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Iran to fire 11,000 missiles at US, Israel if attacked

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My maternal grandfather dealt in grainstuffs. Indolent and "peaceful" people did nothing to stop the Nazis from sending him to the gas chambers. Sometimes "warmongers and killers" serve the cause of right and good better, don't you think?

Don't you think it's sad that human beings often victims themselves become perpetrators of what has happened to them.

How is Zionism different to Nazism. Prior to 1945 Hitler and his cronies asked for Jews to wear star of David so Jews could easily be separated from the general population in Germany.

In the eighties it was reported that the IDF daubed paint on to Palestinians clothes at refugee camp Chattilla so they could distinguish Palestinians from the Lebanese

Very sad world we live in that Palestinians have to pay for the crimes of Europeans against Jews
It does not say anywhere Iran is going to strike down usa's mainland.

11,000 missiles=Iran MRBM, with range about 2000KM.
this actually makes sence, since Iran desinged the shahab 3 to be very cheap and mass producable.
Iran made the more expensive and the much much better sejill 2 to deal with israeli air defence.

Iran has thousands and thousands of more lower range missiles, like fateh,zelzal and so on.
a few years ago an Iranian said Iran makes missile like they make cars.

Iran has been under threat from usa,israel wahabis for a very long time, do you think we will just sit there and no do anything about it? there is a reason we are not making new fighter jets,newer destroyers and so on, its b/c we are too busy making missiles.

It was very retarded for this idiot to come out and say this, the number are suppose to be clandestine. 11,000 are missiles for israel and usa, imagine how much more we have the saudi arabia.

The whole news is a joke.

Someone put three extra zeros in front of the number of ballistic missiles.The total number of ballistic missiles in the world is less than 11000.

and regarding the point of MRBM as made by PGK,i have some interesting info

Medium-Range Ballistic Missiles

The broad scope of the INF Treaty also covered medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs). Thus, the treaty resulted in the elimination of this class of missiles (with ranges between 1000 and 3000 km) from Soviet/Russian and U.S. ballistic missile arsenals. Changes in the French nuclear forces also resulted in the elimination of MRBMs from its arsenal as well.

A total of 149 Russian SS-4 and 234 U.S. Pershing II missiles were destroyed under the INF treaty.22 France possessed 64 medium-range M20 SLBMs in 1987 that it had replaced with longer-range systems by 1991. 23

Increases Geographically
The most significant proliferation threat comes from the slow but steady increase in the number of states possessing medium-range ballistic missiles, even as Russia, France and the United States eliminated their arsenals. This development has attracted a great amount of attention and is often cited as evidence of a larger proliferation threat. China, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia now possess land-based MRBMs. China also possesses a medium-range SLBM capability, though its operational status is in question.24 Only India, Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea have developed or obtained their missiles since 1989, and Iran and Pakistan base their missiles primarily on assistance or technology received from North Korea.

Status Quo
China has maintained its force of 40 DF-3 MRBMs, 48 DF-21 MRBMs and 12 CSS N-3 sea-launched MRBMs. 25

Net Decrease Numerically
Numerically speaking, even though MRBMs are now in the hands of more countries than in 1987, the total number of MRBMs in existence in 2002 is smaller than the 547 MRBMs in the combined U.S., French, Russian, and Chinese forces in 1987.26 Since then, Israel is believed to have deployed 50 operational Jericho II MRBMs 27 while Saudi Arabia has 40 CSS-2 MRBMs that it purchased from China.28 North Korea is believed to have deployed 10 No Dong MRBMs 29 but has possibly produced up to 100 missiles of this type.30 MRBMs in India, Iran, Pakistan and North Korea's Taepodong are still in operational testing. Assuming each of these countries could deploy one to five missiles in a crisis during the next five years, the global total of MRBMs today is no more than 310 and likely as low as 200. This represents a 43 and 63 per cent decrease, respectively, in global MRBM arsenals from the 1987 level.

In terms of missiles potentially threatening the United States, the threat has gone from 249 Chinese and Soviet missiles in 1987 to 100 Chinese, as many as 100 North Korean No Dongs, possibly one or two Taepodong missiles and a few Iranian Shahab-3 missiles.31 This tabulates to a total of about 205 missiles that could threaten U.S. forces or Europe, representing an 18 percent decrease in threat systems.

The Declining Ballistic Missile Threat - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

according to it maximum number of MRBM in Whole world is less than 310.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Of course Indians and Americans know better than Iranians what Iranians have. If that's the case why has America been huffing and puffing for 33 years but has nit dared to lift a finger against Iran
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Of course Indians and Americans know better than Iranians what Iranians have. If that's the case why has America been huffing and puffing for 33 years but has nit dared to lift a finger against Iran

that is so right. Americans exactly know that Iran is a completely different case. As for Indians, Iranians have them by the balls and that is why Indians are even ready to face the music from Americans but do not dare to stop buying oil from Iranians. They know their fate in Afghanistan and central Asia depends on Iranians. All this talk is to make Indian public and American public happy, but the reality is that neither Americans nor Indians have any options with regard to Iran.
I would like Iranians forum members look at Indian forum members comments on here and other threads. I would like Iranian forum members to look at who they give thank you's to.

