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Iran to execute alleged **** site developer

listen lady...before you make such obnoxious claims...try crawling out from under you rock and travel to these countries and meet the people who marry a 15 yo at 70 yo...
btw didnt playboy boss marty many women 3rd or less of his age?
didnt pamella sandersen kept many teenage toyboys when she was over 45?
That is dishonest. Those involved were not children, legally and otherwise. It is not enough to point out the age range discrepancy but also the starting points of each age.

Poverty makes people do odd things...
when you are hungry you dont see if the man asking you to be his wife is 70 yo..and you are 15
all you see is a person who can feed you and give you shelter...
If that is how you want us to see it, then such a 'marriage' is nothing more than prostitution with legal sanction, while sex for money does not carry the same sanction.

people from rich countries can sit on their high chairs and sink us in their spit all the time while they are totally ignorant of ground realities.
May be this is why women living in 'rich' countries prefers to live there and suffer 'rapes' instead of migrating to muslim countries where they can be nothing more than baby incubators.
Fine. Some anarchists argue the same against capitalism: That anytime there is an exchange of goods and services for money, such is prostitution.

If you have a problem with consenting adults doing something you morally disapproved, confine your distaste to the moral realm, not the legal. Argue and persuade others so they can develop their own internal compulsions against, but not force.

I don't condone force nor should anyone condone forece. It is an illegal act in most parts of the world and should remain so.
People can do whatever they want as long as they are not hurting others... What you just told us are te extreme and very very rare in these countries... I hav nothng agains Islam more than I have for Judahism or Christianity. Actually if a man/woman are honest religous people, I would trust them more than most people but people are not that good and religion can be abused easily. Thats why there are women on this earth who cannot even show their eyes to world or there are untouchables in India that treated less than human. Religon can be abused more easily than drugs...

I am from Turkey, Turkey was one of the poorest countries in this world 10 years ago. I accep that I was the daughter of rich family and propably know nothing of les fortunetes peoples life but that does not change human equlity. If you see justified critism of violetion of human rights as ''people from rich countries can sit on their high chairs and sink us in their spit all the time while they are totally ignorant of ground realities'' You really need to understand human dignity more.

What we are discussing is freedom to do whatever a person wants to do without hurting others. This has nothing to do with being rich or not.

likewise what you said about muslims is also very rare...
but the trouble is that people like yourself notice and know all the bad things about us...but fail to see the goodness in us...

on topic...
you may want to post more links about the news as western sources arent reliable about iranian matters..
I don't condone force nor should anyone condone forece. It is an illegal act in most parts of the world and should remain so.
If you support prostitution, and by extension pornography, to be illegal, then you support physical coercion. To make <something> illegal mean two avenues:

- You force people to behave in a certain manner.
- You punish people if they behave in a certain manner.

For the first method, you install a device that will not allow the car to go past 100k/h. For the second method, you financially levy anyone who drive past 100k/h.

Either way, you have the power of the state behind you (the law). In contrast, if there is internal compulsion by everyone that they find driving past 100k/h is dangerous, then there would be no need for either methods.
That is dishonest. Those involved were not children, legally and otherwise. It is not enough to point out the age range discrepancy but also the starting points of each age.

If that is how you want us to see it, then such a 'marriage' is nothing more than prostitution with legal sanction, while sex for money does not carry the same sanction.

May be this is why women living in 'rich' countries prefers to live there and suffer 'rapes' instead of migrating to muslim countries where they can be nothing more than baby incubators.

the thresh hold age of 18 year old for classifying a person as adult was coined in the west only a few years ago...
we from another culture may not agree with this..
physiologically when a girl mensates she is adult and when a boy produces sperms he is adult...and ready for marriage/sex.

for your info the number of women who dont know who fukex them the night they got pregnent is non existent in our countries but few even know their real dads in yours...
well not even the mom knows that who didnt use condom among the two men she slept with that night while she was drunk as skunk......
we dont want this type of freedom for us or our women...thankyou.

---------- Post added at 06:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 AM ----------

and calling marriage a rape is evidence of yout utter ignorance.
If you support prostitution, and by extension pornography, to be illegal, then you support physical coercion. To make <something> illegal mean two avenues:

- You force people to behave in a certain manner.
- You punish people if they behave in a certain manner.

For the first method, you install a device that will not allow the car to go past 100k/h. For the second method, you financially levy anyone who drive past 100k/h.

Either way, you have the power of the state behind you (the law). In contrast, if there is internal compulsion by everyone that they find driving past 100k/h is dangerous, then there would be no need for either methods.

By your logic there shouldnt be any laws and no moral grounds and incest should be legal.
the thresh hold age of 18 year old for classifying a person as adult was coined in the west only a few years ago...
we from another culture may not agree with this..
The age of 18 is indeed an arbitrary line. Since there is no way to determine with 100% certainty of mental and emotional maturity, the figure of 18 serves as the best (not ultimate) indicator for legal purposes.

physiologically when a girl mensates she is adult and when a boy produces sperms he is adult...and ready for marriage/sex.
So if you would send your 9yr old daughter to marriage, would you send your 9yr old son to war? Against me when I look like this...


