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Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

LOL They are easily intercepted by Pantsirs. Jamming the GPS in area makes it blind. No wonder Ukrops need to launch simultaneously against same target dozen of Tochka-Us + 15-20 Uragan missiles +20 Himars to hit something.

You are confusing best in the world Russian air defense with Israeli junk again, looney.
Pantsir don't work? :(((

So what, i just said you the tactic how they did that. Pantsir can even shoot down Grad missiles, not just Himars.

The joke is the Iron Dome and everyone knows that lol
Yeah, on the ground maybe.

Pantsir can destroy Grad but can't destroy slow flying drones it was intended to destroy?

Who cares dude? Your country Israel won't even take a side and is neutral. Here you are jumping like a monkey right and left.
I'm half Ukrainan. Technically 3/4 Ukrainian.
Pantsir don't work? :(((

Yeah, on the ground maybe.

Pantsir can destroy Grad but can't destroy slow flying drones it was intended to destroy?

I'm half Ukrainan. Technically 3/4 Ukrainian.

Looney, dozen of Haftar's Pantsirs in Libya destroyed 40 TB-2s in six months period between December 2019- May 2020 without losing any single Pantsir during this time frame. Making Pantsirs the best perfoming air defense system against the drones in the world.
Looney, dozen of Haftar's Pantsirs in Libya destroyed 40 TB-2s in six months period between December 2019- May 2020 without losing any single Pantsir during this time frame. Making Pantsirs the best perfoming air defense system against the drones in the world.
Well your "best performing air defense systems" can't seem to protect your ammo dumps so what's the point
Every AD system is vulnerable to destruction. Pantsir is no exception. This is pretty well understood by any AD designer, and military planner.
I won't lie to you, the performance of Ukrainian S-300 batteries even in the context of Ukraine's shabby IADS structure was staggeringly impressive.

And keep in mind these were one of the older variants, not the S-300PMUs which are the most cutting-edge in the series.
My question is how Iran is being paid for this supposed sale. This contract will tremendously boost it's market share because more nations will step forward as buyers (assuming it's actually happening) but Moscow sure as hell can't afford to pay in precious dollars right now.

So what is Tehran getting in return?
I won't lie to you, the performance of Ukrainian S-300 batteries even in the context of Ukraine's shabby IADS structure was staggeringly impressive.

And keep in mind these were one of the older variants, not the S-300PMUs which are the most cutting-edge in the series.
Ukraine has surprised all of us, by denying Russia it's airpower, although they have also been receiving replenishments from other nato nations to cover losses.
Because they were weak. West wanted to destroy ours but failed. Ofc this is too much for your idiot commie self to process.

Weak ? Remind me when NATO tried to bomb Pakistan's nuclear facilities. Remind me which Pakistani nuclear scientist was assassinated by NATO. And we of course should forget NATO proxy "Mard-e-Momin" Zia ul Haq who was given every support by NATO in NATO's regime change war against Afghan Communists and elsewhere.
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The truth is that turkish drones are assembled with foreign components from NATO countries. Turkey's capabilities in this regard are largely limited by what the Americans and their allies are willing to sell turkey.

For example. look at Turkey's attempts to build a tank. Without German or Korean components, the project is stuck in the mud. All turkey can do now is constantly go from one party to another, begging for parts. If turkey wants to export helicopters, again first the Americans have to give turkey permission. Upgrade F-16s ? Again the Americans hold the keys.

Iran on the other hand has the largest collection of captured US drones in the world. Drones like the RQ-170 are leaps and bounds ahead of anything Turkey could even dream of. Americans will NEVER share that technology with turks. Iran on the other hand simply seized it. Now Iran has reserve engineered that technology and now Iran has its own indigineous UAV industry that can supply Russia with hundreds of UAVs despite all the sanctions in the world.

While turks have some kind of inferiority complex towards Europeans, begging to join the EU for the last 20 years, Iran is an independent, sovereign country that does whatever it wants despite American / European / NATO threats

So Iran used aliexpress parts to bypass 6x Patriot PAC-3 SAMs and destroy half of Saudi Arabia's oil reserves ? WOW Iranian engineers must be really brilliant to do something like that. But somehow I doubt they use Aliexpress parts.

Here is footage from several years ago showing an Iranian drone tracking an American predator drone. While you constantly beg and bow, Iran does this.

An Iranian drone drill in the Persian Gulf involving 50 UAVs

Iranian kamikaze drones with pin point accuracy. According to some brainless, jealous torks, it they use Aliexpress parts. Honestly if they do that means Iranian engineers are even more brilliant.

Gaza drone

Iranian drones are also assambled in Iran the big difference is these components can be ordered from ali express even by the naked eye if you look at those “drones” closely you realise how low quality it looks.

Also this is very strong coming from a person whose country have a “fighter” like the qaher 313 which has become laughingstock for all plane enthusiasts around the world. 😅😅
What level ? If Americans cut the cord your drone program would cease to exist immediately. How long have you been trying to build that tank ? Without German or Korean parts you can't do it. Now your people are going from Germans to Koreans, back and forth, begging just like you beg to join EU for 20 years.

