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Iran to rebuild Syria

We gave away all our irreplaceable Su-25s to Iraq, and we have been giving away our Su-22M4's to the SyAAF.

that's 8 Su-25's and about 40 Su-22's according to the oryx blog. We also sent tens of billions in arms, ordnance and advisors. Not to mention the tens of thousands of volunteers.
don't fool yourself with this kind of heart warming words ...
Bossnia , Sudan , Jibouti , Tajikestan and etc .... are the recent example of IR wasting Iranians money for nothing ....

I can see a day that Assad name Iran as " enemy of Syria" in one of his public speech ... IR policy always end like this ...
Everything can happen and wise person would prepare itself for hard times but there is big difference b/w Iran involvement in Syria and those countries you mentioned.

Also we can not expect Syria decide base on our orders. If you expect that, what is our difference with American Colonialist?

I believe our interest is near to Syrians and base on that we can keep them near.
Saudis and Emaraties or any other country want to invest in Syria they are welcome. at end we don't have enough money to rebuild Syria and Syria need help of all of the countries to rebuild and rebuilding Syria is in benefit of us too.

Iran must expend to push war more far from Iran borders.
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