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Iran tells allies in the Middle East to avoid provoking the US in the coming weeks

B-52 is the least deadly plane to any modern military.

i am not worried about the b52 as a war machine. what makes me think is that the military movement.
it's not also the b52 it's also the carriers sending out of the Persian Gulf.
if i am not wrong before the terror attack on Haj Qassem they did the same.
i am not worried about the b52 as a war machine. what makes me think is that the military movement.
it's not also the b52 it's also the carriers sending out of the Persian Gulf.
if i am not wrong before the terror attack on Haj Qassem they did the same.

If there was going to be an attack on Iran, there would be a lot more troops, equipment, air defense systems in place to protect their most vulnerable bases.

Carriers and B-52s are a few F-35s/F-22s are just for show. A joke quite frankly.
The message is nuclear ALCM, at least conventional ALCM.
I hope they do sumthing idiotic and make nostradamus's prediction true.

B-52 is the least deadly plane to any modern military.

The plane has an RCS of a god damn space ship. Who is that supposed to scare?

Iran could convert an AC-130 into a bomber plane too. But these types of planes are relics of the past. Good for terrorists and banana country invasions.
The B-52 is one of the most deadly planes. Would you have say the same when Russia has something like that similarly? Don't think so. B-52 launches 20 cruise missiles beyond the range of the SAMs, you can't do anything about it.
The message is nuclear ALCM, at least conventional ALCM.

Conventional ALCM is sufficient. Or an SSGN.
I hope they do sumthing idiotic and make nostradamus's prediction true.

Iran should use the opportunity and launch a preemptive strike. Thousands of Americans dead should be enough to push the U.S. out right?
The B-52 is one of the most deadly planes. Would you have say the same when Russia has something like that similarly? Don't think so. B-52 launches 20 cruise missiles beyond the range of the SAMs, you can't do anything about it.

Conventional ALCM is sufficient. Or an SSGN.

Iran should use the opportunity and launch a preemptive strike. Thousands of Americans dead should be enough to push the U.S. out right?

B-52 stationed in Qatar is in the range S-300 and Bavar battalion positioned on Iranian coastline. So yes it can be targeted. If it tries to come from Turkey then it will also be targeted by aerial assets. It’s use is limited. LRCMs can be fired by many platforms these days.

B-52 is a dinosaur good for the Taliban and even then it couldn’t defeat the Taliban. US is leaving Afghanistan.

Easy target, let alone if an F-14 gets airborne and releases a Fakkour missile, B-52 is toast. Literally Iran can see everytime it would take off. Why would US use B-52 for cruise missiles when it has destroyers already in the PG and Indian Ocean?

Both are just as vulnerable, but a destroyer/cruiser has a better chance of survival then a B-52.

Don’t come talk to me about fairytales. B-52 is as vulnerable as they come. Any Cold War era bomber is wether it’s Russian, Chinese, American. They are dinosaurs in a new world.
B-52 stationed in Qatar is in the range S-300 and Bavar battalion positioned on Iranian coastline. So yes it can be targeted. If it tries to come from Turkey then it will also be targeted by aerial assets. It’s use is limited. LRCMs can be fired by many platforms these days.

B-52 is a dinosaur good for the Taliban and even then it couldn’t defeat the Taliban. US is leaving Afghanistan.

Easy target, let alone if an F-14 gets airborne and releases a Fakkour missile, B-52 is toast. Literally Iran can see everytime it would take off. Why would US use B-52 for cruise missiles when it has destroyers already in the PG and Indian Ocean?

Both are just as vulnerable, but a destroyer/cruiser has a better chance of survival then a B-52.

Don’t come talk to me about fairytales. B-52 is as vulnerable as they come. Any Cold War era bomber is wether it’s Russian, Chinese, American. They are dinosaurs in a new world.
LOL! B-52s can be stationed anywhere, don't even have to be only in Qatar. They can be launched from the UK, even from the continental U.S. when refueled. You cannot chase after a B-52 launched from thousands of km away. And it would have escorts. B-52s can launch missiles from any direction and gives more options besides launching from ships.
LOL! B-52s can be stationed anywhere, don't even have to be only in Qatar. They can be launched from the UK, even from the continental U.S. when refueled. You cannot chase after a B-52 launched from thousands of km away. And it would have escorts. B-52s can launch missiles from any direction and gives more options besides launching from ships.

The topic (and my comment) was what usefulness does B-52 have being stationed in Qatar and I said it’s largely show because at that close range it’s a highly vulnerable target. Now you shifted the argument to it being able told fly from UK or US.

Who cares about that? Cruise missiles are expected in any war scenario wether it’s from B-2, B-1, B-52, F-22, Destroyers, land based, etc. B-52 adds nothing new to the defense calculus of Iranian war planners.

Not to mention cruise missiles are slow and vulnerable and damage rather limited as we saw in Syrian air strikes. Against Iranian nuclear installations that are hardened underneath bedrock and reinforced concrete they are useless. Against mountain installations they are a non starter.

