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Iran to react if US prevents lifting arms embargo as per nuclear deal: President Rouhani

What did they do to Iran for Iran to treat them like that. Here is your problem, if you say that Iran should ditch them and ignore them, that means that you dont want Iran to grow. It is every muslims job to defend other muslims. But forget islam, arent we humans? Dont we have to defend other humans? What if israel did the same to you and your family? Wouldn't you expect others to help you against an aggressor? Wouldn't you expect others to help you in such a case?
There are 5 million Palestinians living in Palestine. There are 80 million Iranians who suffer because of our support to the Palestinians. There are 22 Arab states, Im sure they can find a home for them somewhere.
What do you mean "American propaganda"? Do you deny my claims, are they factually incorrect, does what I mentioned not happen in Iran, is there any reason it needs to continue?
Your ideas were the very reason that a treasonous useless deal called the JCPOA was signed in the first place. And it didn't bear fruit. Did it? All it led to was more sanctions and a huge loss of capital.

I don't see how the issue of capital punishment is even remotely related to Iran's foreign policies. There are many countries carrying capital punishment that get a better treatment than us because they are allies with the US. So, half of what you said is irrelevant in my opinion.

We get negative portrayal in the Western media because there are few people who control the majority of media in major Western countries like the US and the UK.

Is there any reason that it should continue? Yes. Because there is no other option. And a good proof for that is to see the fate of Ghaddafi.

Re-entry is what contains the warhead. Re-entry vehicles may have carry more than "warhead" if you are referring to cluster bomblets, but generally the re-entry vehicle is the what carries the single warhead. For example the American LGM-118 Peacekeeper can carry up to 12 re-entry vehicles that each carry a single nuclear warhead.

The missile is designed with capability to deliver a certain amount of payload. Once you made the missile, you can then design different warheads and use the missile to deliver that. Like the DF-17 example I gave above. That is why the notion of a missile "designed" to carry nuclear weapons is not an accurate one. What matters here is the payload capability of the missile. The warhead design is a separate issue.

Man, you are just repeating yourself lol

Do you agree that the reentry vehicle of a nuclear warhead must be different from a conventional warhead or not?
Your ideas were the very reason that a treasonous useless deal called the JCPOA was signed in the first place. And it didn't bear fruit. Did it? All it led to was more sanctions and a huge loss of capital.

Come on bro, no one could predict Trump and how unreliable he is. Had Obama still been in office, the JCPOA would have been the best deal for us.

I don't see how the issue of capital punishment is even remotely related to Iran's foreign policies. There are many countries carrying capital punishment that get a better treatment than us because they are allies with the US. So, half of what you said is irrelevant in my opinion.

But they dont do it openly in public from cranes. It's different when Saudis do it, they are US vassals and can get away with anything. It's different when the Chinese execute people, because they can get away with anything. We should not do it. We dont need to do it. There is absolutely no reason for us to do it. Nothing good comes from it.

We get negative portrayal in the Western media because there are few people who control the majority of media in major Western countries like the US and the UK.

You are missing the point. What they use to portray us negatively in media is the public hangings, execution of minors, riots 24/7 etc.

Is there any reason that it should continue? Yes. Because there is no other option. And a good proof for that is to see the fate of Ghaddafi.

I dont see the relevance here. How does opening up to the world, stopping public executions, stopping executing minors etc in any way lessen our power?
Come on bro, its 2020, we should not hang people from cranes
This isnt arguable as it's something in islam. If you have any problems with that you can change religions. But it will remain a thing in Iran as long as it's an islamic republic.

There are more sophisticated ways of teaching the Iranian youth about the past than chanting death to US. Chanting death to US and burning their flag doesn't stop anything. It doesn't help the Palestinians, it doesn't help the Syrians, it doesn't help the Yemenite, it doesn't make US change its foreign policy. It doesn't help us in any way. What it does is create headlines like "look, these uncivilized Iranians are wishing death to US and burning flags, look how uncivilized they are, they deserve sanction"
Protesting is one of the ways of communication and free speech. It's one of the ways newer generations can learn about such things. But it's not the only way Iran can raise awareness, the educational system should be changed, the local communities are contributing to this, and there are alot of other factors contributing to it. But those headlines you are talking about are all coming from the western media, which is made to talk negatively about Iran and criticize it. So I wouldn't really care about those headlines.