...While your son look like this...


for your info the number of women who dont know who fukex them the night they got pregnent is non existent in our countries but few even know their real dads in yours...
well not even the mom knows that who didnt use condom among the two men she slept with that night while she was drunk as skunk......
we dont want this type of freedom for us or our women...thankyou.
Yes, we can see there is a current exodus of women moving to muslim countries.

---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 PM ----------

By your logic there shouldnt be any laws and no moral grounds and incest should be legal.
By my logic? You have a funny way of interpreting people's argument. I think this is because you consistently failed to distinguish the difference between what is 'moral' and 'legal', between what is 'persuasion' and 'coercion'.
The age of 18 is indeed an arbitrary line. Since there is no way to determine with 100% certainty of mental and emotional maturity, the figure of 18 serves as the best (not ultimate) indicator for legal purposes.

So if you would send your 9yr old daughter to marriage, would you send your 9yr old son to war? Against me when I look like this...


...While your son look like this...


Yes, we can see there is a current exodus of women moving to muslim countries.

Bullet from a 9 year old and from a 40 year old has the same impact.
Would it be considered shoplifting if you rape a prostitute or a **** actress?
Bullet from a 9 year old and from a 40 year old has the same impact.
But there is a gross discrepancy on how the bullets get to the shooters in the first place. Yeah...It is far easier to send a 9yr old girl to be a wife to a adult man than it is to send a 9yr old boy into battle.

---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

Would it be considered shoplifting if you rape a prostitute or a **** actress?
No. It would be rape and if rape is illegal, the rapist must be punished. You do know what is 'rape', no?

Wow...This is clearly the argument of an immature mind. Immature in many ways.
But there is a gross discrepancy on how the bullets get to the shooters in the first place. Yeah...It is far easier to send a 9yr old girl to be a wife to a adult man than it is to send a 9yr old boy into battle.

---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

No. It would be rape and if rape is illegal, the rapist must be punished. You do know what is 'rape', no?

So now you are playing the moral card with rape? which is rape and which is not? and when it comes to **** or prostitution being moral it is upto a person's choice....and what about 2 consenting adults engaging in incest? sure that wouldnt be a problen for you aswell?
likewise what you said about muslims is also very rare...
but the trouble is that people like yourself notice and know all the bad things about us...but fail to see the goodness in us...

on topic...
you may want to post more links about the news as western sources arent reliable about iranian matters..

In Kurdish regions of Turkey, we see this kind of news so often that it makes me want to throw up. There are some cases that the child brides age fall to 11 years...

I went to India and Pakistan with my friends. One of them was Indian girl I have met in my university in Cyprus. Pakistani womens were chating up with her more than us even thoug they propably thought us muslim. This shows the humanity in these people that are friendly towards people who they were fighting more than 50 years.

What I am doing is critising what most utra-religious -like all extremists- people do: interfering others lifes.

I did not accuse young kids who marry because of their life conditions. I would never do something like that. I accused grown up people who can stomach marring a young girl who is clueless about life and propably innocent as angel. This is the disgusting part. Do you think I would label a whole nation or whole people of religion with something like this? A person needs to be insane to do something like this.

All I can do critise from where I live. Who am to judge, label nations as bad or see the good in them. I do not delude my self to think that I can judge ''see'' the good or bad in ones heart. &#305; can only make decisions about my own ideas and criteria. Evey person in this world has their own goodness and evil in their heart. Most choose the easy one and inificant amount choose the hard way. These people are not limited by nations. They are only limited by humanity itself...

But somethings are simple, freedoms are good, child marriges are bad, opressing people is bad, dictating ones believes to others is bad,
Would it be considered shoplifting if you rape a prostitute or a **** actress?
It will be considered "rape" if you penetrated her by force without her consent.

It will be equivalent to shoplifting if you did not pay her after agreed job is done.
It will be same if she does not provide service after you paid. (even then you cant force :) )
A **** actress(who earns lots of money) most probably will not sleep with you, I was talking about prostitute.
The age of 18 is indeed an arbitrary line. Since there is no way to determine with 100% certainty of mental and emotional maturity, the figure of 18 serves as the best (not ultimate) indicator for legal purposes.

So if you would send your 9yr old daughter to marriage, would you send your 9yr old son to war? Against me when I look like this...


...While your son look like this...


Yes, we can see there is a current exodus of women moving to muslim countries.

---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 PM ----------

By my logic? You have a funny way of interpreting people's argument. I think this is because you consistently failed to distinguish the difference between what is 'moral' and 'legal', between what is 'persuasion' and 'coercion'.

typical gambit...cheap comments aimed at personal insults..
what i do with my 9 yo is none of your concern..
at least they know their dad and there has been only one man in their moms life and one woman in their dads life.
unlike yours who keep seeing new man in the house every few months.....while the mom keeps getting distracted by a long list of exes..
yes our men learn to use weapons from early age.in rural areas..we dont breed sissy pussies who masturbate while playing world of warcraft at some random animated character..

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