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Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

Are you talking a bout the fretlizer warhouse?
Lol, fertilizer?

This is not how fertilizer explosion looks.

There's also that footage of Russian soldiers running away from an exploding ammo depot, bullets flying by as a result of the fire, explosions going on for like 30 minutes.
People who call themselves as Turkish now are not Turkics. That's an adapted false identity that has been genetically debunked by some 30 separate genetic studies conducted on Turkish population in bulk, published in peer-reviewed research articles in SJR recognized international journals. Some even by Turkish geneticists themselves like the second Autosomal Plot of 1700 x Turkish men and women. Actually they are one of the most genetically analyzed people on earth because of a strong contrast between their blood and adapted false identity.

So many academic-level studies for something that can readily be deduced from a simple look into the mirror? :what:

Don’t shoot the messenger
Armies don’t produce artillery and mortar forever. They need to be stored somewhere. And Russia (and Ukraine’s) storage skills are questionable given how many brand new tanks they let rot away after Cold War.

Look how fast US manpad supply got depleted and they have a budget of $700B+. Russia budget is $60B and who knows how much of that reaches the end user due to corruption.

Remember Russia is using tens of thousands of artillery shells a week. There is only so much inventory they have dating back to Cold War stocks. They won’t run out, they likely been restarting factories and assembly lines to produce artillery shells/bullets/ammo/etc

Buy if they can order 500,000 shells from Iran for cheap....why not?

Indeed the point is that Iran is able to supply shells - manufactured domestically from scratch, at a fraction of the price considering exchange rates of the Rial. Plausible deniability will be greater than with the likes of UAV's.

This said beware of false allegations designed to demonize Iran with those segments of the (mostly western) public that have already been brainwashed by the dominant pro-Ukrainian narratives. To me, these news are more likely to be fake in both instances (drones & mortar shells), although there's a slight chance that they might turn out accurate after all.

In the case of UAV's, it won't be possible to dissimulate their use for any sustained period of time, so if in the next couple of weeks there's no visual evidence for Iranian drones in the Ukrainian theater, we may safely conclude that the US regime lied... again.
Never seen what happened in beirut?
There was no firey explosion that lasted for minutes, no burning fragments. Way more smoke.

You know why? because gunpowder and explosives are smokeless, ammonium isn't.
Very wishful thinking if you think Russia will run out of artillery or shells
Running out of artillery shells, nah, but they will have a hard time delivering them if they keep getting blown up since most of their ammo is in Russia. Have to delivered by train and then by truck to the troops at the frontlines.

we need two thing.
jet engine technology and technology to produce micro processors . one is Russia is not willing to give us and another they are not capable
If I was the Iranian government, I would demand newest jet engines, bombers, fighter aircraft, etc.
So many academic-level studies for something that can readily be deduced from a simple look into the mirror? :what:

Indeed the point is that Iran is able to supply shells - manufactured domestically from scratch, at a fraction of the price considering exchange rates of the Rial. Plausible deniability will be greater than with the likes of UAV's.

This said beware of false allegations designed to demonize Iran with those segments of the (mostly western) public that have already been brainwashed by the dominant pro-Ukrainian narratives. To me, these news are more likely to be fake in both instances (drones & mortar shells), although there's a slight chance that they might turn out accurate after all.

In the case of UAV's, it won't be possible to dissimulate their use for any sustained period of time, so if in the next couple of weeks there's no visual evidence for Iranian drones in the Ukrainian theater, we may safely conclude that the US regime lied... again.

The irony is the only Iranian mortar kit seen so far was actually in the hands of Ukrainian forces. Likely either provided via confiscated Iranian stocks by NATO/US patrols or bought via international arms dealers.

As for UAV, US strategy dating prior the war has been to “leak” intelligence out to dissuade the opponent from going thru with an action or to show them the depths of their intelligence gathering capability.

As for UAVs plausible deniability goes out the window. The only curious thing is Iran reaction has been rather vague at straight denying the rumors.

So we will see if anything comes of this or if it’s like the previous propaganda piece where Iran “donated” a Bavar-373.
The irony is the only Iranian mortar kit seen so far was actually in the hands of Ukrainian forces. Likely either provided via confiscated Iranian stocks by NATO/US patrols or bought via international arms dealers.

As for UAV, US strategy dating prior the war has been to “leak” intelligence out to dissuade the opponent from going thru with an action or to show them the depths of their intelligence gathering capability.

