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Iran to execute alleged **** site developer

So now you are playing the moral card with rape? which is rape and which is not?
You obviously do not know what is 'rape' so I will explain in the shortest possible: Rape is NON-CONSENSUAL sex.

So when a **** actress or a prostitute agrees to sex in exchange for money, the sex act is consensual. It does not matter if prostitution is legal or not. You can prosecute the rapist separately from the prostitution charge against the other person. Your mentality is the reason why marital non-consensual sex is not a crime, because your mentality believe that it is the duty of the wife to provide sex whenever the husband demands it. So if a woman engages in sex outside of marriage for ANY reasons, legal or not, rape upon her is legal. Is that how you see it?

and when it comes to **** or prostitution being moral it is upto a person's choice....and what about 2 consenting adults engaging in incest? sure that wouldnt be a problen for you aswell?
Problem in what ways? Moral or legal? Morally? Yes, I would have a problem with that and since genetic problems from incest have a physical effect upon society in the long term, then yes, I would support incestuous relationships to be illegal as well.

we dont want this type of freedom for us or our women...thankyou.

This the excactly what is wrong with thşs way of thought... You cannot decide what others may or maynot have. What a ancient logic.

Give them a proper educaion and people can make theşr own decisions in life.
I went to India and Pakistan with my friends. One of them was Indian girl I have met in my university in Cyprus. Pakistani womens were chating up with her more than us even thoug they propably thought us muslim. This shows the humanity in these people that are friendly towards people who they were fighting more than 50 years.
Indian and pakistanis dont like to insult their guests. It is a cultural thing.
Also language plays a role.
India and pakistan are not like north and south korea. There is exchange of idea/people/music/culture etc.
typical gambit...cheap comments aimed at personal insults..
what i do with my 9 yo is none of your concern..
at least they know their dad and there has been only one man in their moms life and one woman in their dads life.
unlike yours who keep seeing new man in the house every few months.....while the mom keeps getting distracted by a long list of exes..
How the hell is that 'cheap'? Am arguing on principles. You just do not like to confront your own contradictions.

yes our men learn to use weapons from early age.in rural areas..we dont breed sissy pussies who masturbate while playing world of warcraft at some random animated character..
Please...You do not want to use this argument against US. You do know that the US has a history of firearms, right?
This is just sick. The developer just wrote a code to ease uploading of photos. His code was used by someone else to upload pornographic images and he is the one who is to be executed? :butcher: :fie:

This is disgusting. Handing wrong sentence to an innocent. What an act of injustice :angry:

No wonder why so many Iranians migrate to western countries every year. :wave: :coffee:
You obviously do not know what is 'rape' so I will explain in the shortest possible: Rape is NON-CONSENSUAL sex.

So when a **** actress or a prostitute agrees to sex in exchange for money, the sex act is consensual. It does not matter if prostitution is legal or not. You can prosecute the rapist separately from the prostitution charge against the other person. Your mentality is the reason why marital non-consensual sex is not a crime, because your mentality believe that it is the duty of the wife to provide sex whenever the husband demands it. So if a woman engages in sex outside of marriage for ANY reasons, legal or not, rape upon her is legal. Is that how you see it?

Problem in what ways? Moral or legal? Morally? Yes, I would have a problem with that and since genetic problems from incest have a physical effect upon society in the long term, then yes, I would support incestuous relationships to be illegal as well.

A person needs to break it down for these guys to understand what self determination means. They praticly cannot understand that a human beings have right to choose for themselves...
A person needs to break it down for these guys to understand what self determination means. They praticly cannot understand that a human beings have right to choose for themselves...
Theirs are the good reasons why may be we should raise the age of legal adulthood to 21. They may be older physically but mentally...I have doubts that 18 is their intellectual and emotional development.
In any case for me(and majority of men) he is shaheed( martyr). If there is god then this guy deserves the best of virgins( of course with their consent)
I would personally force myself to watch two **** video to honour this guy.(if he is executed)
A person needs to break it down for these guys to understand what self determination means. They praticly cannot understand that a human beings have right to choose for themselves...

i am sure you are pro incest aswell.
i am sure you are pro incest aswell.
This is a perfect example of an immature intellectual development in this issue. Unable to distinguish the difference between a morality and a legality.
Indian and pakistanis dont like to insult their guests. It is a cultural thing.
Also language plays a role.
India and pakistan are not like north and south korea. There is exchange of idea/people/music/culture etc.

Most of the eastern cultures have that and what a wonderful tradition that is. :)
Most of the eastern cultures have that and what a wonderful tradition that is. :)
Well like western culture, something good, something bad. Individual preference.
I myself prefer to be individualistic and rational( a western trait).
Theirs are the good reasons why may be we should raise the age of legal adulthood to 21. They may be older physically but mentally...I have doubts that 18 is their intellectual and emotional development.

I have seen a lot of emotional behavior disorder but I conviced myself that I would never be able to understand exterimist logics... When they are facedwith facts and morality they preach about they usually reply with unreleated ridiculous claims and idiotic insults.
Well like western culture, something good, something bad. Individual preference.
I myself prefer to be individualistic and rational( a western trait).

Believe me I was not commentig on the whole eastern cultures, but a segment of it. Western culture has its own negatives too. It sometimes beame to detach from familty and social life.

In Turkeys modernized populations you can see very good combination of these two cultures. Actually classical American family has avery eastern like values too.
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