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Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

Some of the Iranian members on this forum are taqiyyah/cheating themselves!

Yes, that's right, the Ukrainian army has managed to bring down the Iranian Shahed 136 kamikaze drone which is operated by their lord, Russia.

The fragments of this drone split and scattered quite far, this indicates the drone was destroyed while still in flight by Ukrainian SAM fire.

To prove it take a look at this image, this is a Shahed 136 Waeed Iran/Houthi kamikaze drone hitting a ground target in the Marib, lo and behold this drone was only destroyed around the warhead head and most of the body and wings were not too damaged.

The great leader (dictator) and the government of Iran are increasingly seen / smelled the stench of his TWO FACES .

The great leaders and government of Iran previously said they did not support war or occupation of Ukraine, but now look at them with their rotten faces fanning the flames of war (See also the civil war for power in Yemen which was masterminded by Iran and the Shia people of Iraq which were pitted against each other by Iran) .

Muslims in the world must be careful with the TWO-FACED/TAQIYYAH of Iran, they want to dominate other Islamic countries by all means either with a SMILE or with (hidden) VIOLENCE.

There is a HORRIBLE AGENDA being carried out by the Iranian rulers behind their horrible SMILES!!!

What about your taqqiya on the religion of Islam? So you rather have non-binary liberal westerners rule over you, who openly hate your guts, want Islam destroyed and want to impregnate your sons and fathers? Please dont come here on a religion angle, a deviant like you should not be throwing stones from glass houses. Or are you one of those liberal Indonesian Muslims who likes a bit of Satantic death metal after his Salatul Jummah? Deviant!
Does anyone actually believe it was shot down?

The wreckage has every indication of suicide, not some that has been damaged by fragments from a SAM. Very easy to fool their audience of course. The ground next to it is charred and burned. Obviously impacted rather than shot down

Expect very heavy propoganda campaign in the coming weeks.

Engineers and Doctors in Iran are amongst the top in the world, many leave Iran for higher pay at NASA, SpaceX and similar companies, some stay and work in our defense industries. It shows how much Iran has come from the nothing it was 50 years ago.

Even if it was shot down, it doesn't matter. That's the idea of cheap kamikaze drones in numbers. Overwhelm the enemy defences, some will be shot down, some will penetrate successfully. So even if it was shot down, many more in the future will hit their targets.

Thanks for the post Messerschmitt!

And just like clockwork, the anti-Iranian racists crawl out of their hiding holes and show themselves on Twitter and on PDF.

We now have a vested interest in seeing Russia outright win this war. I hope Iran/Russia cooperation deepens dramatically.

Iran has been developing drones for around 40 years. There are NUMEROUS cases where Iranian made UAVS have successfully circumvented defenses and struck high priority targets all over the Middle East, this includes American installations. The notion that it would be “embarrassing” for Russia to buy and implement Iranian drones is pure nonsense. They needed good/decent drones, Iran has one of the largest manufacturing bases for that and it delivered as promised.

End. Of. Story.

The vested interest the Muslims and people of other smaller and weaker countries should have is no party wins in a long time. Both parties should keep fighting for a long time busy killing each other. Muslims and other smaller countries get some respite from their aggression.

Thanks for the post Messerschmitt!

And just like clockwork, the anti-Iranian racists crawl out of their hiding holes and show themselves on Twitter and on PDF.

We now have a vested interest in seeing Russia outright win this war. I hope Iran/Russia cooperation deepens dramatically.

Iran has been developing drones for around 40 years. There are NUMEROUS cases where Iranian made UAVS have successfully circumvented defenses and struck high priority targets all over the Middle East, this includes American installations. The notion that it would be “embarrassing” for Russia to buy and implement Iranian drones is pure nonsense. They needed good/decent drones, Iran has one of the largest manufacturing bases for that and it delivered as promised.

End. Of. Story.

The vested interest the Muslims and people of other smaller and weaker countries should have is no party wins in a long time. Both parties should keep fighting for a long time busy killing each other. Muslims and other smaller countries get some respite from their aggression.

As long as Putin is in the "special operation" mode, Russia will not win this war.

