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Iran versus Azerbaijan - which one is stronger?

This thread it has not sense.

A interesting one would be: Iran vs Saudi Arabia, who's stronger? or Iran vs GCC, who's stronger? If USA backstab GCC and sides with Iran.
Obviously Azerbaijan is much stronger due to state of the art military hardware.

And we can also say:
Obviously Israel is much stronger due to state of the art military hardware.
in relation to Gaza.
Obviously Israel is much stronger due to state of the art military hardware
in relation to Afghanistan.

MILITARY HARDWARE doesnt win wars these days....white countries rely on military hardware the most, and get the worst losses f rom that in recent times. thats the truth. Iran will beat the living daylight out of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was seen as microant by Iran so much so that IRan didnt ever make a military plan for Azerbaijan until Azerbaijan started messing deeply with ISrael....AT Iran's expense..so the games have begun. My assumption is that Aliyev is more of a Gaddafi dog barker than a Saddamite whose on suicide mission that Iran can assist him with.
And we can also say:
in relation to Gaza.
in relation to Afghanistan.

MILITARY HARDWARE doesnt win wars these days....white countries rely on military hardware the most, and get the worst losses f rom that in recent times. thats the truth. Iran will beat the living daylight out of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was seen as microant by Iran so much so that IRan didnt ever make a military plan for Azerbaijan until Azerbaijan started messing deeply with ISrael....AT Iran's expense..so the games have begun. My assumption is that Aliyev is more of a Gaddafi dog barker than a Saddamite whose on suicide mission that Iran can assist him with.
Don't waste your time on an imbecile please. Nobody takes him seriously.
This post is the most ridiculous I have seen on the internet. Iran crushes Azerbaijan very easily, there is no comparison. Even Turkey is no match for Iran.

A post made by a school child, followed by school children. Just Iran's air defense system network is far superior to Turkey at all levels. Likewise for missiles.

I am not from your region and I have a detached vision of your delusions based on no real knowledge of the field

Obviously Azerbaijan is much stronger due to state of the art military hardware.
You must be joking? In terms of military strenght. Iran is ranked 14th in the world. Azerbaijan is ranked 63. Azerbaijan only has 1/5 of the military might of Iran. The gap is bigger than that of IRAN-US military LMAO.

Israel has killed hundreds of Iranians in Syria,it has killed top Iranian scientists inside Iran,it has damaged Iran’s nuclear installations and burnt down many other important builds.What has Iran done against Israel? Iran supports Christian Armenia against Azerbaijan which is a Shia majority country.Can someone explain the logic behind this.The mullahs in Tehran also support India against Pakistan.India under RSS extremists poses a threat not only to Pakistan but all Muslims around the world.
You must be joking? In terms of military strenght. Iran is ranked 14th in the world. Azerbaijan is ranked 63. Azerbaijan only has 1/5 of the military might of Iran. The gap is bigger than that of IRAN-US military LMAO.

Don't take what you read here seriously. PDF is a troll fest in most cases. That's why it gets so many views.

Also, let's not forget that Global Fire Power does NOT take missiles and drones into account. In other words, it is ranking only the Iranian Army for the most part and it is excluding the IRGC and our main strengths (i.e. missiles and drones).
There is no chance of war happening between the two. It's basically saber-rattling and muscle-flexing by the two. Both aim to deter the other from miscalculating. Azerbaijan with a modern and tiny military will be swept away without Turkish involvement. Thats why its MPs have been throwing Pakistan into the mix too. Meanwhile, Tehran adversaries are waiting for it to make such a colossal blunder, and Tehran knows this.

The only war will be the one between the fanboys
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