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Iran to enrich uranium to up to 20% purity, UN nuclear watchdog says


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Source is Guardian. Long story short, Iran has every right to build nuclear deterrence especially after US imposed law of jungle on international relations.
Probably will be more since Biden will reinstate the nuclear deal.
JCPOA garbage doesn't exist anymore. USA is in Deep trouble inside, a divided society that struggles to survive.

Iran will freely make nuclear deterrence without giving a hoot about US whining.

In your dreams buddy. If Iran get's too close to going nuclear, you can expect the most horrific bombardment in human history
In your dreams buddy. If Iran get's too close to going nuclear, you can expect the most horrific bombardment in human history
Nuclear bombs are for deterrence. We can do the same, with the most precise missiles amongst our solid fueled ones. Its completely possible to bomb Washington precisely with ICBMs and that being said tactical ones. Light and hard to detect
Nuclear bombs are for deterrence. We can do the same, with the most precise missiles amongst our solid fueled ones. Its completely possible to bomb Washington precisely with ICBMs and that being said tactical ones. Light and hard to detect

Iran at the most can hit Asia (barring south east Asia after Myanmar) and east Africa upto Sudan with it's missiles..... not USA or even western Europe.... you don't have that much longer range missiles as of now....
Iran at the most can hit Asia (barring south east Asia after Myanmar) and east Africa upto Sudan with it's missiles..... not USA or even western Europe.... you don't have that much longer range missiles as of now....
If you say so, lmao
Biden has two options -diplomacy or war


a) Biden rejoins old JCPOA---which if fine for Iran

b) Biden imposes more sanctions trying to force Iran to renegoniate JCPOA---in this case Iran expels IAEA inspectors, installs thousands of IR-6 centrifuges, enrich uranium as much as it wants, tests Zuljanah ICBM and eventually develops nuclear weapon

IF in response to b) Iran boosts its nuclear program---then only solution left for Biden is military strike, however this is not a good option

US can destroy Natanz and Fordow, but they can't destroy acquired knowledge---Iran follows all international rules, but as a result of US aggression, Iran will withdraw from NPT and start a secret nuclear weapon program somewhere inside the mountains and without being accountable to international community. Without occupation of Iran's territory, US won't be able to stop Iran's secret WMD program

At the same time, Iran's response in the Straight of Hormuz and attack against regional oil infrastructure will be devastating for global economy and US economy in particular.

Before talking about US military strike, we should understand the current state of US economy

All monetary and fiscal instruments to revive US economy are already exhausted:

1) they can't lower Federal Reserve interest rate in order to stimulate US economy, because interest rates reached 0% and can't be lowered

2) they can't lower taxes to stimulate their economy, because taxes are already low

3) they can't start a massive stimulus program, because US debt is already 130% of GDP and further borrowings will raise interest rates in the economy and this will hurt recovery

In short, US economy is in a state of Great Depression and major oil shock due to war in the Persian Gulf is the last thing US needs

If Iran will close the Straight of Hormuz and attack regional oil infrastructure and oil price will go up to 150$ per barrel, already weak US economy will experience these negative economic consequences:

1) inflation---price of gasoline and petrochemicals will go up--- the more dollars Americans spend on gas, the less dollars they will spend on other goods which means recession

2) decline of exports----US exports 2,5 trl$ worth of goods to East Asia and Europe, and now there will be a massive crises in East Asia and Europe if Iran closes the Straight of Hormuz---so US exports to these regions will fall and this will exacerbate US recession

3) Stock market crash
---investors will realize that economy goes down and they will start mass sale of stocks which means US stock market will crash

^^ US economy is already in bad shape and massive oil shock is the last thing they need and this means that military option is OFF THE TABLE

As you can see, rejoining old JCPOA is the best option for USA

Iran was too patient during Trump years, --- massive boost of nuclear program in response to US withdrawal from JCPOA could have been the best response from Iran
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Does making a nuke generate so much fuss?????

Pak has been making nukes like hot cakes since 1980.....
time for the GCC to get some nukes

Pakistan , sell us some, you need the cash and we need the extra deterrent ;)
If you say so, lmao

You are getting me wrong.... Iran longest range missile if I'm not mistaken is shaheb 4 which is approximately 1500-2000 kms range.... with this in west max you can hit Istanbul or somewhere near Greece.... in south you can hit max Egypt or northern parts of North Sudan crossing saudi peninsula.... in east you can hit max western India..... isn't Shaheb 4 Iran's longest range missile? You can hit American bases in middle east but certainly not Washington or USA mainland....
You are getting me wrong.... Iran longest range missile if I'm not mistaken is shaheb 4 which is approximately 1500-2000 kms range.... with this in west max you can hit Istanbul or somewhere near Greece.... in south you can hit max Egypt or northern parts of North Sudan crossing saudi peninsula.... in east you can hit max western India..... isn't Shaheb 4 Iran's longest range missile? You can hit American bases in middle east but certainly not Washington or USA mainland....
Look, i tell you One thing that this pre-defined 2000 KM limita is for political reasons.

Iran's Soumar cruise missile can hit targets from almost 2500 KM away. Its a joke to think that Iran's ballistic range is less than its previously developed cruise missile. NK has received Iranian help in its solid fueled missile program and Iran has received theirs in case of its liquid fueled ones.

More importantly Irran can inject a 500 Kg Satellite into LEO the low Latitude orbitas. It can be anything else, Remember the monkey that was regained from LEO Orbit by Iranian Space Agency. It could be anything else landing on a chosen point on the ground. Remember the Salman engine which can correct the Path of sats in Orbit. Finally USA is free to taste some tactical ICBMs.
Does making a nuke generate so much fuss?????

Pak has been making nukes like hot cakes since 1980.....
Agreed. Sometimes it is better to shut the mouth and focus on becoming stronger and then carrying out your plans (China).
time for the GCC to get some nukes

Pakistan , sell us some, you need the cash and we need the extra deterrent ;)
lol go suck off USA, that will help you.
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