Agree. They made many mistakes. One of them being "special operation" mode of war. They should have gone shock and awe method from day one and destroyed everything in the first few weeks.
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Some of the Iranian members on this forum are taqiyyah/cheating themselves!

Yes, that's right, the Ukrainian army has managed to bring down the Iranian Shahed 136 kamikaze drone which is operated by their lord, Russia.

The fragments of this drone split and scattered quite far, this indicates the drone was destroyed while still in flight by Ukrainian SAM fire.

To prove it take a look at this image, this is a Shahed 136 Waeed Iran/Houthi kamikaze drone hitting a ground target in the Marib, lo and behold this drone was only destroyed around the warhead head and most of the body and wings were not too damaged.

The great leader (dictator) and the government of Iran are increasingly seen / smelled the stench of his TWO FACES .

The great leaders and government of Iran previously said they did not support war or occupation of Ukraine, but now look at them with their rotten faces fanning the flames of war (See also the civil war for power in Yemen which was masterminded by Iran and the Shia people of Iraq which were pitted against each other by Iran) .

Muslims in the world must be careful with the TWO-FACED/TAQIYYAH of Iran, they want to dominate other Islamic countries by all means either with a SMILE or with (hidden) VIOLENCE.

There is a HORRIBLE AGENDA being carried out by the Iranian rulers behind their horrible SMILES!!!

Ok. You can have your medications now.
@Indos : I wonder if this qualifies as an example of the sabr you were explaining good Muslims need to display towards their co-religionists, failing which they'd qualify as ultra-nationalists? Here the quoted user jumped in and, unprovokedly, directed this drivel replete with ad hominems as well as a term often used by shiaphobic sectarianists (taqiyah) at Iranian users as well as Iranian authorities.

What is a little surprising to me is, why would you find issue with me responding to this sort of provocation, while apparently refraining from calling out your compatriot for starting it?

I forgot to add, in my first lengthier discussion with the user at the beginning of the Ukraine conflict (discussion which I guess you followed as well since at one point you joined in), they repeatedly addressed me with expletives similar to "moron" / "idiot". At least twice and maybe thrice, I politely requested that they leave out the insults, and not once did I reply in kind. Bro, when pointing at me in particular, are you sure you criticized the right person?

You have high expectations of a munafiq. This is what they do.
What about your taqqiya on the religion of Islam? So you rather have non-binary liberal westerners rule over you, who openly hate your guts, want Islam destroyed and want to impregnate your sons and fathers? Please dont come here on a religion angle, a deviant like you should not be throwing stones from glass houses. Or are you one of those liberal Indonesian Muslims who likes a bit of Satantic death metal after his Salatul Jummah? Deviant!

You touched upon a crucial aspect in your comment, I believe. In response to my previous reminder of the CIA's (and Mossad's) role in the 1965 anti-communist military coup in Indonesia, our brother user Indos suggested that the CIA has had a hand in backing separatist insurgencies against Indonesia.

Though most of the conflicts listed in the Wikipedia chart they produced had taken place before 1965, i.e. during an era when Indonesia was famous for its pioneering role in the non-aligned movement assembling nations of the global south, groundwork for which was laid at the memorable 1955 Bandoeng Conference and is therefore a legacy of President Sukarno, the charismatic leader overthrown precisely as a consequence of the 1965 coup, let us take for granted that subsequent separatist insurgencies Indonesia was confronted with, were indeed being fueled by the CIA.

Question is then the following: on what grounds should Jakarta continue to entertain relations with, let alone engage in security-related dealings with an imperialist power which has attempted to break the country apart and provoke its territorial disintegration? Especially since after 1991, the threat of communism could no longer be invoked as a reason for continued lenience towards Washington.

Is it not high time for Indonesia, as for other Muslim nations, to shut down USA embassies a.k.a. spy dens on their soil, and severe diplomatic, security and other ties with the regime in Washington?

After all, the CIA propping up separatists against Indonesia implies but one thing - that the nefarious effort was masterminded out of this unholy place:



You have high expectations of a munafiq. This is what they do.