Contrary to their official position the vast majority of Indians look to Israel and America for friendship and alliance.

Be wary when some Indians pretend they are friendly with Iran. If push came to shove they would stand with Zionists because their philosophy of hindutva is very similar to Zionism

Yeh Yeh Yeh... Zionist and Hindutva are hurdles to world peace..... And the so called scholars have been termed as scholars by bunch of idiots.. now how to believe in these peoples who are termed as scholars by idiots..
Yeh Yeh Yeh... Zionist and Hindutva are hurdles to world peace..... And the so called scholars have been termed as scholars by bunch of idiots.. now how to believe in these peoples who are termed as scholars by idiots..

Thank you your post is invaluable:

1. It bumps up a thread and it is important to disseminate information on topic that Iran can do to defend itself from aggressors

2. That Hindutva Zionism and Nazism have a lot in common.

3. Hence so many Indians showing their support for Israel and America against Iran by thanking anti Iranian posts and posting posts in support of Israel
Thank you your post is invaluable:

1. It bumps up a thread and it is important to disseminate information on topic that Iran can do to defend itself from aggressors

2. That Hindutva Zionism and Nazism have a lot in common.

3. Hence so many Indians showing their support for Israel and America against Iran by thanking anti Iranian posts and posting posts in support of Israel

Nothing could have incorporated by your invaluable post in the silly thread where the numbers are not anyway near to the reality (11000), leave a way the response from Iran. Well i have been associated with few (4 to 5) Iranians during my PG days, and came to know that they are very humble peoples. We dont want Iran being pounded by USA and Israel with WMD...
There are several reasons why Indians support Israel.. Though being a tiny nation, Israel and her citizens know how to defend herself against terrorism which is also a itch in the hand for India.. Although you can find every now and then, Arab nations and Pakistan dreaming destruction of Israel.

Regarding Hindutva.. You may not find a single occasion in last five thousand years in which Hindus (from India) have attacked any foreign nation with different religion... Although you can't say same thing for Muslims.. Eg. Gengiz Khan, Mod. Gaznavi, Ahemed Shah Abdali, Bin Kasim.. And many more...
Protecting ourself from aggressor is not a crime dear Aryan.. and thats what we wanna do..


PS: No hard feeling for you and any Muslims despite what I have written in the post..
How is Zionism different to Nazism. Prior to 1945 Hitler and his cronies asked for Jews to wear star of David so Jews could easily be separated from the general population in Germany. In the eighties it was reported that the IDF daubed paint on to Palestinians clothes at refugee camp Chattilla -
That's your argument? A false analogy? (Ex: the Nazis made people pay electric bills, the British today make people pay electric bills, so there is obviously no difference between the British today and the Nazis of 70 years ago.)

The most reprehensible crime of the Nazis was to send millions of innocent civilians to the gas chambers, not painting numbers on prisoners as the Israelis are alleged to have done. (BTW, the Nazis tattooed numbers onto soldiers and prisoners, rather than using ink or paint.)
That's your argument? A false analogy? (Ex: the Nazis made people pay electric bills, the British today make people pay electric bills, so there is obviously no difference between the British today and the Nazis of 70 years ago.)

The most reprehensible crime of the Nazis was to send millions of innocent civilians to the gas chambers, not painting numbers on prisoners as the Israelis are alleged to have done. (BTW, the Nazis tattooed numbers onto soldiers and prisoners, rather than using ink or paint.)

There is no explanation or mitigation of Nazis or Zionists. Remember the victors in a war write the history.

No excuse for Zionism nor Nazism. Stop trying.

Back to thread Iran has every right to defend itself against Zionist attack be it American, Saudi or Israeli
A claim I do not make, do I? Is it so difficult to evaluate what I write that you have to pretend I've written something I have not? Don't you think this attitude is something you need to fight in yourself? You aren't going to be young forever - do you want to give a green light to up-and-coming youngsters to abuse soon-to-be old men like you?

Listen, you defend zionism and so it's safe to assume that you're a zionist. Being a zionist you never fail to prescribe what is good for the Muslims. For example you always tell how bad rule of the mullahs are for the Muslims and the next moment you say that you do not claim that you know what's good or bad for the Muslims. You're a hypocrite and a coward for you don't even have the courage to admit what you preach.
That's your argument? A false analogy? (Ex: the Nazis made people pay electric bills, the British today make people pay electric bills, so there is obviously no difference between the British today and the Nazis of 70 years ago.)

The most reprehensible crime of the Nazis was to send millions of innocent civilians to the gas chambers, not painting numbers on prisoners as the Israelis are alleged to have done. (BTW, the Nazis tattooed numbers onto soldiers and prisoners, rather than using ink or paint.)

lolz, yeah yeah, whatever, and Nazis made soap out of Jews and used their skin to paint on, 've heard of all that nonsense.