As for UAVs plausible deniability goes out the window. The only curious thing is Iran reaction has been rather vague at straight denying the rumors.

So we will see if anything comes of this or if it’s like the previous propaganda piece where Iran “donated” a Bavar-373.
Most likely the Iranians have or will provide the drones needed to find the HIMARS as well as use them to help change the tide of the war because their progress has been slow, no two ways about it when you look at the whole entire frontline. Even getting pushed back in in some regions and haven't try to go on the offensive since. Even lost Snake Island.
Running out of artillery shells, nah, but they will have a hard time delivering them if they keep getting blown up since most of their ammo is in Russia. Have to delivered by train and then by truck to the troops at the frontlines.

If I was the Iranian government, I would demand newest jet engines, bombers, fighter aircraft, etc.
the problem is we don't want that ,war with Iraq and then sanctions taught us that you must build it yourself.
for Iran the best thing we can get from Russia if the news is true is Russia help in activation of north south corridor and turn Iran into the major hub for trade with central Asia and Russia.
the money we can get from that can go in our research and development sector and solve our problem in that regard , it can help us to deal with the brain drain problem we have. our main problem is lack of fund for projects not getting fighter jet from Russia .
even if we get 100 su-35 from Russia what it can do for us, if tomorrow Russia think it don't want to supply us the spare parts anymore
the problem is we don't want that ,war with Iraq and then sanctions taught us that you must build it yourself.
for Iran the best thing we can get from Russia if the news is true is Russia help in activation of north south corridor and turn Iran into the major hub for trade with central Asia and Russia.
the money we can get from that can go in our research and development sector and solve our problem in that regard , it can help us to deal with the brain drain problem we have. our main problem is lack of fund for projects not getting fighter jet from Russia .
even if we get 100 su-35 from Russia what it can do for us, if tomorrow Russia think it don't want to supply us the spare parts anymore
You didn't even need spare parts to build the American drones or the American aircraft like the F-14s. What you need or want is the actual copy of the aircraft. The moment you get your hands on SU-35s or 34s, you are good to go in the long run. Whether the Russians change their mind, would the Iranians really worry?
Most likely the Iranians have or will provide the drones needed to find the HIMARS as well as use them to help change the tide of the war because their progress has been slow, no two ways about it when you look at the whole entire frontline. Even getting pushed back in in some regions and haven't try to go on the offensive since. Even lost Snake Island.
for himras detecting them is not enough , the drone must be able to strike back when it detected them , not just say hey there is a himras there , now move some artillery to fire at it , that won't work. before they become ready to attack it , the himras already moved somewhere else

You didn't even need spare parts to build the American drones or the American aircraft like the F-14s. What you need or want is the actual copy of the aircraft. The moment you get your hands on SU-35s or 34s, you are good to go in the long run. Whether the Russians change their mind, would the Iranians really worry?
not precisely , do you knew how long it take us to produce the infrastructure to make parts for those airplanes ?
I said in the long run. Whether it takes a long time or not.
for the long run , we need to made our own indigenous turbofan engine suitable for a light to medium fighter and focus on kowsar development and production of Kowsar-II
future of our airforce is not with airplane like Su-35 or F-15. it will be based on an indigenous airplane in class of f-16 or J-10 or Grippen. for that all the subsystems are ready except the engine. and for that we need money and investment
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German reporter in Moscow: we have seen high-ranked Iranian officers in the hotel

for the long run , we need to made our own indigenous turbofan engine suitable for a light to medium fighter and focus on kowsar development and production of Kowsar-II
future of our airforce is not with airplane like Su-35 or F-15. it will be based on an indigenous airplane in class of f-18 or J-10 or Grippen. for that all the subsystems are ready except the engine. and for that we need money and investment
And what indigenous aircraft you have that is coming up that would be equivalent to the Gripen or F-18? Any concepts or prototypes?
And what indigenous aircraft you have that is coming up that would be equivalent to the Gripen or F-18? Any concepts or prototypes?
let just say ,last year we tested our own datalink system.
we have our own FLIR
we tested avionics and flyby wire with kowsar
we tested landing gears .
we have ejection sit that can be used from ground .
we have our radars
at last in recent years we managed to produce different titanium alloys

we don't have suitable engine yet. and that kept us at kowsar level
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