UAE was funding ISIS and the sectarian terrorists in Syria. they are a Saudi vassal state. We still do business with them. We still do business with or did until recently with GCC states that funded Saddam.
Yes it's TRUE that UAE funded ISIS and terrorists in yemen, its true that they helped Saddam. But that's the government itself. The UAE-Iran relationship is way more complicated than this. There are alot of iranains in the UAE, that's one of the main reasons the UAE-Iran relations are complicated and Iran does business with the UAE.
Man, you are just repeating yourself lol

When you keep repeating the same questions and comment, what do you expect? I have to keep repeating it in the hope that you may finally understand the simple nuances here.

Do you agree that the reentry vehicle of a nuclear warhead must be different from a conventional warhead or not?

No, it is not. The re-entry vehicle simply houses the warhead. It is the warhead design itself that is different.
There are 5 million Palestinians living in Palestine. There are 80 million Iranians who suffer because of our support to the Palestinians. There are 22 Arab states, Im sure they can find a home for them somewhere.
Those 5 million are humans. They live in their home, why should someone kick them out. You are just supporting the Israeli movement by saying this. Israel is an aggressor who is stealing Palestinian land. What if someone decided to move into your house and kick you out by force, wouldn't you complain and call the police? What if the police told you they dont care about you, how will you feel? You will lose everything you have and you will be a homeless guy living in the street. That police is Iran, and they are trying to do their job. It's the same story as ISIS, if Iran hadn't entered Iraq to fight ISIS, then Iran had to fight them near its borders. So if Iran hadn't done anything to help Israel, Israel wouldve expanded and taken more land, more people would suffer like this. Think about this instead of replying and see what's the right thing and what's the wrong thing.
Come on bro, no one could predict Trump and how unreliable he is. Had Obama still been in office, the JCPOA would have been the best deal for us.
Please... Obama violated the JCPOA way before the US presidential election started. He passed a bill that denied the people with a history of visiting Iran in the last 5 years the right to use the Visa waiver program which hit our then booming tourism industry after the JCPOA. He allowed the Iran Sanctions Act to be renewed without his signature. He sanctioned new individuals in Iran.

Trump is by far better than Obama for Iran. And yes, I predicted him to be the POTUS. Khamenei predicted it too.

But they dont do it openly in public from cranes. It's different when Saudis do it, they are US vassals and can get away with anything. It's different when the Chinese execute people, because they can get away with anything. We should not do it. We dont need to do it. There is absolutely no reason for us to do it. Nothing good comes from it.
Now you have stopped making sense again. Saudis behead people with sword in public.
We can do it and we will do it. If other people can get away with it, we will get away with it too. I honestly feel ashamed that you and I are from the same country and I say this as an agnostic person who is against Islam in general.

You are missing the point. What they use to portray us negatively in media is the public hangings, execution of minors, riots 24/7 etc.
Please.. Riots? US riots are an ongoing situation now. The US police brutality makes whatever we have done since 1979 look like a joke compared to what they do to their citizens and mentally disabled people.
If people can have sex at 15 in some countries, then they are adult enough to be taken responsible for their actions. 18 is not a magical number. Is it?

If you don't like the way Iran is portrayed in the media, change your nationality. It is perfectly allowed and nobody can blame you for it either.

I dont see the relevance here. How does opening up to the world, stopping public executions, stopping executing minors etc in any way lessen our power?
Man, you're so naive. Nobody cares about those things at all. All they want from us is to give them our oil and support their policies in the region. Cuba, China, Venezuela and China do none of those things and yet they get constant negative portrayal in the media. Stop talking like a taxi driver please.

When you keep repeating the same questions and comment, what do you expect? I have to keep repeating it in the hope that you may finally understand the simple nuances here.

No, it is not. The re-entry vehicle simply houses the warhead. It is the warhead design itself that is different.
And if your reentry vehicle damages your warhead, that doesn't matter at all. Does it?
And if your reentry vehicle damages your warhead, that doesn't matter at all. Does it?

Please stop wasting my time with these repetitive and inane questions. I have already answered these questions multiple times.
Please stop wasting my time with these repetitive and inane questions. I have already answered these questions multiple times.

No, you didn't answer anything. You just wasted my time by being too arrogant to admit something very simple that you were wrong about. Like what you did before. So, if anything, please stop wasting my time. Ask PEED to shed light on this if you can't.
Please... Obama violated the JCPOA way before the US presidential election started. He passed a bill that denied the people with a history of visiting Iran in the last 5 years the right to use the Visa waiver program which hit our then booming tourism industry after the JCPOA. He allowed the Iran Sanctions Act to be renewed without his signature. He sanctioned new individuals in Iran.

