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Iran Urges Pakistan to Do More

Notice that it starts with an un-related direct quote, but goes on to describe what he said without any direct quotes.
Iran should do more in stopping people like Kulbhusan Yadav from crossing
over into Pakistan.
Nobody should ask Pak to do more. See what happened to the NA thugs, Modi etc...
Firstly I highly doubt that this news is true. But lets assume it is true, then, Iran should know its place. Iran is a SMALL country which can be decimated within hours by the use of ...**..... you get the hint.

I have met plenty of ordinary Iranian people who are absolutely sick and tired of this corrupt Iranian mullah regime. They openly say this regime has destroyed Iran's economy and the corruption at the highest levels are absolutely mind boggling. They say that the country has a CLASS system where those in power or in high places look upon ordinary people like FILTH. It reminds you of the Indian caste system. The sooner the Iranian mullahs go to hell, the sooner ordinary Iranian people will get their freedom.
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