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Iran to replace Germany as the suppliers of Gas turbines to Russia

Look at it this way - worst case scenario, russia is offering finished products which saves time and funds having to mine them oneself. A short term boost in stockpile, effectively.

Secondly, Iran won't be accepting peanuts for airplane parts. You know how expensive those are? They only way they're going to accept minerals in lieu of it is the grade of said minerals is very specialized plus a lot of other things which I believe went unlisted in the article (under the table deals, secret deliveries of rare earths etc.; things Moscow wouldn’t openly admit for fear of losing face).

Lastly, who cares what those uraloid-tatar subhuman crossbreeds think? The only consideration we should give them is about how to empty their pockets and to plow their women.
Are you sure you are Iranian..we do not talk about friends or enemies like you do..that trash talk has no place in here.
Are you sure you are Iranian..we do not talk about friend or enemies like you do..that trash talk has no place in here.
Yes, I am 200% sure, my gabar friend. Unlike you and the rest of the karkasparastha, I have zero tolerance for blyatkov moskals and their axper 🇦🇲 and sewerbian 🇷🇸 who pretend to be our friends while openly mocking us in their native language newspapers.

We've unfortunately been lumped in with them for the time being but that is a passing phase. Insha-Allah, by the next quarter of the century, we will no longer be dependent upon them as a recipient of technology.

We are a race of men who produces Mostafa Chamrans and Hassan Tehrani Moghaddams. I will not content myself with being a cuckold springing out of some filthy ateshgah and lick the rear of some vodka-guzzling mongrel who is unfit to shine my boots.

Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. And your last paragraph is really strange, bro.
Azizam, we need to treat the russians in a very brisk and businesslike way.

Trust me, I have interactions with them when I was living abroad. Treating them normally results in them interpreting it as a sign of weakness and they try to take advantage of you.

Unironically, if you mistreat them and overcome them with strength or brains, they begin to respect you more.

Best example is how humble they are with the ch*nese once it was established they wouldn't accept russians bullying them.
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Yes, I am 200% sure, my gabar friend. Unlike you and the rest of the karkasparastha, I have zero tolerance for blyatkov moskals and their axper 🇦🇲 and sewerbian 🇷🇸 who pretend to be our friends while openly mocking us in their native language newspapers.

We've unfortunately been lumped in with them for the time being but that is a passing phase. Insha-Allah, by the next quarter of the century, we will no longer be dependent upon them as a recipient of technology.

We are a race of men who produces Mostafa Chamrans and Hassan Tehrani Moghaddams. I will not content myself with being a cuckold springing out of some filthy ateshgah and lick the rear of some vodka-guzzling mongrel who is unfit to shine my boots.
YOU ARE NOT EVEN IRANIAN..you said it yourself ..you are borne in India and do not even speak Farsi..so I do not know who you are but remove that Iranian flag..or just get lost.
YOU ARE NOT EVEN IRANIAN..you said it yourself ..you are borne in India and do not even speak Farsi..so I do not know who you are but remove that Iranian flag..or just get lost.
I will do neither, gabar. Plus, I said clearly that I am Iranian, something which your karkasparast mind can't comprehend.

Tough luck, like it or lump it.
Are you sure you are Iranian..we do not talk about friends or enemies like you do..that trash talk has no place in here.
Russians needs to respect Iran, I don't agree with his comment but I understand distrust towads Russia.
I am all for increasing our trade with Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, basically any country that is at odds with the West.
However, I can't help but notice that Russia doesn't offer Iran much. Even if you look at the comments of the Russians on that site, many of them don't seem happy about business with Iran.

