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Iran to replace Germany as the suppliers of Gas turbines to Russia


Feb 17, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of


There are Russian reports that the country is buying Iranian Power plant Gas turbines to replace siemens products not available due to sanctions.

Iranian MAP-2B Turbine is the higher efficiency German E-class MGT-70 turbine, developed by MAPNA group in Iran

MAP-2B upgrades MGT-70 turbine improves the turbine’s efficiency to 36.4% over the previous design and increased its output capacity to 185 megawatts, or more than 15% over the previous generation.

MAPNA also has dispatched 12 new MAP-2B units to the Iraqi power station in Basra. The turbine will be one of the key components of a 3,000-MW power plant in Basra, known as Rumaila Combined-Cycle Power Plant.


Translation of the russian report:
In general, there is something to work on. However, in terms of power, the turbines available in Russia are significantly inferior to the German ones. In this regard, it is interesting that as a supplier of power plants, Germany can replace us with... Iran!

Yes, yes, it is the Islamic Republic. Six months ago, who would have thought that we would covet Iranian drones for our army, and now we will buy gas turbines from Tehran. Or rather, not to buy, but to exchange barter. At the end of May this year, it was somehow not particularly noticed that Iran and Russia had agreed on barter, where we would supply Tehran with steel, zinc, lead and alumina, and he would supply us with spare parts for cars and power turbines. Iranian Minister of Commerce and Industry Reza Fatemi Amin said this:

We have everything ready to supply spare parts to Russia. By the way, in the field of gas turbines, Iran has achieved modern technologies, which led to the signing of contracts with Russian power plants for repairs. Based on this, we can barter steel imports from Russia.

The fact is that the Islamic Republic is by no means some backward savage country, as it is portrayed in Western and Israeli propaganda. Iran is one of the world leaders in unmanned technology. Tehran has its own nuclear program. The Iranian company MAPNA Group is engaged in the development and implementation of thermal and renewable power plants, oil and gas, railway and other industrial projects, the production of basic equipment, including gas and steam turbines, electric generators, turbine blades, HRSG and conventional boilers, electrical and control systems, gas compressors, locomotives, and other equipment.

Under license, Siemens MAPNA Group produces powerful and heavy-duty gas turbines. So, in 2018, the company introduced an improved version of the power plant for hydroelectric power plants:

The efficiency of the new turbine, known as MAP2B, increased by 2%, which means a reduction in natural gas consumption by 20 million cubic meters per year for each turbine. Map2B's capacity has reached 185 megawatts, which is 28 MW more than in previous versions. What's more, it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, by as much as 40,000 tons.

Not everyone knows, but when after the Maidan the German concern forbade the supply of its power plants to the Crimea, Russia was seriously going to buy their analogues in Iran. Only berlin's tough stance prevented the deal. Apparently, a lot has changed now.

Shouldn't we think about localizing the production of Iranian turbines in Russia?
When you look at the comments of the Russians, they really seem butthurt about it.

Also, I have a bad feeling about all this. I think we are selling our technology short to the Russians.
They want high-tech stuff? They have plenty of stuff that we need. Why don't they export those things to us for bartering?
We have plenty of mineral resources. Why are we bartering high-tech stuff with mainly minerals?
When you look at the comments of the Russians, they really seem butthurt about it.

Also, I have a bad feeling about all this. I think we are selling our technology short to the Russians.
They want high-tech stuff? They have plenty of stuff that we need. Why don't they export those things to us for bartering?
We have plenty of mineral resources. Why are we bartering high-tech stuff with mainly minerals?
We are selling a turn key system...yes they can reverse engineer it that is what any country that sells Tech products will face..we do it to them and they will do it to us..as for bartering.. I had the same question..the answer...we may be getting Titanium or titanium production plant which is what we need to build those kowsar fighters in large scale..just a guess..Russia is the biggest Titanium producer in the world.
We are selling a turn key system...yes they can reverse engineer it that is what any country that sells Tech products will face..we do it to them and they will do it to us..as for bartering.. I had the same question..the answer...we may be getting Titanium or titanium production plant which is what we need to build those kowsar fighters in large scale..just a guess..Russia is the biggest Titanium producer in the world.
Exactly. And yet, titanium was not in the list.
Exactly. And yet, titanium was not in the list.
TITANIUM is a strategic metal..If they agree to provide it to Iran I do not expect it to become public..like many other things that Iran and friends do and no one is aware of..
TITANIUM is a strategic metal..If they agree to provide it to Iran I do not expect it to become public..like many other things that Iran and friends do and no one is aware of..
It depends on the grade though. No?
Dentists and maxillofacial surgeons import grade-19 titanium from the internet for implants.
I worked in such a project for a short time. We found even grade-21 titanium on the internet, provided by Chinese sellers.
I heard grade-21 and grade-23 have applications in aerospace industry as well. So, it's almost a borderline dual-use product and that's why it was hard to import it.
Iran is importing raw materials

And exporting finished value added goods

And its doing it with a very high tech country like Russia.

All while being under maximum western sanctions. This is a great milestone for Iran.

And Iran and Russia will never release the full details of such strategic deals with the current state of geopolitics.

People think Iranian negotiators are some dumb naive kid going to the bazaar and getting ripped off??

