I am not saying we should bend over and accept US as our masters like certain countries in the region. But for starters, we can lose the image that we are uncivilized barbarians by not hanging people publicly from cranes, stop chanting death to US, death to Israel, stop burning flags, stop executing children, and adopt a more normal foreign policy. Become more tourist friendly. Show the world that we are a friendly, hospitable people with more than 3000 years of rich history, culture, teach them about our people that invented the windmills, distillation, the first air condition, the first fridge, wrote the first charter of human rights, freed the jews from Babylon. Wrote a book on medicine that was the standard in European universities for more than a thousand years. We could open up to the world. We can fix our internal problems, so we wont have riots 24/7. Although we have been treated unjust and unfairly since forever. I'ts very hard to feel sympathy to Iran when we act like we do.