce, they are of inferior quality, enough said.

Isnt it natural that Nation with 74million should produce more papers? The quality is the evaluator of scientific strength

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