Virtually everyone on earth recognizes the world class negotiation skills of Iran except some iranians who will look for any excuse to bitch and moan about anything the government does
Virtually everyone on earth recognizes the world class negotiation skills of Iran except some iranians who will look for any excuse to bitch and moan about anything the government does
Yeah. They have shown their world class negotiation skills in deals with Peugeot, Total Energies, Marc Wilmots, CNPC, energy contracts with Turkey and the UAE, and their inability to procure any useful weapons since the S300 deal signed in 2007 (which we all know how it proceeded), and of course the wonderful JCPOA which resulted in nothing but commitments for Iran in return for vague promises without any guarantees.
It depends on the grade though. No?
Dentists and maxillofacial surgeons import grade-19 titanium from the internet for implants.
I worked in such a project for a short time. We found even grade-21 titanium on the internet, provided by Chinese sellers.
I heard grade-21 and grade-23 have applications in aerospace industry as well. So, it's almost a borderline dual-use product and that's why it was hard to import it.
If the news of barter in material is indeed true..any material that Iran receives from Russia will be specialized materials that are either hard to produce in large quantities or in short supply mine wise in Iran

Examples: specialized aluminum for cauldron construction of a nuclear reactor...Iran had problems with this one, Aviation grade Titanium in large quantities or even Uranium..Russia is loaded with Uranium of course all for peaceful purposes.. lol
If the news of barter in material is indeed true..any material that Iran receives from Russia will be specialized materials that are either hard to produce in large quantities or in short supply mine wise in Iran

Examples: specialized aluminum for cauldron construction of a nuclear reactor...Iran had problems with this one, Aviation grade Titanium in large quantities or even Uranium..Russia is loaded with Uranium of course all for peaceful purposes.. lol
The problem is that you assume Russia wants a powerful Iran, while a brief look at the history of Iran-Russia trade, deals and relations even after the collapse of the Soviet Union proves the opposite.

Why would Russia go against international treaties that it has helped establish (i.e. the NPT) to empower Iran?
When you look at the comments of the Russians, they really seem butthurt about it.

Also, I have a bad feeling about all this. I think we are selling our technology short to the Russians.
They want high-tech stuff? They have plenty of stuff that we need. Why don't they export those things to us for bartering?
We have plenty of mineral resources. Why are we bartering high-tech stuff with mainly minerals?

Some of the costs will be covered with barter and the rest with gold (which they can't very well admit because roubles are worthless and Iranians won't accept it plus russia can't afford to deplete it's store of dollars, nor does Iran want to continue trading in them).

Something very similar is happening with venezuela, by the way - their payments are being made through unconventional barter.
The problem is that you assume Russia wants a powerful Iran, while a brief look at the history of Iran-Russia trade, deals and relations even after the collapse of the Soviet Union proves the opposite.

Why would Russia go against international treaties that it has helped establish (i.e. the NPT) to empower Iran?
To piss off west...to show west if you violate international laws by stealing their 300 billion dollars assets.. they can do the same..either law for everyone or no law..
Some of the costs will be covered with barter and the rest with gold (which they can't very well admit because roubles are worthless and Iranians won't accept it plus russia can't afford to deplete it's store of dollars, nor does Iran want to continue trading in them).

Something very similar is happening with venezuela, by the way - their payments are being made through unconventional barter.
I am all for increasing our trade with Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, basically any country that is at odds with the West.
However, I can't help but notice that Russia doesn't offer Iran much. Even if you look at the comments of the Russians on that site, many of them don't seem happy about business with Iran.

To piss off west...to show west if you violate international laws by stealing their 300 billion dollars assets.. they can do the same..either law for everyone or no law..
Yes, but that is the short term vision. Do you think Russia, as a permanent member of the UNSC whose relevance in international politics has been guaranteed by the current structure of the UN, would endanger the status quo over a short term standoff with the West for Iran?

I believe Russia, like any smart country, has a long-term vision and Iran seems to play a small role in that strategic, long-term vision.
Russia needs us now because the West is exerting pressure on Russia's weaknesses. Whatever we need from the Russians, now it's time to get them. The West-Russia animosity won't last for 44 years like the US-Iran relations.

Russia hasn't even shown willingness to sacrifice its ties with Israel over Iran and Syria. Let alone the entire West.
I am all for increasing our trade with Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, basically any country that is at odds with the West.
However, I can't help but notice that Russia doesn't offer Iran much. Even if you look at the comments of the Russians on that site, many of them don't seem happy about business with Iran.

Look at it this way - worst case scenario, russia is offering finished products which saves time and funds having to mine them oneself. A short term boost in stockpile, effectively.

Secondly, Iran won't be accepting peanuts for airplane parts. You know how expensive those are? They only way they're going to accept minerals in lieu of it is the grade of said minerals is very specialized plus a lot of other things which I believe went unlisted in the article (under the table deals, secret deliveries of rare earths etc.; things Moscow wouldn’t openly admit for fear of losing face).

Lastly, who cares what those uraloid-tatar subhuman crossbreeds think? The only consideration we should give them is about how to empty their pockets and to plow their women.
Look at it this way - worst case scenario, russia is offering finished products which saves time and funds having to mine them oneself. A short term boost in stockpile, effectively.

Secondly, Iran won't be accepting peanuts for airplane parts. You know how expensive those are? They only way they're going to accept minerals in lieu of it is the grade of said minerals is very specialized plus a lot of other things which I believe went unlisted in the article (under the table deals, secret deliveries of rare earths etc.; things Moscow wouldn’t openly admit for fear of losing face).

Lastly, who cares what those uraloid-tatar subhuman crossbreeds think? The only consideration we should give them is about how to empty their pockets and to plow their women.
Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. And your last paragraph is really strange, bro.

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