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Iran to execute alleged 'CIA spy' involved in Soleimani's killing

জেনারেল সোলাইমানির গতিবিধির তথ্য সরবরাহকারীর ফাঁসি খুব শিগগিররই: ইরান

wrong picture. That is not him.
Maybe it won't, but it's the strongest deterrence to stop a person from treason. It increases the risk for people who want to accept money for espionage. What good money is if you are not alive to use it?
That can be a double edged sword. What if the person being accused is innocent but is being targeted due to some political grudge? After all these intelligence deals don't have hard evidence to support the execution but merely word of mouths and reports submitted by intelligence agents.
That can be a double edged sword. What if the person being accused is innocent but is being targeted due to some political grudge? After all these intelligence deals don't have hard evidence to support the execution but merely word of mouths and reports submitted by intelligence agents.
I would disagree with that. There are ways that iran can prove someone is a spy ot not. It's possible to gather evidence by looking at who that person deals with and finding the networks he uses to pass information to the external agencies. In the end, he did something and that's why he is being executed and it's not because someone just randomly called him a spy. The judiciary system isnt corrupt like president and his assistants in iran.
Imam shamil once said to the tsar I am glad that you put a high bounty on my head because i will not even put a single coin on your head and your entire empire

The same with America even if it’s burn and the entire US administration and military get killed that will not even equal the shoe of general soleimani
Iran to execute alleged 'CIA spy' involved in Soleimani's killing
Iran judiciary says Iranian citizen who provided information to CIA, Mossad about General Soleimani to be executed soon.

Iran has announced it will execute a man it says helped the US assassinate its top general, Qassem Soleimani.

A judiciary spokesman said an Iranian citizen provided information about Soleimani's whereabouts to the US’s CIA and Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

Soleimani was killed in a US drone strike in Iraq in January.
One more lie just to pacify the zealots citizens of Iran... Just like their 'missile attack' on US base ....Soleimani got killed on a foreign land which just like US had no authority to be in...It was like two burglers entering the same house and exchanging the fire ....
That can be a double edged sword. What if the person being accused is innocent but is being targeted due to some political grudge? After all these intelligence deals don't have hard evidence to support the execution but merely word of mouths and reports submitted by intelligence agents.
How do you know there is no hard evidence to support it?
How do you know there is no hard evidence to support it?
I don't know that for sure. But considering that there is no open trial but intelligence based trial, it doesn't appear to be having hard evidence. Moreover, how can Iran get information about this since it was an event in Iraq? How can all the links be traced?
I don't know that for sure. But considering that there is no open trial but intelligence based trial, it doesn't appear to be having hard evidence. Moreover, how can Iran get information about this since it was an event in Iraq? How can all the links be traced?
Actually, quite the opposite. Intelligence agencies monitor people for quite a long time before reaching a conclusion. They gather evidence on people for years. So, their evidence is even better documented than people getting a public trial.

The event happened in Iraq, it doesn't mean that the intelligence was sent to the Americans in Iraq. They have probably intercepted the communication line or arrested people that they knew could be responsible for this and then went through their possessions.
Actually, quite the opposite. Intelligence agencies monitor people for quite a long time before reaching a conclusion. They gather evidence on people for years. So, their evidence is even better documented than people getting a public trial.

The event happened in Iraq, it doesn't mean that the intelligence was sent to the Americans in Iraq. They have probably intercepted the communication line or arrested people that they knew could be responsible for this and then went through their possessions.
I am not saying that intelligence sources are not credible. I am only saying that since there is no hard evidence, there is a good chance of manipulation and political scores can be settled through these means.
I am not saying that intelligence sources are not credible. I am only saying that since there is no hard evidence, there is a good chance of manipulation and political scores can be settled through these means.
And I am saying that "there is no hard evidence" is your assumption without proof. I am sure they have good reasons and evidence for accusing someone of espionage months after Gen. Soleimani's death.
no , we most have targetted centcom terrorrists like USA 5th fleet command . without prior waring to people who would have informed them
you talking to people with iq comparable to a chimp.

It is important to think positional and not materialistic. Not emotional.

Iran lost material but maybe not position. I am not sure if the positional gain in Al-Assad was enough but there is a way to know:

Test your deterrence. You will send more tankers to Venezuelans and stuff like this. If they sabotage you or block you, then the response was not enough.

Like it or not, you cannot revenge Soleimani by killing a few people. So forget materialistic revenge:

- Killing Trump now would be a favor to Americans.
- Killing any general that can get fired by Trump next week is meaningless.

So test the deterrence again and again. If the test fails then super-escalate.
wrong wrong and hundred more times wrong again the fact that soleimani got killed like that just proves morre that the deterrence estabilshed by the regime until the 2nd januari 2020 was not enough apparantly they wouldnt kill the general of a nation with enough deterrence like north korea would they? the response was OK, i would say below average but not enough to deter repeating scenario. why should the US be afraid to kill that new qods commander now or what have they to lose ? abu nch of materials in a iraqi base easily replaceable ? what you need to grasp is the reality that the americans value their men and lifes more than anything. guess what forced them to leave iraq and soon afghanistan? endless wars and lives given for a empty cause. had the regime tried to kill general mckenzie or general milley the deterrence factor would have been multiplied much more. pay attention to the word i used -tried. even trying to target them would have as much as value as in killing them. what you and your budies need to understand is that with killing a few lowlife villager spies and fake shooting (warning given) you aint going to restore any deterrence.
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