Russia needs us now because the West is exerting pressure on Russia's weaknesses. Whatever we need from the Russians, now it's time to get them. The West-Russia animosity won't last for 44 years like the US-Iran relations. Russia hasn't even shown willingness to sacrifice its ties with Israel over Iran and Syria. Let alone the entire West.
We can import raw materials and barter them with vodka and chello kabab to decrease their sadness from sanctions and importing Iranian technology. This way they will also be introduced to fine tasting food instead of frozen fish, potatoe and mcdonnald. The vodka serves just to make them adapt to the new situation and new reality.
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Iran will be a role model for anyone in the world trying to defy the West. The up and coming African and Latin American countries should take lessons. They don't need any Western help to succeed.
Through a lot of pain, sanctions and betrayal, countries like Iran and North Korea have been forced to innovate as a simple matter of survival.
Russians needs to respect Iran, I don't agree with his comment but I understand distrust towads Russia.

We can import raw materials and barter them with vodka and chello kabab to decrease their sadness from sanctions and importing Iranian technology. This way they will also be introduced to fine tasting food instead of frozen fish, potatoe and mcdonnald. The vodka serves just to make them adapt to the new situation and new reality.
We should export our cuisines to Russia

Exactly. And yet, titanium was not in the list.
it could be on Russia and Iran's trade agenda without being on that list.

*Some international transactions are private*
Not to mention Russia followed the west in divesting in Iran after Trump unilaterally and illegally pulled out of JCPOA.
Yes. And not to mention that Russia voted in favor of 4 rounds of UNSC sanctions on Iran.
Yes. And not to mention that Russia voted in favor of 4 rounds of UNSC sanctions on Iran.
The price for that was us pulling missile defense shields in Poland. But guess what? It came full circle for Russia 12 years later, Now they have nato in Finland and Sweden and have AEGIS missiles in Poland, on top of countless other sanctions on them. Now Putin gets on a plane and flies to Iran to make nice 😄. That's what they get for half baked, fence straddling policies that they still practice to this day. Russia always felt it was more important for them to maintain trade with Zio controlled Europe that's why it was easy for them to stab Iran in the back, now look at them. Putin flies to Iran to forge deals now because the entire west, that he bent over backwards to appease have shunned him. Why would Iranians trust him? I know I wouldn't. Do whatever business benefits you, but never trust Russia. It has to be earned.

These JCPOA renegotiations are pure nonsense as far as I'm concerned. Zio dominated US has all the luxury to escalate and de-escalate at their leisure. When its in their interest to escalate, they do (2018 and Soleimani assassination) and when its in their interest to de-escalate, they de-escalate (now). Personally, I think it would be very stupid for Iran to blindly sign on to another 'deal' with the powers that be (Russia included) without extracting monetary compensation for the lost economic output when Trump pulled out in 2018 with all the powers following suit. This will set a precedent and reduce the chances of future betrayals. They are grooming DeSantis a complete zio whore to be next president. If you sign a deal with Biden, guaranteed you will be back to square one because he will do whatever the ziostains tell him.
Look at it this way - worst case scenario, russia is offering finished products which saves time and funds having to mine them oneself. A short term boost in stockpile, effectively.

Secondly, Iran won't be accepting peanuts for airplane parts. You know how expensive those are? They only way they're going to accept minerals in lieu of it is the grade of said minerals is very specialized plus a lot of other things which I believe went unlisted in the article (under the table deals, secret deliveries of rare earths etc.; things Moscow wouldn’t openly admit for fear of losing face).

Lastly, who cares what those uraloid-tatar subhuman crossbreeds think? The only consideration we should give them is about how to empty their pockets and to plow their women.

Which airplane part?
Iran will be a role model for anyone in the world trying to defy the West. The up and coming African and Latin American countries should take lessons. They don't need any Western help to succeed.

forget Africa and LAtin America, tell that to General Bajwa
Iran will be a role model for anyone in the world trying to defy the West. The up and coming African and Latin American countries should take lessons. They don't need any Western help to succeed.
Doesn't MAPNA manufacture their gas turbines under license to Siemens though? Wouldn't the threat of sanctions make MAPNAs position in suppying turbines to Russia too risky?

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