Brother, personally I shall refrain from referring to user Indos as a munafiq since I've had constructive interaction with them in the past, and have not seen them attack Iran to date. It's my referencing of the 1965 coup, which I wouldn't have had reason to do if the other Indonesian member trolling our section hadn't likened Islamic Iran with "I"SIS and company, that prompted user Indos to take issue with my input. Since the content of their retort to me presented certain aspects I deem to be debatable though, I took it upon myself to address them in a friendly manner, in hopes that our brother may consider the point I'm trying to bring across.
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You touched upon a crucial aspect in your comment, I believe. In response to my previous reminder of the CIA's (and Mossad's) role in the 1965 anti-communist military coup in Indonesia, our brother user Indos suggested that the CIA has had a hand in backing separatist insurgencies against Indonesia.

Though most of the conflicts listed in the Wikipedia chart they produced had taken place before 1965, i.e. during an era when Indonesia was famous for its pioneering role in the non-aligned movement assembling nations of the global south, groundwork for which was laid at the memorable 1955 Bandoeng Conference and is therefore a legacy of President Sukarno, the charismatic leader overthrown precisely as a consequence of the 1965 coup, let us take for granted that subsequent separatist insurgencies Indonesia was confronted with, were indeed being fueled by the CIA.

Question is then the following: on what grounds should Jakarta continue to entertain relations with, let alone engage in security-related dealings with an imperialist power which has attempted to break the country apart and provoke its territorial disintegration? Especially since after 1991, the threat of communism could no longer be invoked as a reason for continued lenience towards Washington.

Is it not high time for Indonesia, as for other Muslim nations, to shut down USA embassies a.k.a. spy dens on their soil, and severe diplomatic, security and other ties with the regime in Washington?

After all, the CIA propping up separatists against Indonesia implies but one thing - that the nefarious effort was masterminded out of this unholy place:


View attachment 878984

Brother, personally I shall refrain from referring to user Indos as a munafiq since I've had constructive interaction with them in the past, and have not seen them attack Iran to date. It's my referencing of the 1965 coup, which I wouldn't have had reason to do if the other Indonesian member trolling our section hadn't likened Islamic Iran with "I"SIS and company, that prompted user Indos to take issue with my input. Since the content of their retort to me presented certain aspects I deem to be debatable though, I took it upon myself to address them in a friendly manner, in hopes that our brother may consider the point I'm trying to bring across.

Thank you for that. Yes there seems to be a correlation but Indonesia and Iran are not the only examples. The arab spring and subsequent overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood, Coup attempt in Turkey, Coup of Imran Khan and many other instances should be proof enough that the west cares little for stability or for the interests of nation theyre meddling in.

Why are these Muslim nations not waking up to what is apparent? Because their ruling elites, despite sitting and praying in front of the cameras, are actively trying to keep Islam away from social and individual rule, follow man made liberal laws instead of what has been sent down as guidance, and keep their countries weak in favour of their kaafir masters. They know the score but they continue this charade with US embassies keeping them in check or else. So outwadly they pray, but their actions are against Islam, and the actions of the limbs are an indication of what lies in the heart, so the munfiq label is justified.

Yes the munafiq will speak nicely to you on some days, but on others they will have the knife ready for you. This is another trait of the munafiq. Allah's refuge is sought. Another trait is turning a blind eye to their own kind's misdemeanours while lecturing us about the very same thing.
Kid, as usual you made that mistake again! Well I'll try to give you a more detailed explanation, so you don't fail to understand again.

To fight kamikaze drones, several types of air defense systems are needed, such as starting with the cheapest Drone Jammer, Laser weapons, CIWS, Manpads, Shorad, and the more expensive SAM to fight large UAVs at long distances.

The magnitude of the impact or form of damage to the drone/UAV caused by this air defense system will vary depending on the type of anti-drone system used or also the size of the drone and the type of drone itself.

Watch all the videos below how the damage done to drones/UAVs by air defense systems:

Drone Jammer

Anti-drone Laser Weapon

Anti-drone CIWS https:// youtu.be/pb5_F4_Eod8

Ukrainian army manpads destroy drone

Ukrainian air defense destroys Russian Orion UAV (see Russian Orion UAV destroyed, UAV body fragments scattered).

