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Iran test flies Home-grown figter jet

the 4th gen will be the FC-1 (JF-17) that they'll acquire from China that's coming with ToT, and they have no engine problem as they're cool with Russia.
^^ If I were Uncle Sam, I won't be losing much sleep over that. Target practice.

But I guess this can be the next 'mig-21' with regard to export/sales value, if Iran plans to market it.

Cuba would buy it for sure .. ;)

I am wondering how much it would cost. The cheapest fourth generation fighter up until now is JF-17 Thunder of Pakistan and China, which will provide excellent coverage, support and requirements to many air forces around the world. Not any country so far can provide something like it with such a cheap price. The price of the aircraft will decrease further when production increases, and infrastructure is setup in many parts of the both countries.
the 4th gen will be the FC-1 (JF-17) that they'll acquire from China that's coming with ToT, and they have no engine problem as they're cool with Russia.

That's very interesting. Where did you read that? I'd like a link if you can. Does this mean Iranian FC-1 will have the RD-33 engine? That would be interesting - The Russians did not OK it for export from China to any other country.
I am assuming a lot here. Russia has good military relations with Iran - and they already have Mig-29s. So the engine deal wouldn't really be much of a biggie, as it is with Pakistan. Details of the FC-1 purchase by Iran are on globalsecurity which go back to 2003.

In July 2003 Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation (CAIC) unveiled the new ‘Super-7’ or Chao Qi fighter plane to the public. The new Super-7 is “an all-purpose light fighter, required to have all-weather operation capabilities, be capable of performing the dual tasks of dogfight and air-to-ground attack, and have the ability to launch medium-range missiles. Mass production of the fighter will not begin until two and a half years of research are completed. The plane is being produced to be sold abroad to developing nations. China already has received orders from Iran and some African countries.

Global Security
The aircraft looks more like an AJT (Advanced Jet Trainer) and by the looks of it, I'm sure it cannot carry a large payload. Basic bombs and probably Sidewinders? Double fin and modified intakes would make it more manouverable but thats about it since we do not know of the avionics package being used or even the weapons suite.
Well, we did'nt really excepted a f-16 or a f-22 out of a coutnry that has been sactioned to hell. Also agreed that adding another fin does'nt realy make it a new fither, but this shows that the iranians are planning something, something better then this.
This is really surprising news!! We all know it would not be as good as F-16/18/22 or even anything near it, but the good thing is that atleast they started to develop things indigenousely !! That's great !!
Congrats Brothers !!
Hmmm something's definitely changed. Although their choice in building planes for weird purposes still needs to be explained.

What good would this thunderbolt do against a US attack? It's for ground attack, and it won't ever get to take off.

Didn't they buy some other plane for ground attack too a month back?

They also launched their SLBM. My guess is, Iran is gearing up for something.
It looks like an upgrded version of F-5. can any one post its specifictions and price tag?
Iran Test Flies Remodeled Warplane: Reports
September 7th, 2006, 02:21

Iran has remodeled one of the warplanes in its fleet and successfully test flown the aircraft, state-run media reported on Sept. 6.

The reports did not specify which plane had been remodeled but pictures on state television of the re-designed plane indicated it was based on a U.S.-built F-5.

Iran still uses planes, such as the F-5, supplied by the United States to the government of the former shah of Iran, who was a close U.S. ally. Mohammad Reza Shah was toppled in the 1979 Islamic revolution, after which Washington severed ties with Iran.

The remodeled plane is called the Saeqeh, or Thunderbolt. Iran has a home-built missile in its arsenal with the same name.

Iran often says it has built new arms or upgraded weapons but rarely gives enough details for analysts to determine their capabilities. Although much of Iran’s weaponry is outmoded, analysts say Iran has become proficient at modifying such arms.

"For the first time, the Saeqeh fighter plane carried out a mission to bomb virtual enemy targets on Wednesday in northwest of Iran," Ataollah Salehi, commander-in-chief of Iran’s regular army, told the official IRNA news agency.

Television pictures on Sept. 6 showed the Saeqeh flying alongside an F-5. The main difference appeared to be that the Saeqeh had two tail fins as opposed to the single fin on the F-5.

In a separate report, Iran’s student news agency ISNA quoted Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar as saying Iran had designed a 2,000-pound guided bomb called Qased (Messenger), which would be tested in the next few days.

"By producing guided ammunition, the Islamic Republic of Iran has joined the limited number of countries who possess the technology of smart and guided weaponry," he said.

Iran has been staging land, sea and air war games since Aug. 19. Some of the maneuvers have taken place in the Gulf, a key oil shipping route, and analysts say Iran wants to show it could act, if pushed, over its nuclear stand-off with the West.
wat Iran has made is simply pieces of ****,at different iranain forum's they say it is better than jf-17 i dont know why they are so frustrated they have only upgraded f-5's with 2 tails or ............
brother, do not care about the unprofessional "iranian" forums handled by expatriates and exiles. The best asset Iran's defense has is its secrecy. when it comes to reverse engineering Iran is miles ahead of Pakistan. Remember they make their own Cobras, and they have their own state car which they export to other nations, made a million cars last years. They're proficient when it comes to manufacturing the basic stuff, but have nothing advanced. Iran has ordered JF-17s, which will be it's latest air defense, this is simply for ground defence, slowing down supply routes etc, to ensure ground invasion is impossible for the enemy.

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