F-16s, without Americans you can't upgrade them. Turkey has done a decent job assembling weapons, just like turks assemble Mercedes Benz, but that's your limit. You can't build vital components and that's the truth.

The American drones that Iran has captured over the years, like the RQ-170, it's not willing to export to anyone. That technology is decades ahead of anything turkey is allowed to purchase. Iran has reserve engineered that technology and despite sanctions Iran can build as many drones as it wants.

That's the difference between turkey and Iran. One is a vassal / beggar with delusions of grandeur, one is an independent and sovereign nation that does everything it does despite your masters best efforts.

Meanwhile another crowdfunding for Bayraktar TB2’s are taking place this time for Poland.

Earlier it was Lituanian people that crowdfunded several TB2’s they already received it.

i respect your efforts for independent arms industry but you’re not on our level. Our level on drones is only second to U.S.
So why couldn't the Iron Dome stop all of Hamas' homemade rockets ? Why couldn't the Patriot PAC-3 stop Iranian export variant drones, which are not even close to the best Iran can produce ?

The Russians have been able to shoot down HIMARS rockets but you can't stop everything. The Ukrainians don't just use HIMARS by itself, they launch Urugan and Grad rockets first and once Russian SAM systems are depleted, they use the HIMARS.

here see for yourself, remnants of HIMARS GMLRS rockets





Well your "best performing air defense systems" can't seem to protect your ammo dumps so what's the point

Well your "best performing air defense systems" can't seem to protect your ammo dumps so what's the point
The Russians did underestimate Ukraine's will to fight for sure, but without the constant supply of weapons from the west and without western intel, Ukraine likely would have crumbled by now. In any case, the latest is that the Russians have now entered the outskirts of Severk and Soledar. Ukrainian defensive lines in the Donbas are crumbling.

I'm not sure how effective their counter offensive will be since they've already notified the entire world of their intentions like idiots. I'm guessing that the Russians will lure them in, then cut them off and destroy them. The issue is that Ukrainians at this point are largely relying on conscripts and most of them have very little to no training.

Reports from the front indicate that countless Ukrainian soldiers are shell shocked since their positions are constantly being bombarded, in some cases 24 hours a day. Drs say that soldiers should not be exposed to more than 2 weeks of constant shelling. Ukraine is also low on vital weaponry. They're using WW1 era Maxim machine guns for f#cks sake. Many conscripts only have a few days training, some never get the chance to actually fire a rifle and then they're send to the front.

Ukraine has surprised all of us, by denying Russia it's airpower, although they have also been receiving replenishments from other nato nations to cover losses.
In Libya the Pantsirs shot down 20 Bayraktars. But TB2s have no protection against air defense systems. This is why the turks saturated the airspace. The Pantsirs did their job but they have a limit. No weapon is invincible. No army is invincible either. People these days watch too many Hollywood movies and Netflix.

Anyways just look at the big picture. The Ukrainians have made alot of noise destroying Russian ammo depots but the thing about ammo depots is that they're really soft targets. Why ? Let's say you launch 8 rockets, 7 get intercepted.

It doesn't matter. As long as 1 hits the ammo dump, because of the domino effect, everything goes sky high. But realistically most ammo dumps in a high intensity conflict only have stock enough for a few days and the Russians have ALOT more ammo where that came from.

look at the sheer number of Russian bombs hitting Ukrainian positions. Notice how there are no blue bomb symbols on Russian controlled territory. It's not even close. Just yesterday I heard that Ukraine lost 500 soldiers in one day. That's the official number that Ukraine is admitting to. The real number is likely higher. Now we're hearing that Ukraine is recruiting women to fight on the front. Very very sad. Once the real casualties on the Ukrainian side are revealed, the world will be appalled. It's a staggering number. The question is how long before the Ukrainian army completely collapses.


Now looking at the big picture though, the Russians, with their artillery and rockets, outnumber Ukrainians 10 or in some cases 20 to 1. One Ukrainian commander recently complained about the quality of the M777s. He said that as soon as they fire one volley, the Russians launch counter battery fire and overwhelm their positions. He also said that the M777s are extremely vulnerable to being damaged, especially their sub systems require constant maintenance. Russian/Soviet hardware seems to be alot more durable and reliable.

Anyways currently there are rumors flying around the internet, stating that the Russians have managed to purchase a HIMARS launcher from several Ukrainians that defected. The Ukrainian soldiers allegedly sold it for $1 million dollars and Russian citizenship along with other benefits.

I'm not sure if this is true, but so far the Russians have managed to capture every single ATGM, including the Javelin, NLAW, Panzerfaust, Stinger, AT4, Matador, etc. They also captured a Brimstone missile fully intact and 2 Caesar howitzers from France. Allegedly after inspecting the Caesars, Russian engineers concluded that the system is actually in many ways inferior to their own.



more captured goods






Looney, dozen of Haftar's Pantsirs in Libya destroyed 40 TB-2s in six months period between December 2019- May 2020 without losing any single Pantsir during this time frame. Making Pantsirs the best perfoming air defense system against the drones in the world.


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