If US wants to use tatical nukes and open that Pandora’s box for Russia and China. Then it will be biggest strategic blunder the Empire will ever make. Once the nuclear genie comes out of the bottle it’s over. They managed in WW2 to keep a lid on it because no other power was a nuclear power and man played by different rules. Using nukes in this day and age is open season on a future nuclear war.
The topic (and my comment) was what usefulness does B-52 have being stationed in Qatar and I said it’s largely show because at that close range it’s a highly vulnerable target. Now you shifted the argument to it being able told fly from UK or US.

B-52s can fly from anywhere. So doesn't matter if its at Qatar. Hence why I said that its vulnerable close, but it can fly from afar as well if they wanted to.
Who cares about that? Cruise missiles are expected in any war scenario wether it’s from B-2, B-1, B-52, F-22, Destroyers, land based, etc. B-52 adds nothing new to the defense calculus of Iranian war planners.

Actually it does add something new. Remember that B-52s can fly overland, something ships cannot. Even submarines are limited to the water. They cannot launch from everywhere.

Not to mention cruise missiles are slow and vulnerable and damage rather limited as we saw in Syrian air strikes. Against Iranian nuclear installations that are hardened underneath bedrock and reinforced concrete they are useless. Against mountain installations they are a non starter.

Cruise missiles are very effective since they can hide below radar and are stealthy with small RCS. You know that for a fact. Even pointed that out in Saudi Arabia attack with pride by Iran. You be surprised how effective and accurate they can penetrate hardened bunkers these days.

If US wants to use tatical nukes and open that Pandora’s box for Russia and China. Then it will be biggest strategic blunder the Empire will ever make. Once the nuclear genie comes out of the bottle it’s over. They managed in WW2 to keep a lid on it because no other power was a nuclear power and man played by different rules. Using nukes in this day and age is open season on a future nuclear war.
Don't need to use tactical nukes. It be a Pandora's box for Iran if it uses nukes.
The B-52 is one of the most deadly planes. Would you have say the same when Russia has something like that similarly? Don't think so. B-52 launches 20 cruise missiles beyond the range of the SAMs, you can't do anything about it.

Conventional ALCM is sufficient. Or an SSGN.

Iran should use the opportunity and launch a preemptive strike. Thousands of Americans dead should be enough to push the U.S. out right?

I think the point was that parking them next to the Iranian border is extraordinarily stupid, unless it is meant to reassure the arab allies in the region. Imagine trying to climb from 0 to 50,000 feet in Qatari airspace.

If the US would ever be using them against Iran, they'd be flying from mainland USA along with B-2's and B-1B's towards Iran.
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Interesting video i found talking about Taiwanese defense against china. while there is some western propaganda in there (namely blaming china for every dispute including trumps trade war) the portion from 17:28 on is really interesting.

Taiwan vs. China situations has some similiarities to the US vs. Iran situation.

Taiwan has invested alot of money buying up expensive american miltiary equipment, yet many expert american analysts are still screaming for taiwan to follow Irans exact model .. from 17:28 he is describing exactly what Iranian strategists have planned for the US

instead of these expensive gadgets that can easily be taken out by China and are worthless, Use your own countries unique geography and resources to make yourself un-ininvadable.

with heavy emphasis on mass recruitment of civilians in the millions, all out assymetric warfare, drones, mobile weaponry (atgms), and small boats that make any chinese (american) invasion (attack) so costly, that they would never even consider it.

looks like the american strategists have finally caught on to the nightmare IRan has created for them.
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I think the point was that parking them next to the Iranian border is extraordinarily stupid, unless it is meant to reassure the arab allies in the region. Imagine trying to climb from 0 to 50,000 feet in Qatari airspace.

If the US would ever be using them against Iran, they'd be flying from mainland USA along with B-2's and B-1B's towards Iran.
Just like the recent news where the B-52 just flew from mainland to the ME. So it doesn't really matter whether close or far. Same thing having bombers in the Pacific Ocean which is within reach of China's ballistic missiles, but thats not going to deter the U.S. You even saw Iran posting pics of the fighter jets being separated far apart on the tarmac, meaning to force Iran having to fire more missiles.
Interesting video i found talking about Taiwanese defense against china. while there is some western propaganda in there (namely blaming china for every dispute including trumps trade war) the portion from 17:28 on is really interesting.

Taiwan vs. China situations has some similiarities to the US vs. Iran situation.

Taiwan has invested alot of money buying up expensive american miltiary equipment, yet many expert american analysts are still screaming for taiwan to follow Irans exact model .. from 17:28 he is describing exactly what Iranian strategists have planned for the US

instead of these expensive gadgets that can easily be taken out by China and are worthless, Use your own countries unique geography and resources to make yourself un-ininvadable.

with heavy emphasis on mass recruitment of civilians in the millions, all out assymetric warfare, drones, mobile weaponry (atgms), and small boats that make any chinese (american) invasion (attack) so costly, that they would never even consider it.

looks like the american strategists have finally caught on to the nightmare IRan has created for them.
I came across that some time ago in a written article online and was utterly shocked by it because they were even using the phrase asymmetric warfare quite extensively and everything was exactly like IRGCN tactics, minus the name and credit given. The article might have been posted in this forum, but it was quite some time and don't which thread.
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