BTW, for all of those brainwashed by the zionist propaganda, please watch these videos:

David Cole Auschwitz Part 1 of 6 - YouTube

David Cole Auschwitz Part 2 of 6 - YouTube

David Cole Auschwitz Part 3 of 6 - YouTube

David Cole Auschwitz Part 4 of 6 - YouTube

David Cole Auschwitz Part 5 of 6 - YouTube

David Cole Auschwitz Part 6 of 6 - YouTube

It was claimed that the camp at Dachau was used to exterminate Jews, but since that camp was on the allied side of occupied Europe and Germany, the british investigators were able to prove that claim wrong, however camps like auschwitz ended up on the Soviets side and therefore no investigation could take place there, therefore the soviet claim that millions of jews were exterminated in those camps was left unchallenged.
Nothing could have incorporated by your invaluable post in the silly thread where the numbers are not anyway near to the reality (11000), leave a way the response from Iran. Well i have been associated with few (4 to 5) Iranians during my PG days, and came to know that they are very humble peoples. We dont want Iran being pounded by USA and Israel with WMD...
There are several reasons why Indians support Israel.. Though being a tiny nation, Israel and her citizens know how to defend herself against terrorism which is also a itch in the hand for India.. Although you can find every now and then, Arab nations and Pakistan dreaming destruction of Israel.

Regarding Hindutva.. You may not find a single occasion in last five thousand years in which Hindus (from India) have attacked any foreign nation with different religion... Although you can't say same thing for Muslims.. Eg. Gengiz Khan, Mod. Gaznavi, Ahemed Shah Abdali, Bin Kasim.. And many more...
Protecting ourself from aggressor is not a crime dear Aryan.. and thats what we wanna do..


PS: No hard feeling for you and any Muslims despite what I have written in the post..

Your Government knows better that if it stands with Israel in the real world, it will lose some very vital interests.
Your opinion is yours alone(although the trend points to Zionist's opinions), Islam went to spread the word of god to godless people an if you read your history Genghis khan started by invading Christian and Jewish and Muslim countries and he choose Islam above all and converted to it.
Just by intruding in the Pakistani defence forum you show your aggressiveness, so please stop projecting yourselves on others. Israel will bring the downfall of India with its own.
If an Iranian ambassador says Iran can use thousands (11 000) of missiles in first strike you better believe him, since Iran choose the conventional way instead of a nuclear way that number is very plausible, and mind you it is only for first strike.
If you bring The US into the Equation you better listen to what a Chinese high ranking general has said.
For you to support and look up to Israel is shameful in the eyes of the rest of the world, maybe it is from some British blood in you. You also seem to be the only ones supporting this apartheid regime.

No bad feelings jut the truth if you can handle it !!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Of course Indians and Americans know better than Iranians what Iranians have. If that's the case why has America been huffing and puffing for 33 years but has nit dared to lift a finger against Iran

Because Indians are not guided by religious fanaticism like you which makes you view the world using green glasses and suspend basic faculty of reasoning,yes they may be knowing better about Iran's arsenal.

You people claim a fantastic figure of 11000 ballistic missiles.Then someone counters that by using legitimate source that it is probably 30 times the total no of missiles in the Inventory of whole of the world so rather than countering by logic or facts you people resort to straw man argument of "Iran's government knows best".

sometimes this degree of stupidity makes me wish for war as it would shut up the mouth of these moronic fanbois.


Persian god king,

Iran may or may-not be into the mass production of their MRBM's which i suspect they are doing,you certainly don't know anything regarding what does mass-production in case of missiles mean.You are imagining a missile assembly line akin to that of cars where thousands could be produced in a short period of time.The reality cannot be farther from truth.

for example:

India runs an assembly line for Brahmos which is a tactical Cruise missile.The output from this assembly line is just 1.8 missiles per month.And it is a tactical missile for which would be used in case of war and thus have dedicated assembly line unlike ballistic missiles which have deterrent and strategic values and thus the errors which creep in an assembly line could not be allowed.

And don't compare grad rockets with ballistic missiles( I know this is going to be next argument).Rockets like Grad are nothing but a tube filled with propellents.

Either Iran is lying outright (which is not far fetched given its record) for sake of domestic consumption or is counting Ballistic missiles + rockets + Cruise missiles + artillery shells in its stated figure.
I am sure that if India was severely sanctioned and under constant threat of attack, it would have accelerated it missile production 10 folds or more, depending on priorities.
And if these missiles are simpler to make than a cruse missile, expect a 100 a month X 10 years period and you have a figure very close to the statement.
So as far as the faculty of reasoning is concerned there is an obvious lack of it in this thread.
I don't know if Iran can do this or not,but they got the funniest lot of ministers issuing weird statements :cheesy:
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