Trump is by far better than Obama for Iran. And yes, I predicted him to be the POTUS. Khamenei predicted it too.

Now you have stopped making sense again. Saudis behead people with sword in public.
We can do it and we will do it. If other people can get away with it, we will get away with it too. I honestly feel ashamed that you and I are from the same country and I say this as an agnostic person who is against Islam in general.

Please.. Riots? US riots are an ongoing situation now. The US police brutality makes whatever we have done since 1979 look like a joke compared to what they do to their citizens and mentally disabled people.
If people can have sex at 15 in some countries, then they are adult enough to be taken responsible for their actions. 18 is not a magical number. Is it?

If you don't like the way Iran is portrayed in the media, change your nationality. It is perfectly allowed and nobody can blame you for it either.

Man, you're so naive. Nobody cares about those things at all. All they want from us is to give them our oil and support their policies in the region. Cuba, China, Venezuela and China do none of those things and yet they get constant negative portrayal in the media. Stop talking like a taxi driver please.

And if your reentry vehicle damages your warhead, that doesn't matter at all. Does it?

Bro, I swear you are brainwashed
No, you didn't answer anything. You just wasted my time by being too arrogant to admit something very simple that you were wrong about. Like what you did before. So, if anything, please stop wasting my time. Ask PEED to shed light on this if you can't.

I have stated multiple times that the re-entry vehicle houses the warhead regardless of whether it is nuclear to non-nuclear. You are trying to invent your own claims that the re-entry vehicle design itself is different depending on the payload i.e nuclear or not. Furthermore, you apparently did not even understand what a re-entry vehicle is when you made claims such as:

Are you saying that warhead = reentry vehicle? Because that's obviously not true as a reentry vehicle can carry more than one warhead.

You probably confused the difference between a Multiple re-entry Vehicle and a re-entry vehicle. You do not appear even understand the basics of missile technology. Go read a little around this topic first and then return.
Bro, I swear the same thing about you.
I am a nationalist. Your views are the same as hardcore islamists, but you say you are against Islam in general, so I dont understand why you have these views.
I have stated multiple times that the re-entry vehicle houses the warhead regardless of whether it is nuclear to non-nuclear. You are trying to invent your own claims that the re-entry vehicle design itself is different depending on the payload i.e nuclear or not. Furthermore, you apparently did not even understand what a re-entry vehicle is when you made claims such as:

You probably confused the difference between a Multiple re-entry Vehicle and a re-entry vehicle. You do not appear even understand the basics of missile technology. Go read a little around this topic first and then return.
Man, you clearly don't know how a nuclear device works if you compare it to a conventional warhead. Stop wasting my time. This is another one of your embarrassing periods like when you called scientific facts as "Alex Jones level conspiracy theories". The rest of your post is just blah blah blah.

I am a nationalist. Your views are the same as hardcore islamists, but you say you are against Islam in general, so I dont understand why you have these views.
Because you are legitimizing the idea of discrimination against Iran by saying things like Saudi Arabia and China can get away with it but Iran shouldn't do those things because it can't. lol You just don't make sense.

Not only that, you are denying facts by saying that nobody predicted Trump would be the president while everyone knows that Obama was the first one to impose sanctions on Iran after the JCPOA.

I don't want to say you have a shallow idea of politics, but I sincerely don't like your ideas. The US is no longer even talking about human rights in Iran. They are talking about our presence in the Middle East as a regional player. Read Pompeo's preconditions for negotiations to see what I mean.
Man, you clearly don't know how a nuclear device works if you compare it to a conventional warhead.

First learn the difference between a re-entry vehicle and warhead design, then we can continue this. No one is saying nuclear weapons and conventional systems share the same warhead design, we are talking about re-enrty vehicle technology, i.e what contains the warhead. These are completely different issues. Once again, basic missile issues that you cannot comprehend.

Stop wasting my time. This is another one of your embarrassing periods like when you called scientific facts as "Alex Jones level conspiracy theories". The rest of your post is just blah blah blah.

Actually, you do have a tendency to comment on topics that are clearly beyond your level of understanding. And yes, you did try to pass some conspiracy claims in the past. This is not something that I have forgotten. Almost all posts you made in this forum show a great level of technical ineptitude. Like I told you before, "stick to what you know". I am not in need of someone like you to question my knowledge in such areas. I mean the fact you cannot comprehend these basic issues such as MIRV vs RV etc is very telling.
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