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Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27

Dariush the Great

Jan 28, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27
FMs of Iran, China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Russia to hold talks in Tehran.

Iran's official position is that it wants an inclusive government and stability in Afghanistan [File: Atta Kenare/AFP]
By Maziar Motamedi
Published On 18 Oct 2021
Tehran, Iran – Tehran will host a meeting of Afghanistan’s neighbours plus Russia next week, the country’s foreign ministry has confirmed, with the October 27 event witnessing the presence of all six foreign ministers.
During a press conference on Monday, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh announced that in addition to Iran and Russia, the meeting will be attended by China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, who all have land borders with Afghanistan.
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According to Khatibzadeh, the meeting will continue discussions that the countries had during a virtual meeting held in early September.
“The six countries will be focused on how they can help form an inclusive government in Afghanistan with the presence of all ethnic groups, and how they can help shape a future of peace and security in Afghanistan,” said Khatibzadeh.
Since the Taliban took control of Kabul in mid-August, there has been a debate in Iran on whether the group has changed its ways since it was in power more than 20 years ago.
But Iran’s official position is that it wants an inclusive government and stability in its eastern neighbouring state, something Tehran considers vital for its national security.
The calls have continued after the Taliban formed an administration that does not include ethnic and religious groups or women.

Iran has also harshly condemned the Taliban’s armed assault against resistance fighters in the Panjshir valley, and a series of explosions claimed by the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, ISKP (ISIS-K) armed group that have rocked Afghanistan in recent weeks.
Khatibzadeh said Iran has maintained contact with all parties in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.
“What is clear is that Taliban has a direct responsibility in maintaining peace and stability, and to preserve the health of all Afghan groups including the Hazaras and Shias,” he said.
Earlier this year, Tehran hosted intra-Afghan talks that included the Taliban before the armed group took control of Afghanistan.

Iran has, however, refused to participate in any talks hosted or participated by the United States, which it says was a main cause of instability and violence in the country.

So 2 Russian meetups... Moscow talks... and Extended Troika in Moscow.

Then Iran...

I think non-neighbor India also called one but doubt it will be attended by Pakistan and will be impactful tbh. Nevertheless, good to see deliberations on Afghan issue.
Iran, India, all irrelevant in the Afghanistan context, trying to remain relevant.

Interesting how nations relentlessly work for their interests, and then you have us.........
If Iran was irrelevant in Afghanistan then who is relevant? Papua New Guinea?

All neighbors of Afghanistan would be affected by the internal developments of the country. Let it sink in.
No just your partner crime.

The only ***** here, are the ones who think that the biggest Pariah on the planet is worth an ounce

Bro please ease up, you’re highly respected here.
Also india isn’t coming so that’s great.
Post some worthy comments instead of cursing around. Title next to your name needs some adjustment ASAP. @waz @LeGenD
Resorting to personal attacks just proves that you regurgitating rhetoric doesn't work n the real world.

@waz @LeGenD Why do we allow silly fan boys to talk nonsense all day long?
Bro please ease up, you’re highly respected here.
Also india isn’t coming so that’s great.
Ease up on what? that they are a pariah whose neighbors are not safe from their terrorism? Despite them being hand in glove with India, and creating instability in Pakistan, you want to give them a free hand to regurgitate their official rhetoric? They only thing they have exported since 1979 is chaos and destruction. Name one neighbor that is on good terms with them, and is safe from their terrorism?

Our brothers and sons are dying daily in Baluchistan due to them, pls take that into consideration before you let official fanboys spout rhetoric.

I wish the dressing down given recently to thier Intel chief and IRGC chief had been published by ISPR, that would have put all them in thier place.
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By Genetics (biggest factor), millennia old history, culture ... and now region, Afghanistan has always been Irano Turkic nation and it should be dealt by Irano Turkic group of countries only. Our problem, our decision.

No Indics (any type) or Chinese or Europeans should be allowed to meddle in Afgh
By Genetics (biggest factor), millennia old history, culture ... and now region, Afghanistan has always been Irano Turkic nation and it should be dealt by Irano Turkic group of countries only. Our problem, our decision.

No Indics (any type) or Chinese or Europeans should be allowed to meddle in Afgh
What the hell is a Irano Turkic nation?
Resorting to personal attacks just proves that you regurgitating rhetoric doesn't work n the real world.

@waz @LeGenD Why do we allow silly fan boys to talk nonsense all day long?

Ease up on what? that they are a pariah whose neighbors are not safe from their terrorism? Despite them being hand in glove with India, and creating instability in Pakistan, you want to give them a free hand to regurgitate their official rhetoric? They only thing they have exported since 1979 is chaos and destruction. Name one neighbor that is on good terms with them, and is safe from their terrorism?

Our brothers and sons are dying daily in Baluchistan due to them, pls take that into consideration before you let official fanboys spout rhetoric.

I wish the dressing down given recently to thier Intel chief and IRGC chief had been published by ISPR, that would have put all them in thier place.
I echo your feelings. Iran has proven to be a straight up backstabber time after time. It has actively harboured anti-Pakistani elements and directly abetted India's efforts to sabotage peace in Pakistan. This gimmick of a Muslim Brotherhood is a facade that I for one don't buy. I grew up at a time when every alternate day I heard a hundred people getting literally blown to pieces. So spare me the bullshit of this Islamic Unity. The blood of my fellow Pakistanis is on Iranian hands just as much as it is on India.

We really need to get our heads out of our asses and counter attack EVERY SINGLE TIME any state transgresses. We can't take this bullcrap of letting bygones be bygones. We need to avenge our people. If that means assisting Israel blow the shit out of Iranian Nuclear facilities, I say do it. Iran deserves this and much much more.
My sympathy with Iran for they are trying hard to keep some kind of hold over Afghanistan ...one way or the other.
I echo your feelings. Iran has proven to be a straight up backstabber time after time. It has actively harboured anti-Pakistani elements and directly abetted India's efforts to sabotage peace in Pakistan. This gimmick of a Muslim Brotherhood is a facade that I for one don't buy. I grew up at a time when every alternate day I heard a hundred people getting literally blown to pieces. So spare me the bullshit of this Islamic Unity. The blood of my fellow Pakistanis is on Iranian hands just as much as it is on India.

We really need to get our heads out of our asses and counter attack EVERY SINGLE TIME any state transgresses. We can't take this bullcrap of letting bygones be bygones. We need to avenge our people. If that means assisting Israel blow the shit out of Iranian Nuclear facilities, I say do it. Iran deserves this and much much more.
It was USA that targeted Pakistani civilians, it was Arabs that backstabbed Pakistan revealing their backdoor alliance with BJP after Kashmir massacre. After the Islamic revolution of Iran, Pakistan has been hostile to us, no matter who ruled the country Butto or nawaz.

Some suggest that Pakistanis couldn't resist US pressure hence giving into their immense political pressure. They maybe right but all in all it caused Pakistan remain uable and reluctant to react American droning of Pakistani citizens who died for no reason under American bombardment.

I can't understand your obsession with Iran but it was the ground reality that i mentioned already.
Iran is the country I wish to see going down the drain ...their fitna and fasad is prevailing like a cancer.
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