It looks like you didn't examine in detail the damage to this Shahed 136 Houti image.

You should see this kamikaze drone (even if it doesn't hit the target) has exploded somewhere OUTSIDE of the building take a look at the front of the drone (the guide and warhead) is completely destroyed that indicates a big explosion (although it didn't destroy the rear and wings) .

Yes, you misunderstood the damage to this drone, you are still an amateur, you can't understand that the damage to the kamikaze drone on impact will vary depending on the target or the place where the collision occurs, such as if this kamikaze drone is used to attack tanks or ships then this kamikaze drone will ALMOST completely also destroyed because we know the tank or ship has a very thick layer of metal when compared to the kamikaze drone itself.

You should know that kamikaze drones are used for anti-personnel, anti-tank, and building targets. Just look at the damage to this Switchblade 300 kamikaze drone when it hit an anti-personnel target, you can see that it only completely destroyed the front (where the warhead) was, just like the damage to the Shahed 136 Houthi drone.

TWO FACES Politics of the great leader Khamenei (the dictator who was not directly elected by the people) and the Raisi government (which followed the least popular presidential election that was attended by only 49% of Iranian voters) in other countries and especially regarding this Ukraine and Russia war would jeopardize Iran's position on the world political and economic stage itself.

I believe the majority of Iranians do not support the Ukraine and Russia wars, and also despise Khamanei's horrible dictatorial, authoritarian, power-hungry (lifelong) ideology and support for rampant corruption in Iran's military and (fake) charitable organizations BONYAD.

Don't get me wrong!
I love some of Iran's natural beauty and most of its very friendly people. It's not a Shia problem or anything. The problem is only with the terrible Two Faces ideology of the great Iranian leader (as well as his brainwashed followers) to the majority of the Iranian people (who want a STRONG democracy) and to Islamic countries.
For what it's worth, there's not much point discussing if the S-136 in the images we have seen was shot down, crashed, or reached its target successfully. Too early to judge their combat effectiveness given they are loitering munitions meant to be used in large numbers.

Loitering munitions by nature are also very very cheap and have no defence other than being hard to detect, so a few shot down here and there is not a concern.
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Ukrainian air defense destroys Russian Orion UAV (see Russian Orion UAV destroyed, UAV body fragments scattered).
you proved who is kid , even your own photo say it all , show me the shrapnel on Shahed-136 , the orion you show is filled with it.

as always not looking at details and think you knew something . also show me the burn marks on ground around your downed uav.

by the way hitting a suicide uav don't make it explode to pieces , i don't knew about your country but its ages we don't use explosives that burn or you can explode by hitting them with shrapnel
Ukrainian army manpads destroy drone
no burn mark on the ground
Anti-drone CIWS https:// youtu.be/pb5_F4_Eod8
sadly for you that solution fill the drone with holes , no holes on what ukrainian showed funny they only showed wing tip and they could not find anything else consistent with explosion from inside destroy the drone completely
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which followed the least popular presidential election that was attended by only 49% of Iranian voters
honestly i'd like to knew how many european attended an election in COVID peak that there was 300+ death / day .what about indonesian ?
Yes, you misunderstood the damage to this drone, you are still an amateur, you can't understand that the damage to the kamikaze drone on impact will vary depending on the target or the place where the collision occurs, such as if this kamikaze drone is used to attack tanks or ships then this kamikaze drone will ALMOST completely also destroyed because we know the tank or ship has a very thick layer of metal when compared to the kamikaze drone itself.
you miss understood one thing and thats comparing a 2m long 200kg drone with 50+kg of explossives with a hand held drone with 250gr of explossive again another mistake of you that show your lack of experience . look at other cases of the use of Shahed-139 , the drone get ripped apart not like toy drone you posted (Switchblade 300 only weight 2.5kg , guess how heavy the warhead is)
can see that it only completely destroyed the front (where the warhead) was, just like the damage to the Shahed 136 Houthi drone.
the drone in 2020 in Yemen did not detonate because it crashed
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